Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ...

Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ... Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ...
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BiBliograf• aFerron, P., 1975. Virulence of Entomopathogenic fungi (Fung imperfecti) for the aldults ofAcanthoscelides obtectus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae). Journal of Invertebrate Pathology,25: 379-388.Fiorillo, A., Rouphael, Y., Cardarelli, M., Saccardo, F., Colla, G., Cirica, B., 2005. Yield anddisease tolerance of potato cultivars grown under conventional and organic culturalmanagement practices. Acta Horticulturae, 684: 79-83.Fisher, J.R., Keaster, A.J., Fairchild, M. L., 1975. Seasonal vertical movement of wirewormlarvae in Missouri: influence of soil temperature on the genera Melanotus Escholtz andConoderus Escholtz. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 68: 1071-1073.Fox, C.J.S., MacLellan, C.R., 1956. Some Carabidae and Staphylinidae shown to feed on awireworm, Agriotes sputator (L.), by the predipitin test. Canadian Entomologist, 88:228-231.French, N., White, I.H., 1965. Observations on wireworm populations causing damage to warepotatoes. Plant Pathology, 14: 41-43.Furlan, L., 1996. The biology of Agriotes ustulatus Schäller (Col., Elateridae).l. Adults andoviposition. Journal of Applied Biology,120: 269-274.Furlan, L., 1998. The biology of Agriotes ustulatus Schäller (Col., Elateridae). ll. Larvaldevelopment, pupation, whole cycle description and practical implications. JournalApplied Entomology, 122: 71-78.Furlan, L. 2004. The biology of Agriotes sordidus Illiger (Col., Elateridae). Journal of AppliedEntomology, 128: 696-706.Furlan, L., Burgio, G., 1999. Distribuzione spaziale e campionamento di Agriotes ustulatusSchäller, A.brevis Candeze, A. sordudus Illiger (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in Nord Italia.Boll. Ist. Ent, 53:29-38.Furlan, L., Curto, G., Ferrari, R., Boriani, L., Bourlot, G., Turchi, A., 2000. Le specie diElateridini dannose alle colture agrarie nella Pianura Padana. InformatoreFitopatologico, 5: 53-59.Furlan, L., Garofalo, N., Toth, M., 2004. Comparative biology of Agriotes sordidus Illiger inNorthern and Central-Southern Itali. Informatore Fitopatologico, 54: 32-37.Furlan, L., Talon, G., Toffanin, F., 1992. Valutazione, in condizioni controllate, dell´azloneinsetticida de diversi geodesinfestante sulle larve de elateridi (Agriotes spp.). AttiGiornate Fitopatologiche, 1: 247-256.Furlan, L., Toffanin, F., 1994. Valutazione dell´efficacia di differnti strategie di lotta contro lelarve di sue specie di elateridi (Agriotes ustulatus Schäller, Agriotes brevis Candéze).Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche, 2: 195-202.Furlan, L., Toffanin, F., 1998. Efficacia di nuovi concianti del seme (imidacloprid e fipronil) sularve di elateridini in ambiente controllato. Atti Giornate Fitopatologiche, 195-200.Glare, T.R. Townsend, R.J. Young, S.D., 1994. Temperature limitations on field effectivenessof Metarhizium anisopliae against Costelytra zealandica (White) (Coleoptera:Scarabaeidae) in Canterbury. Pasture Pests and Beneficials, 266-270.173150

Biolog• a del gusano de alamBre (Agriotes spp.) en la llanada alavesa y desarrollo de estrategias de control integrado en el cultivo de la patataGlaz, B., Cherry, R., 2003. Wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) effects on sugarcane emergenceafter short-duration flood applied at planting. Journal of Entomological Science, 38(3):449-456.Gerber, H.S., 1983. Mayor insect and allied pests of vegetables in British Columbia. Ministry ofAgriculture and Food. BC A22 C P8:83-7.Gratwick, M., 1989. Potato Pests. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Reference Book187.HMSO, London, 104 pp.Griffiths, D.C., 1974. Susceptibility of plants to attack by wireworms (Agriotes spp.) Annals ofApplied Biology, 78: 7-13.Gunning, R.V., Forrester, N.W., 1984. Cyclodiene lindane resistance in Agrypnus variabilis(Candeze) (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in northern New South Wales. Australian Journal ofEntomology, 23: 247-248.Guthrie, F.E., Rabb, R.L., Mount, D.A., 1963. Distribution and control of Cyclodiene resistantwireworms attacking tobacco in North Carolina. Journal of Economic Entomology, 56:7-10.Hall, D.G., 1982. A parasite, Pristocera armifera (Say), of the wireworm Melanotus communis(Gyll.) in south Florida. Florida Entomologist, 65: 574.Hall, D.G., 1990. Stand and yield losses in sugarcane caused by the wireworm Melanotuscommunis (Coleoptera: Elateridae) infesting plant cane in Florida. FloridaEntomologist, 73 (2): 298-302.Hall, D.G., Cherry, R.H., 1986. Flight activity of Melanotus communis (Coleoptera: Elateridae)in Florida Sugar cane fields. Journal of Economic Entomology, 79: 626-628.Hancock, M., Green, D., Lane, A., Mathias, P.L., Port, C.M., Tones, S.J., 1986. Evaluation ofinsecticides to replace aldrin for the control of wireworms on potatoes. Tests ofAgrochemicals and Cultivars 7. Annals of Applied Biology, 108: 28-29.Hicks, H., Blackshaw, R.P., 2008. Differential responses of three Agriotes click beetle speciesto pheromone traps. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 10: 443-448.Hominick, W.M., Briscoe, B.R., del Pino, F.G., Heng, J., Hunt, D.J., Kozodoy, E., Macrek, Z.,Nguyen, K.B., Reid, A.P., Spiridonov, S., Stock, P., Sturhan, D., Waturu, C., Yoshida.M., 1997. Biosystematics of entomopathogenic nematodes: current status, protocols anddefinitions. Journal of Helminthology, 71: 271-298.Honêk, A., Furlan, L., 1995. Colour polymorphism in Agriotes ustulatus (Coleoptera:Elateridae): Absence of geographic and temporal variation. European Journal ofEntomology, 92: 437-442.Horton D.R., Landolt P.J., 2002. Orientation response of pacific coast wireworm (Coleoptera:Elateridae) to food baits in laboratory and effectiveness of baits in field. CanadianEntomologist, 134: 357-367.Hurlbert, S.H., 1990. Spatial distribution of the montane unicorn. Oikos, 58: 257-271.Illiger, K., 1807. Portugiesische Kafer. Magazin für Insektenkunde, 6: 1-80.174151

