Capítulo X: Introducción

Capítulo X: Introducción

Capítulo X: Introducción


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Apédice I: Modelo Ópticoon Graphics Hardware, pp. 916, California-USA, 2001.[ESP05][FAN96][FAR01][FOL90]Espinha Rodrigo y Celes Waldemar. “High-Quality Hardware-Based Ray-Casting Volume Rendering Using Partial Pre-Integration”. En Proc. XVIII Brazilian Symposium onComputer Graphics and Image Processing (SIBGRAPI’05),pp. 273280, Natal-Brasil, 2005.Fang Shiaofen, Huang Su, Srinivasan Rajagopalan yRaghavan Raghu. “Deformable Volume Rendering by 3DTexture Mapping and Octree Encoding”. En Proc.Visualization '96, Vol. 27, pp. 7380, 469; 1996.Farias Ricardo y Silva Claudio. “Out-Of-Core Rendering ofLarge, Unstructured Grids”. IEEE Computer Graphics andApplications, Vol. 31 – No. 4, pp. 4450, 2001.Foley James, van Dam Andries, Feiner Seteven y HughesJohn. “Computer Graphics: Principles and Practice”. Addison-Wesley, 2da. edición, 1990.[FUN93] Funkhouser T. A. y Sequin C. H. “Adaptive Display Algorithmfor Interactive Frame Rates During Visualization of ComplexVirtual Environments”. En Proc. ACM SIGGRAPH '93, pp.247-254, 1993.[GAO05] Gao Jinzhu, Wang Chaoli y Shen Han-Wei. “A ParallelMultiresolution Volume Rendering Algorithm for Large DataVisualization”. Parallel Computing, Vol. 31 – No. 2, pp.185204, 2005.[GOB08][GON92][GRZ98]Gobbetti E., Marton F. e Iglesias J. A. “A single-pass GPU raycasting framework for interactive out-of-core rendering ofmassive volumetric datasets”. The Visual Computer, Vol. 24,pp. 797806, 2008.González R. y Woods R. “Digital Image Processing”. Addison-Wesley, 2da. Edición, ISBN:0201508036, 1992.Grzeszczuk R., Henn C. y Yagel R. “Advanced GeometricTechniques for Ray Casting Volumes”. ACM Siggraph '98,notas de curso, Julio 1998.-138-

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