Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ...

Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ... Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ...
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BiBliograf• aCherry, R.,H., Stansly P., 2008. Abundance and spatial distribution of wirewoms (Coleoptera:Elateridae) in Florida sugarcane fields on muck versus sandy soils. FloridaEntomologist, 91: 383-387.Chiang, H.C., Hodson, A.C., 1959. Distributión of the first generation egg masses of theEuropean corn borer in corn fields. Journal of Economic Entomology, 52: 295-299.Cockbill, G.F., Henderson, V.E., Ross, D.M., Stapley, J.H., 1945. Wireworm populations inrelation to crop production. I. A large scale flotation method for extracting wirewormsfrom soil samples and results from a survey of 600 fields. Annals of Applied Biology,32: 148-163.Colliot, F., Kukorowski, K.A., Hawkins. D.W., Roberts, D.A., 1992. Fipronil, a new soil andfoliar broad spectrum insecticide. Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. Pest and Dis, 29-34.Compte, A., Caminero, M., 1982. Las comunidades de coleópteros xilófagos de las encinas delos alrededores de Madrid. Graellsia. 38: 201-217.Courbon, R. 1992. Potentialités de L´lmidacloprid. Phytoma France, 441: 25-27.D´Aguilar, J., 1961. Recherches sur L`Éthologie des imagos d´Agriotes (Col. Elateridae.Memoria de Tesis doctoral. Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de París.Dajoz, R., 1990. Coléoptères et Diptéres du Pin à crochets dans les Pyrènèes-Orientale. Etudebiogéographique et écologique. L´Entomologiste, 46(6): 253.David, J.R., Capy Gauthier, J.P., 1990. Abdominal pigmentation ad growth temperature inDrosophila melanogaster: similarities and differences in the norms of reaction ofsuccessive segments. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 3: 429-445.De Liñán Vicente, C., 1998. Entomología Agroforestal: Insectos y ácaros que dañan montes,cultivos y jardines. Ed. Agrotécnicas, S.L. Madrid, pp 1020-1025.Dempster, A.P., Laird, N.M., Rubin, D.B., 1977. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data viathe em algorithm. Journal of the Royal Stadistical Society: Series B, 39(1):1-8Doane, J.F., 1977. Spatial pattern and density of Ctenicera destructor and Hypolithus bicolor(Coleoptera: Elateridae) in soil in spring wheat. Canadian Entomologist, 109: 807- 822.Doane, J.F., 1981. Evaluation of a larval trap and baits for monitoring the seasonal activity ofwireworms in Saskatchewan. Environmental Entomology, 10(3): 335-342.Doane, J.F., Klingler J., 1978. Location of CO2-receptive sensilla on larvae of the wirewormsAgriotes lineatus-obscurus and Limonius californicus. Annals of the EntomologicalSociety of America, 71(3): 357-363.Doane, J.F., Lee, Y.W., Klingler J., Westcott N.D., 1975. The orientation response of Cteniceradestructor and other wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) to germinating grain and tocarbon dioxide. Canadian Entomologist, 107: 1233-1252.Dobrovsky, T.M., 1954. Laboratory observations on Conoderus vagus Candeze. FloridaEntomologist, 7: 123-131.171 148

Biolog• a del gusano de alamBre (Agriotes spp.) en la llanada alavesa y desarrollo de estrategias de control integrado en el cultivo de la patataDomínguez Garcia Tejero, F., 1948. Los gusanos de alambre, Elatéridos de interés Agrícola.Boletín de Patología Vegetal y Entomología Agrícola 16: 119-156.Duncan, D.W., 1955. Multiple range and multiple F tests. Biometrica. 11: 1-42.Ecobichon DJ. 1997. Anticholinesterase insecticides. Slipes IG, McQuueen CA, Gandolfi AJ,eds. Comprehensive Toxicology. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 447-456.Eidt, D.C., Thurston G.S., 1995. Physical deterrents to infection by entomopathogenicnematodes in wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) and other soil insects. CanadianEntomology, 127(3): 423-429.Elberson, L.R., Borek, V., McCaffrey, J.P., Morra, M.J., 1996. Toxicity of rapeseed mealamendedsoil to wireworms Limonius californicus (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal ofAgricultural Entomology, 13: 323-330.Erichsen, J.R., 1944. The Elaterid population of midth and west Wales. Proceedings of theZoological Society, 114: 350-359.Ericsson, J.D., Kabaluk, J.T., Goettel M.S., Myers J.H., 2007. Spinosad interacts synergisticallywith the insect pathogen Metarhizium anisopliae against the exotic wireworms Agrioteslineatus y Agriotes obscurus (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal of EconomicEntomology, 100: 31-38.Eschscholtz, J.F., 1829. Eintheilung der Elateriden in Gattungen. Thon, EntomologischesArchiv, 2: 31-35.Ester, A., van Rozen, K., 2005. Monitoring and control of Agriotes lineatus and A. obscurus inarable crops in the Netherlands. IOBC/wprs Bulletin vol 28(2): 81-85.Ester, A., van Rozen, K., Griepink, F., 2004. Tackling wireworms in a new way. InternationalPest Control, 80-81.Evans, A.C., 1944. Observations on the biology on the physiology of wireworms of the genusAgriotes Esch. Annals of Applied Biology, 31: 235-250.Evans, A.C., Gough, H.C., 1942. Observations on some factors influencing growth inwireworms of the genus Agriotes Esch. Annals of Applied Biology, 29: 168-175.F.A.O., 2009. Anuario F.A.O. de producción. Disponible en Internet: http://www. fao. orgFauna Europaea Web Service (2004) Fauna Europaea version 1.1, Disponible en Internet:http://www.faunaeur.orgFairchild, M.L., Ortman, E. E., 1976. Bionomics and management of soil arthropods pests.Environmental Protection Agency E2. A. Grant No. R802547. Third Annual Report,241-255.Fenemore, P.H., 1980. Susceptibility of potato cultivars to potato tuber moth, Phtorimaeaoperculella Zell (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Agricultural Research, 23: 539-546.Ferro, D., Boiteau, G., 1993. Management of insect pests. Capítulo 12: 103-115. En: Rowe, R.C. ed., Potato health management. Plant Health Management Series. The AmericanPhytopathological Society, Minnesota. 178 p.172149

