Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ...

Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ... Biología del gusano de alambre (Agriotes spp.) - Nasdap.ejgv ...
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BiBliograf• aAdams, B.J., Nguyen, K.B., 2002. Taxonomy and systematics. En: Entomopathogenicnematology. Ed. Randy Guagler. pp 1-33. CABI Publishing. Wallinford, U.K.Alcázar, J., 2000. Componentes de manejo del Gorgojo de los Andes en Perú. CursoInternacional de MIP en papa. CIP. Módulo II.Anónimo, 1948. Wireworms and Food Production. A Wireworm Survey of England and Wales(1939-42). Maff Bulletin Nº. 128. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, HMSO,London.Anglade, P., Missonnier, J., 1974. Biologie de la scutigérelle (Scutigerella immaculataNewport) et des taupins (Agriotes sp.). En Anónimo, 1974: 44-45.Apablaza, J.U., Keaster, A.J., Ward R.H., 1977. Orientation of corn-infesting species ofwireworms towards baits in the laborarory. Enviromental Entomology, 6: 715-718.Arnett, R.H., 1985. American insects: A Handbook of the insectis of America north of Mexico.Van Nostrand Reinhold. New York. 850pp.Asso del Río, I., 1784. Introductio in Oryctographian, et Zoologiam Aragoniae: AcceditEnumeratio stirpium in eadem Regione noviter detectarum. Amsterdam. 192 pp., lámsI-VII.Balachowsky, A., Mesnil, L., 1935. Les insectes nuisibles aux plantes cultivées. Leurs moeurs,leur destruction.Vol.1. Busson. Paris. 1137 pp.Bedding, R.A., R.J Akhurst., 1975. A simple technique for the detection of insect parasiticrhabditid nemadodes in soil. Nematologica, 21: 109-110.Begg, J.A., 1957. Observations on the life history of the eastern field wireworm, Limoniusahonus (Say), under laboratory conditions. Annual Report of the Entomological Societyof Ontario, 87: 7-11Bevan, W.J., Bryden, J.W., 1956. The control of wireworms in potatoes by aldrin. PlantPathology, 5: 9-11.Binaghi, G., 1942. Importanza agraria delAgriotes litigiosus Rosi. Estratto dalle memoriedella societá entomologica Italiana, XXl: 165-186.Blackshaw, R.P., Vernon, R.S., 2006. Spatiotemporal stability of two beetle populations in nonfarmedhabitats in an agricultural landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology, 43: 680-689.Blackshaw, R.P., Vernon, R.S., 2008. Spatial relationships between two Agriotes click-beetlespecies and wireworms in agricultural fields. Agricultural and Forest Entomology 10:1-11.Blaser, M., Keiser, A., Keller, S., 2004. Entomopathogenic soil fungus in Swiss potato fields.Agrarforschung, 11(3): 92-97.Blot, Y., Brunel, E., 1995. Consequences de trois types de traitements chimiques, en plein, enlocalise et en traitement de semences, sur les taux de reduction des populations larvairesde taupins (Agriotes sp.) en culture de mas. Mededelingen van de FaculteitLandbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent 60: 945–951.169146

Biolog• a del gusano de alamBre (Agriotes spp.) en la llanada alavesa y desarrollo de estrategias de control integrado en el cultivo de la patataBlot, Y., Brunel, E., Courbon, R., 1999. Enquete sue l'infestation de parcelles de ble at de maýspar les larves des taupins des genres Agriotes et Athous dans l'ouest de la France(Coleopteres: Elaterides). Annales de la Societe Entomologique de France, 35: 453-457.Bonnemaison, L., 1962. Familille des Elateridae, En: Les Ennemis Animaux des PlantesCultivées et des Forêts, SEP, Paris 33-43.Borek, V., Elberson, L.R., McCaffrey, J.P., Morra, M,J., 1997. Toxicity of rapeseed meal andmethyl isothiocyanate to larvae of the black vine weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).Journal of Economic Entomology, 90: 109-112.Borg-Karlson, A.K., Agren, L., Dobson, H., Bergström, G., 1988. Identification andelectroantennographic activity of sex-specific geranyl esters in an abdominal gland offemale Agriotes obscurus (L.) and A. lineatus (L.) (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Experientia,44: 531–534.Brett, C.H., Jones, G.D., Mount, D.A., Rudder, J.D., 1966. Wireworms in sweet potatoes;resistance to cyclodiene insecticides and control with a midsummer application ofinsecticide over foliage. Journal of Economic Entomology, 59: 99-102.Brown, E.A., Keaster, A.J., 1986. Activity and dispersal of adult Melanotus depressus(Melsheimer) and Melanotus verberans (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in Missouricornfield. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 59: 127-132.Brydon, H. W., Fuller, G., 1966. A portable apparatus for separating fly larvae from poultrydroppings. Journal of Economic Entomology, 59: 448-452.Bynum, F.D., Archer, T.I., 1987 Wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) sampling for semiaridcropping systems. Journal of Economic Entomology, 80: 164-168.Campbell, R.E., 1937. Temperature and moisture preferences of wireworms. Ecology, 18: 478-489.Capy, P., David, J.R., Robertson, A., 1988. Thoracic trident pigmentation in natural populationsof Drosophila simulans: a comparison with D.melanogaster. Heredity, 61: 263-268.Chabert, A., 1994. Importance relative des ravageurs souterrains en grandes cultures. Résultatsde l´enquête d´un groupe de travail. Phytoma, 461: 20-24.Chabert, A., Blot, Y., 1992. Estimation des populations larvaires de taupins par un piégeattractif. Phytoma. La défense des vegétaux, 438: 26-28.Chalfant, R.B., Hall, M., Seal, D.R., 1989. Insecticidal control of soil insects of sweetpotatoesin the Georgia Coastal Plain. Applied Agricultural Research, 2: 152-157.Chaton, P.F. Lempérière, M., Tissut, P.R., 2007. Biological traits and feeding capacity ofAgriotes larvae (Coleoptera : Elateridae) : A trial of seed coating to control larvalpopulations with the insecticide fipronil. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology, 90:97-105.Chauvet, P., 1994. Aide-Memoire de Géostatistique Miniere, École des mines de Paris, France210 p.Cherry, R.H., Alvarez, J., 1995. Effect of time of bait exposure on number of Wireworms(Coleoptera: Elateridae) found at baits. Florida Entomologist, 78: 549-553.170147