Biolog• a <strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong> <strong>gusano</strong> <strong>de</strong> alamBre (<strong>Agriotes</strong> <strong>spp</strong>.) en la llanada alavesa y <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> estrategias <strong>de</strong> control integrado en el cultivo <strong>de</strong> la patataGlaz, B., Cherry, R., 2003. Wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) effects on sugarcane emergenceafter short-duration flood applied at planting. Journal of Entomological Science, 38(3):449-456.Gerber, H.S., 1983. Mayor insect and allied pests of vegetables in British Columbia. Ministry ofAgriculture and Food. BC A22 C P8:83-7.Gratwick, M., 1989. Potato Pests. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Reference Book187.HMSO, London, 104 pp.Griffiths, D.C., 1974. Susceptibility of plants to attack by wireworms (<strong>Agriotes</strong> <strong>spp</strong>.) Annals ofApplied Biology, 78: 7-13.Gunning, R.V., Forrester, N.W., 1984. Cyclodiene lindane resistance in Agrypnus variabilis(Can<strong>de</strong>ze) (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in northern New South Wales. Australian Journal ofEntomology, 23: 247-248.Guthrie, F.E., Rabb, R.L., Mount, D.A., 1963. Distribution and control of Cyclodiene resistantwireworms attacking tobacco in North Carolina. Journal of Economic Entomology, 56:7-10.Hall, D.G., 1982. A parasite, Pristocera armifera (Say), of the wireworm Melanotus communis(Gyll.) in south Florida. Florida Entomologist, 65: 574.Hall, D.G., 1990. Stand and yield losses in sugarcane caused by the wireworm Melanotuscommunis (Coleoptera: Elateridae) infesting plant cane in Florida. FloridaEntomologist, 73 (2): 298-302.Hall, D.G., Cherry, R.H., 1986. Flight activity of Melanotus communis (Coleoptera: Elateridae)in Florida Sugar cane fields. Journal of Economic Entomology, 79: 626-628.Hancock, M., Green, D., Lane, A., Mathias, P.L., Port, C.M., Tones, S.J., 1986. Evaluation ofinsectici<strong>de</strong>s to replace aldrin for the control of wireworms on potatoes. Tests ofAgrochemicals and Cultivars 7. Annals of Applied Biology, 108: 28-29.Hicks, H., Blackshaw, R.P., 2008. Differential responses of three <strong>Agriotes</strong> click beetle speciesto pheromone traps. Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 10: 443-448.Hominick, W.M., Briscoe, B.R., <strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong> Pino, F.G., Heng, J., Hunt, D.J., Kozodoy, E., Macrek, Z.,Nguyen, K.B., Reid, A.P., Spiridonov, S., Stock, P., Sturhan, D., Waturu, C., Yoshida.M., 1997. Biosystematics of entomopathogenic nemato<strong>de</strong>s: current status, protocols and<strong>de</strong>finitions. Journal of Helminthology, 71: 271-298.Honêk, A., Furlan, L., 1995. Colour polymorphism in <strong>Agriotes</strong> ustulatus (Coleoptera:Elateridae): Absence of geographic and temporal variation. European Journal ofEntomology, 92: 437-442.Horton D.R., Landolt P.J., 2002. Orientation response of pacific coast wireworm (Coleoptera:Elateridae) to food baits in laboratory and effectiveness of baits in field. CanadianEntomologist, 134: 357-367.Hurlbert, S.H., 1990. Spatial distribution of the montane unicorn. Oikos, 58: 257-271.Illiger, K., 1807. Portugiesische Kafer. Magazin für Insektenkun<strong>de</strong>, 6: 1-80.174151

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