Eric Wajnberg

Eric Wajnberg

Eric Wajnberg


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Ulisses Silva da Cunha, Sebastião do Amaral Machado, et al. Diameter structureand phytosociological frequency of a “terra firme” amazon forest, before and afterselective cutting (Pag. 293-304)Luiz Fernando de Moura, José Otávio Brito, Geraldo Bortoletto Júnior. Efeitos datermorretificação na perda de massa e propriedades mecânicas de Eucalyptusgrandis e Pinus caribaea var. Hondurensis (Pag. 305-314)Eficiência de tratamentos silviculturais por anelamento na floresta do Jari, AmapáCelso Paulo de Azevedo, José Natalino Macedo Silva, et al. (Pag. 315-324)Marina Moura de Souza, Dimas Agostinho Silva, et al. Estimativa de podercalorífico e caracterização para uso energético de resíduos da colheita e doprocessamento de Pinus taeda (Pag. 325-334)Eduardo Luiz Longui, Israel Luiz de Lima, et al. Estrutura do lenho dePlathymenia reticulata e algumas implicações na eficiência hidráulica e resistênciamecânica (Pag. 335-346)Ângela Simone Freitag, Felipe Uassurê Nery, et al. Estudo comparativo entre doismeios de cultura para Corymbia citriodora in vitro (Pag. 347-354)Franklin Galvão, Cátia Regina Augustin, et al. Impacto de Guadua paraguayanasobre remanescente de floresta ombrófila mista aluvial – uma abordagembiogeoquímica (Pag. 355-368)Martha Andreia Brand, José Otávio Brito, et al. Influência da época de estocagemna qualidade da biomassa florestal para a geração de energia (Pag. 369-380)Fernando da Silva. Modelagem pré-colheita da estrutura diamétrica de plantios dePinus spp. por meio de distribuições probabilísticas (Pag. 381-390)Alexandre França Tetto, Antonio Carlos Batista, Ronaldo Viana Soare. Ocorrênciade incêndios florestais no estado do paraná, no período de 2005 a 2010 (Pag.391-398)Álisson Sobrinho Maranho, Ary Vieira de Paiva. Produção de mudas dePhysocalymma scaberrimum em substratos compostos por diferentesporcentagens de resíduo orgânico de açaí (Pag. 399-408)Alberto António Manhiça, Márcio Pereira da Rocha, Romano Timofeiczyk Júnior.Rendimento no desdobro de Pinus sp. utilizando modelos de corte numa serrariade pequeno porte (Pag. 409-420)Raquel Fernandes de Araujo, Eraldo Aparecido Trondoli Matricardi, Mauro EloiNappo Zoneamento ecológico de pequena escala para espécies florestaistradicionais no distrito federal (Pag. 421-430)INICIOJOURNAL OF NEMATOLOGY Vol. 44(2). 2012CommentaryJohn M. Webster. The Society of Nematologists at 50, and Where to from Here?(Pag. 107-114)Howard Ferris, Bryan S. Griffiths, Dorota L. Porazinska, et al. Reflections on Plantand Soil Nematode Ecology: Past, Present and Future (Pag. 115-126)

