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385Helps to the Study of the Bible. 2da. ed. New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1931.Hinckley, Bryant S. Sermons and Missionary Services ofMelvin Joseph Ballard. Salt Lake City: Deseret BookCo. , 1949.The Interpreter's Bible. 12 tomos. New York: AbingdonPress, 1952-57.The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible. 4 tomos. Nashville:Abingdon Press, 1962.Josephus, Flavius, The Life and Works of Flavius JosephusoTraducido por William Whiston. Filadelfia:John C. Winston CO. , S. f.Journal of Discourses. 26 tomos. Londres: Latter-daySaints' Book Depot, 1854-86.Keil, C. F. , Y Delitzsch, F. Commentary on the Old Testament.10 libros. Grand Rapids: William B. EerdmansPublishing CO. , S. f.Kimball, Spencer W. Be Ye Clean. Brigham YoungUniversity Speeches of the Year. Provo, 4 de mayode 1954.---o La fe precede al milagro. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook CO. , 1983.---o Integrity. Brigham Young University Speechesof the Year. Provo, 24 de febrero de 1964.Love Versus Lust. Brigham Young UniversitySpeeches of the Year. Provo, 5 de enero de 1965.---oEl milagro del perdón. La Iglesia de Jesucristode los Santos de los Ultimos Días, 1976.---oLundwall, N. B. , comp. Inspired Prophetic Warnings toAll Inhabitants of the Earth, 6ta. ed. Salt Lake City:Publishers Press, S. f.Martin, Alfred. Isaiah: "The Salvation of Jehovah". Chicago:Moody Press, 1956.Maxwell, Neal A. Freedom: A "Hard Doctrine". BrighamYoung University Speeches of the Year. Provo,12 de abril de 1972.--o Things As They Really Are. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook CO. , 1978.McConkie, Bruce R. Doctrinal New Testament Commentary,3 tomos. Bookcraft, 1965-73.---oMormon Doctrine, 2da. ed .. Salt Lake City:Bookcraft, 1966.---o The Promised Messiah. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook CO. , 1978.McKay, David O. Gospel Ideals. 2da. impresión. SaltLake City: Improvement Era, 1954.---oMan May Know for Himself. Recopilado porCIare Middlemiss. Salt Lake City: Deseret BookCO. , 1967.Menzies, Allen. History of Re/igion. New York: CharlesScribner's Sons, 1903, págs. 73-74. Citado en "TheInfluence of Canaanite Baalism on Israel", porReed C. Durham, hijo. Mimeografía, n. p. , S. f.Meservy, Keith H. "Job: 'Yet Will 1 Trust in Him'. "En Sidney B. Sperry Symposium. Provo: BrighamYoung University, 1978.Miller, Madeleine S. , y Miller, J. Lane. Harper's BibleDictionary. New York: Harper y Row, 1973.Mould, Elmer W. K. Essentials of Bible History. NewYork: The Ronald Press, 1951.Nibley, Hugh. Lehi in the Desert and the World of the Jaredites.Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1952.--o The World and the Prophets. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook CO. , 1954.Nyman, Monte S. "Great Are The Words of Isaiah. " SaltLake City: Bookcraft, 1980."Two Sticks: One in Thine Hand. " A Symposiumon the Old Testament. Salt Lake City: TheChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 1979.---oPacker, Boyd K. Teach Ye Diligently. Salt Lake City:Deseret Book CO. , 1975.Potok, Chaim. Wanderings: Chaim Potok's History of theJews. New York: Alfred Knopf, 1978.Pratt, Orson. Orson Pratt's Works on the Doctrines of theGospel. Salt Lake City: Deseret News Press, 1945.Pratt, Parley P. Key to the Science of Theology; A Voice ofWarning. Salt Lake City: Deseret Book CO. , 1978.Prideaux, Humphrey. The Old and New Testament Conmctedin the History of the Jews and Neighboring Nations.9na. ed. parte 2, tomo 3. Londres: R. Knaplock,(1725).Pritchard, James B. , ed. Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relatingto the Old Testament. 3a. ed. Princeton, NewJersey: Princeton University Press, 1969.Rasmussen, Ellis T. An Introduction to the Old Testamentand Its Teachings. 2da. ed. 2 tomos. Provo:Brigham Young University Press, 1972.Reynolds, George, y Sjodahl, Janne M. Commentary onthe Pearl of Great Price. Salt Lake City: DeseretNews Press, 1965.Richards, LeGrand. Israel! Do You Know? Salt LakeCity: Deseret Book CO. , 1954.--ōUna obra maravillosa y un prodigio. Salt LakeCity: La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de losUltimo s Días, 1983.Roberts, B. H. A Comprehensive History of The Church ofJesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Century One. 6 tomos.Salt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, 1930.Romney, Marion G. "The Message of the Old Testament."A Symposium on the Old Testament. SaltLake City: The Church of Jesus Christ of LatterdaySaints, 1979.Schurer, Emil. A History of the Jewish People in the Timeof Jesus. Editado por Nahum N. Glatzer. NewYork: Schocken Books, 1961.