BiBliograf• aCherry, R.,H., Stansly P., 2008. Abundance and spatial distribution of wirewoms (Coleoptera:Elateridae) in Florida sugarcane fields on muck versus sandy soils. FloridaEntomologist, 91: 383-387.Chiang, H.C., Hodson, A.C., 1959. Distributión of the first generation egg masses of theEuropean corn borer in corn fields. Journal of Economic Entomology, 52: 295-299.Cockbill, G.F., Hen<strong>de</strong>rson, V.E., Ross, D.M., Stapley, J.H., 1945. Wireworm populations inrelation to crop production. I. A large scale flotation method for extracting wirewormsfrom soil samples and results from a survey of 600 fields. Annals of Applied Biology,32: 148-163.Colliot, F., Kukorowski, K.A., Hawkins. D.W., Roberts, D.A., 1992. Fipronil, a new soil andfoliar broad spectrum insectici<strong>de</strong>. Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. Pest and Dis, 29-34.Compte, A., Caminero, M., 1982. Las comunida<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong> coleópteros xilófagos <strong>de</strong> las encinas <strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong>os alre<strong>de</strong>dores <strong>de</strong> Madrid. Graellsia. 38: 201-217.Courbon, R. 1992. Potentialités <strong>de</strong> L´lmidacloprid. Phytoma France, 441: 25-27.D´Aguilar, J., 1961. Recherches sur L`Éthologie <strong>de</strong>s imagos d´<strong>Agriotes</strong> (Col. Elateridae.Memoria <strong>de</strong> Tesis doctoral. Facultad <strong>de</strong> Ciencias <strong>de</strong> la Universidad <strong>de</strong> París.Dajoz, R., 1990. Coléoptères et Diptéres du Pin à crochets dans les Pyrènèes-Orientale. Etu<strong>de</strong>biogéographique et écologique. L´Entomologiste, 46(6): 253.David, J.R., Capy Gauthier, J.P., 1990. Abdominal pigmentation ad growth temperature inDrosophila melanogaster: similarities and differences in the norms of reaction ofsuccessive segments. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 3: 429-445.De Liñán Vicente, C., 1998. Entomología Agroforestal: Insectos y ácaros que dañan montes,cultivos y jardines. Ed. Agrotécnicas, S.L. Madrid, pp 1020-1025.Dempster, A.P., Laird, N.M., Rubin, D.B., 1977. Maximum likelihood from incomplete data viathe em algorithm. Journal of the Royal Stadistical Society: Series B, 39(1):1-8Doane, J.F., 1977. Spatial pattern and <strong>de</strong>nsity of Ctenicera <strong>de</strong>structor and Hypolithus bicolor(Coleoptera: Elateridae) in soil in spring wheat. Canadian Entomologist, 109: 807- 822.Doane, J.F., 1981. Evaluation of a larval trap and baits for monitoring the seasonal activity ofwireworms in Saskatchewan. Environmental Entomology, 10(3): 335-342.Doane, J.F., Klingler J., 1978. Location of CO2-receptive sensilla on larvae of the wireworms<strong>Agriotes</strong> lineatus-obscurus and Limonius californicus. Annals of the EntomologicalSociety of America, 71(3): 357-363.Doane, J.F., Lee, Y.W., Klingler J., Westcott N.D., 1975. The orientation response of Ctenicera<strong>de</strong>structor and other wireworms (Coleoptera: Elateridae) to germinating grain and tocarbon dioxi<strong>de</strong>. Canadian Entomologist, 107: 1233-1252.Dobrovsky, T.M., 1954. Laboratory observations on Cono<strong>de</strong>rus vagus Can<strong>de</strong>ze. FloridaEntomologist, 7: 123-131.171 148

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