Lijuan Xing, Andreas Westphal. Predicting Damage of Meloidogyne incognita onWatermelon (Pag. 127-133)Yongsan Zeng, Weimin Ye, et al. Description of Hemicaloosia graminis n. sp.(Nematoda: Caloosiidae) Associated with Turfgrasses in North and SouthCarolina, USA (Pag. 134-141)Nancy Kokalis-Burelle, Erin N. Rosskopf. Susceptibility of Several CommonSubtropical Weeds to Meloidogyne arenaria, M. incognita, and M. javanica (Pag.142-147)J. D. Eisenback, D. J. Dodge. Description of a Unique, Complex Feeding SocketCaused by the Putative Primitive Root-Knot Nematode, Meloidogyne kikuyensis(Pag. 148-152)G. O. Poinar Jr., P. S. Grewal. History of Entomopathogenic Nematology (Pag.153-161)Raquel Campos-Herrera, Mary Barbercheck, et al. Entomopathogenic Nematodesas a Model System for Advancing the Frontiers of Ecology (Pag. 162-176)Christine T. Griffin. Perspectives on the Behavior of EntomopathogenicNematodes from Dispersal to Reproduction: Traits Contributing to NematodeFitness and Biocontrol Efficacy (Pag. 177-184)Roland N. Perry, Ralf-Udo Ehlers, Itamar Glazer. A Realistic Appraisal of Methodsto Enhance Desiccation Tolerance of Entomopathogenic Nematodes (Pag. 185-190)Adler R. Dillman, Ali Mortazavi, Paul W. Sternberg. Incorporating Genomics intothe Toolkit of Nematology (Pag. 191-205)David I. Shapiro-Ilan, Richou Han,Claudia Dolinksi. Entomopathogenic NematodeProduction and Application Technology (Pag. 206-217)Lawrence A. Lacey, Ramon Georgis. Entomopathogenic Nematodes for Controlof Insect Pests Above and Below Ground with Comments on CommercialProduction (Pag. 218-225)C. Dolinski, H. Y. Choo, L. W. Duncan. Grower Acceptance of EntomopathogenicNematodes: Case Studies on Three Continents (Pag. 226-235)INICIOPHYTOPATHOLOGY Vol. 102(8). 2012Francis J. Ferrandino. Time Scales of Inoculum Production and the Dynamics ofthe Epidemic (Pag. 728-732)C. A. N'Guessan, K. Abo, L. Fondio, et al. So Near and Yet so Far: The SpecificCase of Ralstonia solanacearum Populations from Côte d'Ivoire in Africa (Pag.733-740)Yuriko Izumi, Eri Kamei, et al. Role of the Pathotype-Specific ACRTS1 GeneEncoding a Hydroxylase Involved in the Biosynthesis of Host-Selective ACR-Toxinin the Rough Lemon Pathotype of Alternaria alternata (Pag. 741-748)

N. A. Ward, C. L. Robertson, A. K. Chanda, and R. W. Schneider. Effects ofSimplicillium lanosoniveum on Phakopsora pachyrhizi, the Soybean RustPathogen, and Its Use as a Biological Control Agent (Pag. 749-760)M. R. Bonde, S. E. Nester, and D. K. Berner. Effects of Daily Temperature Highson Development of Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Soybean (Pag. 761-768)D. Shtienberg. Effects of Host Physiology on the Development of Core Rot,Caused by Alternaria alternata, in Red Delicious Apples (Pag. 769-778)Yue Wang, Dan Wang, et al. Molecular Mapping of the Blast Resistance GenesPi2-1 and Pi51(t) in the Durably Resistant Rice ‘Tianjingyeshengdao’ (Pag. 779-786)Santiago X. Mideros, Gary L. Windham, et al. Tissue-Specific Components ofResistance to Aspergillus Ear Rot of Maize (Pag. 787-793)Heather M. Young, Sheeja George, et al. Effect of Solar Radiation on Severity ofSoybean Rust (Pag. 794-803)Zhen Fu, Paula Agudelo, and Christina E. Wells. Differential Expression of a β-1,4-Endoglucanase Induced by Diet Change in the Foliar Nematode Aphelenchoidesfragariae (Pag. 804-811)INICIOREVISTA DE BIOLOGÍA TROPICAL Vol. 59(4). 2011Johanna Hurtado & David B. Clark. Local technicians in long-term researchprojects: evaluation of 25 years experience in an active tropical research station(Pag. 1455-1462)Sergio I. Salazar-Vallejo, Luis F. Carrera-Parra & J. Angel de León-González.Giant Eunicid Polychaetes (Annelida) in shallow tropical and temperate seas (Pag.1463-1474)Anja Schulze. The Bobbit worm dilemma: a case for DNA (Pag. 1475-1477)María del Mar Gamboa, Silvia Mau & Evelyn Rodríguez. Caracterización moleculary resistencia antimicrobiana de aislamientos de Clostridium perfringens dediferentes orígenes en Costa Rica (Pag. 1479-1485)Héctor Nava & M. Teresa Ramírez-Herrera. Government conservation policies onMexican coastal areas: is a "top-down" management working? (Pag. 1487-1501)Miguel Guevara, Leandro Bastardo, et al. Pastas de Rhodomonas salina(Cryptophyta) como alimento para Brachionus plicatilis (Rotifera) (Pag. 1503-1515)Cristian Fonseca Rodríguez, Carolina Marín-Vindas, et al. Variación estacional dela composición proximal del mejillón Tagelus peruvianus (Bivalvia: Solecurtidae)del Golfo de Nicoya, Puntarenas, Costa Rica (Pag. 1517-1523)Jesylén Castillo, Nora Eslava & Leo Walter González. Crecimiento del cangrejoCallinectes danae (Decapoda: Portunidae) de la Isla de Margarita, Venezuela(Pag. 1525-1535)