Biolog• a <strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong> <strong>gusano</strong> <strong>de</strong> alamBre (<strong>Agriotes</strong> <strong>spp</strong>.) en la llanada alavesa y <strong>de</strong>sarrollo <strong>de</strong> estrategias <strong>de</strong> control integrado en el cultivo <strong>de</strong> la patataBlot, Y., Brunel, E., Courbon, R., 1999. Enquete sue l'infestation <strong>de</strong> parcelles <strong>de</strong> ble at <strong>de</strong> maýspar les larves <strong>de</strong>s taupins <strong>de</strong>s genres <strong>Agriotes</strong> et Athous dans l'ouest <strong>de</strong> la France(Coleopteres: Elateri<strong>de</strong>s). Annales <strong>de</strong> la Societe Entomologique <strong>de</strong> France, 35: 453-457.Bonnemaison, L., 1962. Familille <strong>de</strong>s Elateridae, En: Les Ennemis Animaux <strong>de</strong>s PlantesCultivées et <strong>de</strong>s Forêts, SEP, Paris 33-43.Borek, V., Elberson, L.R., McCaffrey, J.P., Morra, M,J., 1997. Toxicity of rapeseed meal andmethyl isothiocyanate to larvae of the black vine weevil (Coleoptera: Curculionidae).Journal of Economic Entomology, 90: 109-112.Borg-Karlson, A.K., Agren, L., Dobson, H., Bergström, G., 1988. I<strong>de</strong>ntification an<strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong>ectroantennographic activity of sex-specific geranyl esters in an abdominal gland offemale <strong>Agriotes</strong> obscurus (L.) and A. lineatus (L.) (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Experientia,44: 531–534.Brett, C.H., Jones, G.D., Mount, D.A., Rud<strong>de</strong>r, J.D., 1966. Wireworms in sweet potatoes;resistance to cyclodiene insectici<strong>de</strong>s and control with a midsummer application ofinsectici<strong>de</strong> over foliage. Journal of Economic Entomology, 59: 99-102.Brown, E.A., Keaster, A.J., 1986. Activity and dispersal of adult Melanotus <strong>de</strong>pressus(Melsheimer) and Melanotus verberans (LeConte) (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in Missouricornfield. Journal of the Kansas Entomological Society, 59: 127-132.Brydon, H. W., Fuller, G., 1966. A portable apparatus for separating fly larvae from poultrydroppings. Journal of Economic Entomology, 59: 448-452.Bynum, F.D., Archer, T.I., 1987 Wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae) sampling for semiaridcropping systems. Journal of Economic Entomology, 80: 164-168.Campbell, R.E., 1937. Temperature and moisture preferences of wireworms. Ecology, 18: 478-489.Capy, P., David, J.R., Robertson, A., 1988. Thoracic tri<strong>de</strong>nt pigmentation in natural populationsof Drosophila simulans: a comparison with D.melanogaster. Heredity, 61: 263-268.Chabert, A., 1994. Importance relative <strong>de</strong>s ravageurs souterrains en gran<strong>de</strong>s cultures. Résultats<strong>de</strong> l´enquête d´un groupe <strong>de</strong> travail. Phytoma, 461: 20-24.Chabert, A., Blot, Y., 1992. Estimation <strong>de</strong>s populations larvaires <strong>de</strong> taupins par un piégeattractif. Phytoma. La défense <strong>de</strong>s vegétaux, 438: 26-28.Chalfant, R.B., Hall, M., Seal, D.R., 1989. Insecticidal control of soil insects of sweetpotatoesin the Georgia Coastal Plain. Applied Agricultural Research, 2: 152-157.Chaton, P.F. Lempérière, M., Tissut, P.R., 2007. Biological traits and feeding capacity of<strong>Agriotes</strong> larvae (Coleoptera : Elateridae) : A trial of seed coating to control larvalpopulations with the insectici<strong>de</strong> fipronil. Pestici<strong>de</strong> Biochemistry and Physiology, 90:97-105.Chauvet, P., 1994. Ai<strong>de</strong>-Memoire <strong>de</strong> Géostatistique Miniere, École <strong>de</strong>s mines <strong>de</strong> Paris, France210 p.Cherry, R.H., Alvarez, J., 1995. Effect of time of bait exposure on number of Wireworms(Coleoptera: Elateridae) found at baits. Florida Entomologist, 78: 549-553.170147

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