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AnexosHougardy E., Grégoire J. C., 2003. Cleptoparasitism increases the host findingability of polyphagous parasitoid species, Rhopalicus tutela (Hymenoptera:Pteromalidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 55: 184-189.Huber D. P. W., Gries R, Borden J. H., Pierce H.D. Jr., 1999. Two pheromonesof coniferophagous bark beetles found in the bark of nonhost angiosperms.Journal of Chemical Ecology, 25: 805-816.Humphreys N., 1995. Douglas-fir beetle in British Columbia. Forest PestLeaflet Nº 14. Pacific Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service, Victoria,Canada.Janin J. L., Lieutier F., 1988. Existence de fécondations précoces dans le cyclebiologique de Tomicus piniperda L. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) en foretd’Orleans. Agronomie, 8: 169-172.Katovich S., 2004. Insects attacking black walnut in the midwestern UnitedStates. 12-126 pp. En: CH Michler, PM Pijut, J Van Sambeek, M Coggeshall,J Seifert, K Woeste, R Overton, F Ponder Jr (Eds.). Black walnut in a new century.Proceedings of the 6th Walnut Council research symposium. 2004 Julio25-28; Lafayette, IN.Kenis M., Wermelinger B., Grégoire J. C., 2004. Research on Parasitoids andPredators of Scolytidae A review. 237-290 pp. En: F Lieutier, KR Day, ABattisti, JC Grégoire, HF Evans (Eds.). Bark and Wood Boring Insects inLiving Trees in Europe, a Synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers. DorderchtThe Netherlands. 569 pp.Kerdelhué C., Roux-Morabito G., Forichon J., Chambon J. M., Robert A.,Lieutier F., 2002. Population genetic structure of Tomicus piniperda L.(Curculionidae: Scolytinae) on different pine species and validation of T. destruens(Woll.). Molecular Ecology, 11: 483-494.Kirisits T., 2004. Fungal associates of European bark beetles with specialemphasis on the Ophiostomatoid fungi. 181-237 pp. En: F Lieutier, KR Day,A Battisti, JC Grégoire, HF Evans (Eds.). Bark and Wood Boring Insects inLiving Trees in Europe, a Synthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers. DorderchtThe Netherlands. 569 pp.Kirkendall L. R., 1983. The evolution of mating systems in bark and ambrosiabeetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae and Platypodidae). Zoological Journal of theLinnean Society, 77: 293-352.185

S. López, P. Romón, J. C. Iturrondobeitia y A. Goldarazena—1990. Sperm is a limiting resource in pseudogamous bark beetle Ips acuminatus(Scolytidae). Oikos, 57: 80-87.Kirschner R., 1998. Diversität mit Borkenkäfern assoziierter filamentöserMikropilze. Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.Kolk A., Starzyk J. R., 1996. Atlas Szkodliwych Owadow Lesnych . T. 1. (AnAtlas of Forest Insect Pests). Multico O.W. Publ. 705 pp.Krokene P., Solheim H., Krekling T., Christiansen E., 2003. Inducible anatomicaldefence responses in Norway spruce stems and their possible role ininduced resistance. Tree Physiology, 23: 191-197.Landeras E., García P., Fernández Y., Braña M., 2005. Outbreak of pitchcanker caused by Fusarium circinatum on Pinus spp. in Northern Spain.Plant Disease, 89: 1015.Langström B., 1983. Life cycles and shoot feeding of the pine shoot beetles.Studia Forestalia Suecica, 163: 1-29.Lanier G. N., 1970. Biosystematics of North American Ips: Hopping’s Group III.Canadian Entomologist, 102: 1404-1423.Lanne B. S., Schlyter F., Byers J. A., Löfqvist J., Leufvén A., BergströmG., Van der Pers JNC, Unelius R., Baeckström P., Norin T., 1987.Differences in attraction to semiochemicals present in sympatric pine shootbeetles, Tomicus minor and T. piniperda. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 13(5):1045-1067.Lee J. C., Smith S. L., Seybold S. J., 2005. Mediterranean Pine Engraver.Department of Agriculture Forest Service State and Private Forestry PacificSouthwest Region. 4 pp.Lekander B., 1968. The number of larval instars in some bark beetles species.Entomologisk Tidskrift, 89: 1-2.Lieutier F., Vouland G., Pettinetti M., 1997. Test de choix des pins méditerranéenspar les Scolytides et autres insects xylophages en conditions naturelles.Revue Forestière Française, 49: 215-224.Lieutier F., 2004. Host resistance to bark beetles. 135-180 pp. En: F Lieutier, KRDay, A Battisti, JC Grégoire, HF Evans (Eds.). Bark and Wood Boring Insects186

S. López, P. Romón, J. C. Iturrondobeitia y A. Goldarazena—1990. Sperm is a limiting resource in pseudogamous bark beetle Ips acuminatus(Scolytidae). Oikos, 57: 80-87.Kirschner R., 1998. Diversität mit Borkenkäfern assoziierter filamentöserMikropilze. Dissertation, Eberhard-Karls-Universität Tübingen.Kolk A., Starzyk J. R., 1996. At<strong>las</strong> Szkodliwych Owadow Lesnych . T. 1. (AnAt<strong>las</strong> of Forest Insect Pests). Multico O.W. Publ. 705 pp.Krokene P., Solheim H., Krekling T., Christiansen E., 2003. Inducible anatomical<strong>de</strong>fence responses in Norway spruce stems and their possible role ininduced resistance. Tree Physiology, 23: 191-197.Lan<strong>de</strong>ras E., García P., Fernán<strong>de</strong>z Y., Braña M., 2005. Outbreak of pitchcanker caused by Fusarium circinatum on Pinus spp. in Northern Spain.Plant Disease, 89: 1015.Langström B., 1983. Life cycles and shoot feeding of the pine shoot beetles.Studia Forestalia Suecica, 163: 1-29.Lanier G. N., 1970. Biosystematics of North American Ips: Hopping’s Group III.Canadian Entomologist, 102: 1404-1423.Lanne B. S., Schlyter F., Byers J. A., Löfqvist J., Leufvén A., BergströmG., Van <strong>de</strong>r Pers JNC, Unelius R., Baeckström P., Norin T., 1987.Differences in attraction to semiochemicals present in sympatric pine shootbeetles, Tomicus minor and T. piniperda. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 13(5):1045-1067.Lee J. C., Smith S. L., Seybold S. J., 2005. Mediterranean Pine Engraver.Department of Agriculture Forest Service State and Private Forestry PacificSouthwest Region. 4 pp.Lekan<strong>de</strong>r B., 1968. The number of larval instars in some bark beetles species.Entomologisk Tidskrift, 89: 1-2.Lieutier F., Vouland G., Pettinetti M., 1997. Test <strong>de</strong> choix <strong>de</strong>s pins méditerranéenspar les Scolyti<strong>de</strong>s et autres insects xylophages en conditions naturelles.Revue Forestière Française, 49: 215-224.Lieutier F., 2004. Host resistance to bark beetles. 135-180 pp. En: F Lieutier, KRDay, A Battisti, JC Grégoire, HF Evans (Eds.). Bark and Wood Boring Insects186

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