Javier Rodríguez-Barrios, Rodulfo Ospina-Tórres & Rodrigo Turizo-Correa. Gruposfuncionales alimentarios de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en el río Gaira,Colombia (Pag. 1537-1552)IInês C. Gonçalves, Elidiomar R. Da-Silva & Jorge L. Nessimian. Oligoneuriamacabaiba sp. nov. (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) from Brazil (Pag. 1553-1557)José Antonio Gómez-Anaya, Rodolfo Novelo-Gutiérrez & William Bruce Campbell.Diversity and distribution of Odonata (Insecta) larvae along an altitudinal gradientin Coalcomán mountains, Michoacán, Mexico (Pag. 1559-1577)Christian Bardi, Yanina Mariottini, Maria L. De Wysiecki & Carlos E. Lange.Desarrollo post-embrionario, fecundidad y consumo de alimento de Dichroplusexilis (Orthoptera: Acrididae) bajo condiciones controladas (Pag. 1579-1587)Walter Santos de Araújo, Genimar Rebouças Julião, et al. Diversity of gallinginsects in Styrax pohlii (Styracaceae): edge effect and use as bioindicators (Pag.1589-1597)Walter S. Araújo. Size, age and composition: characteristics of plant taxa asdiversity predictors of gall-midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) (Pag. 1599-1607)Cipriano García, Lourdes García, Leticia Espinosa-Carreón T. & César Ley. P.Abundancia y distribución de Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) y dispersión deldengue en Guasave Sinaloa, México (Pag. 1609-1619)Andrés Herrera & Angélica Penteado-Dias. Five new species of the genusSphelodon (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) from Brazil with a key to theNeotropical species (Pag. 1621-1635)Francyregis A. Nunes, Glauco B. Martins Segundo, et al. Ground-foraging ants(Hymenoptera: Formicidae) and rainfall effect on pitfall trapping in a deciduousthorn woodland (Caatinga), Northeastern Brazil (Pag. 1637-1650)INICIOAndrea Armendano & Alda González. Efecto de las arañas (Arachnida: Araneae)como depredadoras de insectos plaga en cultivos de alfalfa (Medicago sativa)(Fabaceae) en Argentina (Pag. 1651-1662)Carlos Alberto S. de Lucena. A new fish species of Roeboides from Panamá(Characiformes: Characidae) (Pag. 1663-1667)Dinora Acosta Zamorano, Gorgonio Ruiz Campos, et al. Seasonal diet compositionof Fundulus lima (Cyprinodontiformes: Fundulidae) in two oasis systems of BajaCalifornia Sur, Mexico (Pag. 1669-1678)Alex Molina Arias. Larval development of Hypsophrys nicaraguensis (Pisces:Cichlidae) under laboratory conditions (Pag. 1679-1684)Theodore Quarcoopome, Francis Amevenku & Patrick Ofori-Danson. Changes inthe fish community of the Kpong Headpond, lower Volta River, Ghana after 25years of impoundment (Pag. 1685-1696)Carla Ferreira Rezende, Rosana Mazzoni, et al. Prey selection by two benthic fishspecies in a Mato Grosso stream, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (Pag. 1697-1706)

