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AnexosViljoen A., Wingfield M. J., Marasas W. F. O., 1994. First report ofFusarium subglutinans f.sp. pini on pine seedlings in South Africa. PlantDisease, 78: 309-312.Waters W. E., Stark R. W., Wood D. L., 1985. Integrated pest managementin pine-bark beetle ecosystems. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA .Weber B. C., McPherson J. E., 1985. Relation between attack by Xylosandrusgermanus (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and disease symptoms in black walnut.Canadian Entomologist, 117: 1275-1277.Wingfield M. J., Seifert K. A., Webber J. F., 1993. Ceratocystis andOphiostoma: Taxonomy, Ecology and Pathogenicity. APS Press, St. Paul,Minnesota, USA.Wingfield M. J., Jacobs A., Coutinho T. A., Ahumada R., Wingfield B. D.,2002. First report on the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium circinatum on pinesin Chile. Plant Pathology, 51: 397.Wood S. L., 1982. The Bark and Ambrosia Beetles of North and CentralAmerica, a taxonomic monograph. Great basin naturalist memoirs 6,Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. 1359 pp.—1986. A Reclassification of the Genera of Scolytidae (Coleoptera). Great basinnaturalist memoirs 10, Brigham Young Univ., Provo, Utah. 126 pp.Wyatt T. D., Phillips A. D. G., Grégoire J. C., 1993. Turbulence, trees, andsemiochemicals: wind tunnel orientation of the predator, Rhizophagus grandis,to its bark beetle prey, Dendroctonus micans. Physiological Entomology,18: 204-210.Yamaoka Y., Wingfield M. J., Takahashi I., Solheim H., 1997.Ophiostomatoid fungi associated with the spruce beetle Ips typographus f.japonicus in Japan. Mycological Research, 101: 1215-1227.Yamaoka Y., Wingfield M. J., Ohsawa M., Kuroda Y., 1998. Ophiostomatoidfungi associated with Ips cembrae in Japan and their pathogenicity toJapanese larch. Mycoscience, 39: 367-378.193

S. López, P. Romón, J. C. Iturrondobeitia y A. GoldarazenaYates, M. G., 1984. The biology of the oak bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus(Ratzeburg) (Col., Scolytidae), in southern England. Bulletin of EntomologicalResearch, 74: 569-579.Yearian W. C., Gouger R. J., Wilkinson R. C., 1972. Effects of blue-stain fungus,Ceratocystis ips on development of Ips bark beetles in pine bolts. Annalsof the Entomological Society of America, 65: 481-487.Zipfel R. D., de Beer Z. W., Jacobs K., Wingfield B., Wingfield M. J., 2006.Multigene phylogenies define Ceratocystiopsis and Grosmannia distinctfrom Ophiostoma. Studies in Mycology, 55: 77-99.194

S. López, P. Romón, J. C. Iturrondobeitia y A. GoldarazenaYates, M. G., 1984. The biology of the oak bark beetle, Scolytus intricatus(Ratzeburg) (Col., Scolytidae), in southern England. Bulletin of EntomologicalResearch, 74: 569-579.Yearian W. C., Gouger R. J., Wilkinson R. C., 1972. Effects of blue-stain fungus,Ceratocystis ips on <strong>de</strong>velopment of Ips bark beetles in pine bolts. Annalsof the Entomological Society of America, 65: 481-487.Zipfel R. D., <strong>de</strong> Beer Z. W., Jacobs K., Wingfield B., Wingfield M. J., 2006.Multigene phylogenies <strong>de</strong>fine Ceratocystiopsis and Grosmannia distinctfrom Ophiostoma. Studies in Mycology, 55: 77-99.194

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