386Shanks, Hershel. The City of David: A Cuide to BibliealJerusalem. Washington D. C. : Biblical ArchaeologySociety, 1975.Skousen, W. Cleon. The Fourth Thousand Years. SaltLake City: Bookcraft, 1966.Smith, José. History of The Chureh of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, 2da. ed. rey. 7 tomos. Editada porB. H. Roberts. Salt Lake City: The Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints, 1932-51.---o Leetures on Faith. Recopilación por N. B.Lundwall. Salt Lake City: N. B. Lundwall, s. f.---oArtículos de Fe. Salt Lake City: La Iglesia de Jesucristode los Santos de los Ultimos Días, 1974.Taylor, John. Items on the Priesthood Presented to theLatter-day Saints. (Kaysville, Utah): Taggart andCompany, 1969.---oMediation and Atonement of Our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ. 1882. Reimpresión. Salt Lake City: DeseretNews CO. , 1964.Thiele, Edwin R. A Chronology of the Hebrew Kings.Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan PublishingHouse, 1977.-- ōEnseñanzas del profeta José Smith. Seleccionadaspor Joseph Fielding Smith. Salt Lake City: La Iglesiade Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Días,1969.Smith, Joseph F. Doctrina del evangelio. Salt Lake City:La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los UltimosDías, 1978.Smith, Joseph Fielding. Answers to Cospel Questions. 5tomos. Recopilado por Joseph Fielding Smith, hijo.Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co. , 1957-66.---oDoctrina de salvación. 3 tomos. Recopilado porBruce R. McConkie. Salt Lake City: La Iglesia deJesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Días,1978-79.---oMan, His Origen and Destiny. Salt Lake City:Deseret Book Co. , 1954.The Signs of the Times. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook Co. , 1952.---oSmith, William. A Dietionary of the Bible. Ed. rey.Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1948.Sperry, Sidney B. The Message of the Twelve Prophets.Independence, Misurí: Press of Zion's Printing andPublishing Co. , 1941.Thomas, D. Winton, ed. Doeuments of Old TestamentTimes. New York: Harper and Row, 1958.Thompson, Y. A. The Book of Jeremiah. The New InternationalCommentary of the Old Testament. Editadopor R. K. Harrison. Grand Rapids: William B.Eerdmans Publishing CO. , 1980.Unger, Merrill F. Unger's Bible Dietionary. 3ra. ed. Chicago:Moody Press, 1966.Welker, Roy A. Spiritual Values of the Old Testament.Salt Lake City: L. D. S. Department of Education,1952.Widtsoe, John A. Evidenees and Reeonciliations, 3 tomosen 1. Arreglo hecho por G. Homer Durham. SaltLake City: Bookcraft, 1960.Wilson, William. Old Testament Word Studies. GrandRapids: Kregel Publications, 1978.Woodford, Robert J. "Doctrine and Covenants ReferencesThat Aid in an Interpretation of Old TestamentScriptures. " A Symposium on the Old TestamentoSalt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, 1979.Wouk, Herman. This ls My Cod. Garden City, N. Y. :Doubleday CO. , 1961.--oThe Spirit of the Old Testament. Salt Lake City:Deseret Book Co. , 1980.-- ōThe Voiee of lsrael's Prophets. Salt Lake City:Deseret Book Co. , 1952.Strong, James E. The Exhaustive Coneordanee of the Bible.New York: Abingdon Press, 1890.Talmage, James E. La Casa del Señor. Salt Lake City:La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los UltimosDías, 1977.Young, Brigham. Diseourses of Brigham Young. Seleccionadospor John A. Widtsoe. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook CO. , 1954.Young, Edward J. The Book of lsaiah. 3 tomos. GrandRapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing CO. ,1965.Young, Robert. Analytical Coneordanee to the Bible.Reimpresión. Grand Rapids: William B. EerdmansPublishing CO. , 1975.-- ōJesús el Cristo. 3a. ed. Salt Lake City: La Iglesiade Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimo s Días, 1975.