Okechukwu Idumah Okogwu. Age, growth and mortality of Clarias gariepinus(Siluriformes: Clariidae) in the Mid-Cross River-Floodplain ecosystem, Nigeria(Pag. 1707-1716)Pedro Eslava Eljaiek & Roy Díaz Vesga. Reproducción de Joturus pichardi yAgonostomus monticola (Mugiliformes: Mugilidae) en ríos de la Sierra Nevada deSanta Marta, Colombia (Pag. 1717-1728)María Isabel Castro-González & Fernando Pérez-Gil Romo. Composición químicadel huevo de Tortuga Golfina Lepidochelys olivacea (Testudines: Cheloniidae) y supotencial como recurso alimenticio (Pag. 1729-1742)Oscar Ramirez, Christopher Vaughan, Geovanny Herrera & Raymond Guries.Temporal and spatial resource use by female three-toed sloths and their young inan agricultural landscape in Costa Rica (Pag. 1743-1755)Mariana Delgado-Jaramillo, Marjorie Machado, Franger J. García & José Ochoa.Murciélagos (Chiroptera: Mammalia) del Parque Nacional Yurubí, Venezuela:listado taxonómico y estudio comunitario (Pag. 1557-1776)Adriana Maldonado-Chaparro, Luz Mery Bernal-Parra, et al. Estructura genéticade un grupo de capibaras, Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris (Rodentia: Hydrocheridae)en los Llanos orientales colombianos (Pag. 1777-1793)Adriana Guzmán & Pablo R. Stevenson. A new hypothesis for the importance ofseed dispersal in time (Pag. 1795-1803)Alfredo García-González & Rolando Pérez Márquez. La comunidad orquideológicaen la Reserva de la Biosfera Sierra del Rosario, Cuba (Pag. 1805-1812)Jorge Andrés Giraldo Jiménez & Jorge Ignacio del Valle Arango. Estudio delcrecimiento de Prioria copaifera (Caesalpinaceae) mediante técnicasdendrocronológicas (Pag. 1813-1831)María del Carmen Lavalle, Adriana Mengascini & Mónica Rodríguez. Morfología deesporas y sinangios en especies neotropicales del helecho Marattia (Marattiaceae)(Pag. 1833-1844)Edgar Javier Rincón Barón, Helkin Giovani Forero Ballesteros, et al. Ontogenia delos estróbilos, desarrollo de los esporangios y esporogénesis de Equisetumgiganteum (Equisetaceae) en los Andes de Colombia (Pag. 1845-1858)INICIOMaykel Pérez Machín, Mario L. Sueiro, et al. Uso tradicional de plantasmedicinales con acción diurética en el Municipio de Quemado de Güines, Cuba(Pag. 1859-1867)Maurício Bergamini Scheer, Gustavo Gatti & Celina Wisniewski. Nutrient fluxes inlitterfall of a secondary successional alluvial rain forest in Southern Brazil (Pag.1869-1882)Juan Diego León, María Isabel González & Juan Fernando Gallardo. Ciclosbiogeoquímicos en bosques naturales y plantaciones de coníferas en ecosistemasde alta montaña de Colombia (Pag. 1883-1894)

Leonardo Maltchik, Ana Silvia Rolon, et al. Can rice field channels contribute tobiodiversity conservation in Southern Brazilian wetlands? (Pag. 1895-1914)Clesnan Mendes-Rodrigues, Paulo Eugênio Oliveira & Marli Aparecida Ranal. Seedgermination and seedling growth of two Pseudobombax species (Malvaceae) withcontrasting habitats from Brazilian Cerrado (Pag. 1915-1925)Kátia Emidio da Silva, Sebastião Venancio Martins, et al. Floristic composition andsimilarity of 15 hectares in Central Amazon, Brazil (Pag. 1927-1938)Marina Wolowski & Leandro Freitas. Reproduction, pollination and seed predationof Senna multijuga (Fabaceae) in two protected areas in the Brazilian Atlanticforest (Pag. 1939-1948)INICIOSOIL SCIENCE SOCIETY OF AMERICA JOURNAL Vol. 76(4). 2012John J. Sloan, Peter A. Y. Ampim, et al. Addressing the Need for Soil Blends andAmendments for the Highly Modified Urban Landscape (Pag. 1133-1141)Esben W. Bruun, Carsten Petersen, et al. Nitrogen and Carbon Leaching inRepacked Sandy Soil with Added Fine Particulate Biochar (Pag. 1142-1148)Davood Namdar-Khojasteh, Mahdi Shorafa and Ahmad Heidari. Estimating SoilWater Content from Permittivity for Different Mineralogies and Bulk Densities(Pag. 1149-1158)W. Wang, A. N. Kravchenko, et al. Intra-aggregate Pore Characteristics: X-rayComputed Microtomography Analysis (Pag. 1159-1171)N. Gharahi Ghehi, A. Nemes, et al. Nonparametric Techniques for Predicting SoilBulk Density of Tropical Rainforest Topsoils in Rwanda (Pag. 1172-1183)C. L. Cheng, M. Kang, et al. Average Soil Water Retention Curves Measured byNeutron Radiography (Pag. 1184-1191)Sajyro Kossi Nouwakpo and Chi-hua Huang. A Fluidized Bed Technique forEstimating Soil Critical Shear Stress (Pag. 1192-1196)Sayjro Kossi Nouwakpo and Chi-hua Huang. The Role of Subsurface Hydrology inSoil Erosion and Channel Network Development on a Laboratory Hillslope (Pag.1197-1211)Vandana Subroy, Daniel Giménez, Daniel Hirmas and Paul Takhistov. OnDetermining Soil Aggregate Bulk Density by Displacement in Two ImmiscibleLiquids (Pag. 1212-1216)Ryan D. Stewart, Majdi R. Abou Najm, David E. Rupp and John S. Selker. AnImage-Based Method for Determining Bulk Density and the Soil Shrinkage Curve(Pag. 1217-1221)Emanuela Bianchi Janetti, Ishai Dror, et al. Estimation of Single-Metal andCompetitive Sorption Isotherms through Maximum Likelihood and Model QualityCriteria (Pag. 1229-1245)