386Shanks, Hersh<strong>el</strong>. The City of David: A Cuide to BibliealJerusalem. Washington D. C. : Biblical ArchaeologySociety, 1975.Skousen, W. Cleon. The Fourth Thousand Years. SaltLake City: Bookcraft, 1966.Smith, José. History of The Chureh of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, 2da. ed. rey. 7 tomos. Editada porB. H. Roberts. Salt Lake City: The Church of JesusChrist of Latter-day Saints, 1932-51.---o Leetures on Faith. Recopilación por N. B.Lundwall. Salt Lake City: N. B. Lundwall, s. f.---oArtículos de Fe. Salt Lake City: La Iglesia de Jesucristode los Santos de los Ultimos Días, 1974.Taylor, John. Items on the Priesthood Presented to theLatter-day Saints. (Kaysville, Utah): Taggart andCompany, 1969.---oMediation and Atonement of Our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ. 1882. Reimpresión. Salt Lake City: DeseretNews CO. , 1964.Thi<strong>el</strong>e, Edwin R. A Chronology of the Hebrew Kings.Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan PublishingHouse, 1977.-- ōEnseñanzas d<strong>el</strong> profeta José Smith. S<strong>el</strong>eccionadaspor Joseph Fi<strong>el</strong>ding Smith. Salt Lake City: La Iglesiade Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Días,1969.Smith, Joseph F. Doctrina d<strong>el</strong> evang<strong>el</strong>io. Salt Lake City:La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los UltimosDías, 1978.Smith, Joseph Fi<strong>el</strong>ding. Answers to Cosp<strong>el</strong> Questions. 5tomos. Recopilado por Joseph Fi<strong>el</strong>ding Smith, hijo.Salt Lake City: Deseret Book Co. , 1957-66.---oDoctrina de salvación. 3 tomos. Recopilado porBruce R. McConkie. Salt Lake City: La Iglesia deJesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimos Días,1978-79.---oMan, His Origen and Destiny. Salt Lake City:Deseret Book Co. , 1954.The Signs of the Times. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook Co. , 1952.---oSmith, William. A Dietionary of the Bible. Ed. rey.Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1948.Sperry, Sidney B. The Message of the Tw<strong>el</strong>ve Prophets.Independence, Misurí: Press of Zion's Printing andPublishing Co. , 1941.Thomas, D. Winton, ed. Doeuments of Old TestamentTimes. New York: Harper and Row, 1958.Thompson, Y. A. The Book of Jeremiah. The New InternationalCommentary of the Old Testament. Editadopor R. K. Harrison. Grand Rapids: William B.Eerdmans Publishing CO. , 1980.Unger, Merrill F. Unger's Bible Dietionary. 3ra. ed. Chicago:Moody Press, 1966.W<strong>el</strong>ker, Roy A. Spiritual Values of the Old Testament.Salt Lake City: L. D. S. Department of Education,1952.Widtsoe, John A. Evidenees and Reeonciliations, 3 tomosen 1. Arreglo hecho por G. Homer Durham. SaltLake City: Bookcraft, 1960.Wilson, William. Old Testament Word Studies. GrandRapids: Kreg<strong>el</strong> Publications, 1978.Woodford, Robert J. "Doctrine and Covenants ReferencesThat Aid in an Interpretation of Old TestamentScriptures. " A Symposium on the Old TestamentoSalt Lake City: The Church of Jesus Christ ofLatter-day Saints, 1979.Wouk, Herman. This ls My Cod. Garden City, N. Y. :Doubleday CO. , 1961.--oThe Spirit of the Old Testament. Salt Lake City:Deseret Book Co. , 1980.-- ōThe Voiee of lsra<strong>el</strong>'s Prophets. Salt Lake City:Deseret Book Co. , 1952.Strong, James E. The Exhaustive Coneordanee of the Bible.New York: Abingdon Press, 1890.Talmage, James E. La Casa d<strong>el</strong> Señor. Salt Lake City:La Iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los UltimosDías, 1977.Young, Brigham. Diseourses of Brigham Young. S<strong>el</strong>eccionadospor John A. Widtsoe. Salt Lake City: DeseretBook CO. , 1954.Young, Edward J. The Book of lsaiah. 3 tomos. GrandRapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing CO. ,1965.Young, Robert. Analytical Coneordanee to the Bible.Reimpresión. Grand Rapids: William B. EerdmansPublishing CO. , 1975.-- ōJesús <strong>el</strong> Cristo. 3a. ed. Salt Lake City: La Iglesiade Jesucristo de los Santos de los Ultimo s Días, 1975.

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