Cuiping Wang, Brian J. Teppen, Stephen A. Boyd and Hui Li. Sorption ofLincomycin at Low Concentrations from Water by Soils (Pag. 1222-1228)Claudio Colombo, Giuseppe Palumbo, et al. Characteristics of Insoluble, HighMolecular Weight Iron-Humic Substances used as Plant Iron Sources (Pag. 1246-1256)Catherine E. Stewart, Ronald F. Follett, et al. Impact of Biosolids and Tillage onSoil Organic Matter Fractions: Implications of Carbon Saturation for ConservationManagement in the Virginia Coastal Plain (Pag. 1257-1267)C. F. Drury, W. D. Reynolds, et al. Nitrogen Source, Application Time, and TillageEffects on Soil Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Corn Grain Yields (Pag. 1268-1279)X. D. Wu, L. Zhao, H.B. Fang, et al. Soil Enzyme Activities in Permafrost Regionsof the Western Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau (Pag. 1280-1289)INICIOLeif Nett, Silke Ruppel, et al. Influence of Soil Amendment History onDecomposition of Recently Applied Organic Amendments (Pag. 1290-1300)T.M. McBeath, M.J. McLaughlin, J.K. Kirby and R.D. Armstrong. Dry Soil ReducesFertilizer Phosphorus and Zinc Diffusion but Not Bioavailability (Pag. 1301-1310)A. M. Liesch, D. A. Ruiz Diaz, D. B. Mengel and K. L. Roozeboom. InterpretingRelationships between Soil Variables and Soybean Iron Deficiency using FactorAnalysis (Pag. 1311-1318)C. Castillo, R. Pérez, et al. Comparing the Accuracy of Several Field Methods forMeasuring Gully Erosion (Pag. 1319-1332)Steve Thomas, Hayley Waterland, et al. Nitrous Oxide Dynamics in a Deep Soil-Alluvial Gravel Vadose Zone Following Nitrate Leaching (Pag. 1333-1346)Jane M.F. Johnson, Sharon L. Weyers, et al. Nitrous Oxide, Methane Emission,and Yield-Scaled Emission from Organically and Conventionally Managed Systems(Pag. 1347-1357)M. Lado, A. Bar-Tal, et al. Changes in Chemical Properties of Semiarid Soils underLong-Term Secondary Treated Wastewater Irrigation (Pag. 1358-1369)R. L. Baumhardt, G. L. Johnson and R. C. Schwartz. Residue and Long-TermTillage and Crop Rotation Effects on Simulated Rain Infiltration and SedimentTransport (Pag. 1370-1378)Xiao-Lin Sun, Sheng-Chun Wu, et al. Uncertainty Analysis for the Evaluation ofAgricultural Soil Quality Based on Digital Soil Maps (Pag. 1379-1389)Amber L. Hammerbeck, Sarah J. Stetson, et al. Corn Residue Removal Impact onSoil Aggregates in a No-Till Corn/Soybean Rotation (Pag. 1390-1398)Sarah J. Stetson, Shannon L. Osborne, et al. Corn Residue Removal Impact onTopsoil Organic Carbon in a Corn–Soybean Rotation (Pag. 1399-1406)Gregory B. Lawrence, Walter C. Shortle, et al. Early Indications of Soil Recoveryfrom Acidic Deposition in U.S. Red Spruce Forests (Pag. 1407-1417)

Martin Jurgensen, Rachel Tarpey, et al. Long-term Effect of Silvicultural Thinningson Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Pools (Pag. 1418-1425)Noémie Goutal, Pascal Boivin and Jacques Ranger. Assessment of the NaturalRecovery Rate of Soil Specific Volume following Forest Soil Compaction (Pag.1426-1435)Timothy I. McLaren, Christopher N. Guppy, et al. Rapid, Nondestructive TotalElemental Analysis of Vertisol Soils using Portable X-ray Fluorescence (Pag. 1436-1445)Timothy I. McLaren, Christopher N. Guppy and Matthew K. Tighe. A Rapid andNondestructive Plant Nutrient Analysis using Portable X-Ray Fluorescence (Pag.1446-1453)Mervin St. Luce, Noura Ziadi, et al. Near Infrared Reflectance SpectroscopyPrediction of Soil Nitrogen Supply in Humid Temperate Regions of Canada (Pag.1454-1461)Michael A. Wilson, Allyson V. Young, et al. Geochemistry of Alluvial SoilsComposed of Metal-Enriched Sediments, Main Stem of the Coeur d'Alene River,Idaho (Pag. 1462-1477)M. C. Rabenhorst and M. H. Stolt. Field Estimations of Soil Organic Carbon (Pag.1478-1481)Katherine Ballantine, Rebecca Schneider, Peter Groffman and Johannes Lehmann.Soil Properties and Vegetative Development in Four Restored FreshwaterDepressional Wetlands (Pag. 1482-1495)Alexander W. Cheesman, Benjamin L. Turner and K. Ramesh Reddy. SoilPhosphorus Forms along a Strong Nutrient Gradient in a Tropical OmbrotrophicWetland (Pag. 1496-1506)INICIO

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