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Los escolítidos de las coníferas del País Vasco - Nasdap.ejgv ... Los escolítidos de las coníferas del País Vasco - Nasdap.ejgv ...

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Anexosinternet en: [conacceso el 27 de abril de 2006].González R., 1990. Estudio bioecológico de Phloeothribus scarabeoides(Bernard, 1788) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) en la provincia de Granada. TesisDoctoral. 450 pp.González R., Campos M., 1991. Relaciones entre la fenología de Phloeothribusscarabeoides (Col., Scolytidae) y sus parasitoides (Hym., Chalcidoidea). Boletínde la Asociación Española de Entomología, 15: 131-143.González R., Gázquez P., Pajares J. A., 1999. La Grafiosis del olmo, programade control en la Alhambra (1994-1998). Jaén. España: Universidad de Jaén.Grégoire J. C., Merlin J., Pasteels J. M., Jaffuel R., Vouland G., SchvesterD., 1985. Biocontrol of Dendroctonus micans by Rhizophagus grandis in theMassif Central (France). Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie, 99: 182-190.Grégoire J. C., Couillien D., Drumont A., Dahlsten D. L., Meyer H.,Francke W., 1992. Semiochemicals and the management of the predatorRhizophagus grandis for the biological control of Dendroctonus micans.Zeitschrift für angewandte Entomologie, 114: 110-112.Grégoire J. C., Evans H. F., 2004. Damage and control of Bawbilt organisms,an overview. 19-37 pp. En: F Lieutier, KR Day, A Battisti, JC Gregoire, HFEvans (Eds.). Bark and Wood Boring Insects in Living Trees in Europe, aSynthesis. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Dordercht The Netherlands. 569 pp.Gries G., 1984. Zur Bedeutung des Reifungsfrasses für die Dispersion desKupferstechers, Pityogenes chalcographus L. (Coleoptera: Scolytidae).Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie, 73: 267-279.Grüne S., 1979. Handbuch zur bestimmung der europaischen Borkenkäfer.(Brief illustrated key to European bark beetles). Hannover: Verlag M.&H.Schaper. 182 pp.Haack R. A., 1985. Voltinism and diurnal emergence-flight patterns of Ips calligraphusin Florida. Florida Entomologist, 68: 658-667.Haack R. A., Wilkinson R. C., Foltz J. L., Corneil J. A., 1987. Spatialattack pattern, reproduction, and brood development of Ips calligraphus inrelation to slash pine phloem thickness: a field study. Environmental183

S. López, P. Romón, J. C. Iturrondobeitia y A. GoldarazenaEntomology, 16: 428-436.Haack R. A., Kucera D., 1993. New introduction - common pine shoot beetle,Tomicus piniperda (L.). USDA For. Serv. Northeast. Area Pest Alert NA-TP-0593. 2 pp.Haack R. A., 2004. Orthotomicus erosus: A New Pine-Infesting Bark Beetle inthe United States. Michigan Entomological Society, 49 (3-4): 3.Harrington T. C., Cobb F. W., Lownsbery J. W., 1985. Activity of Hylastesnigrinus, a vector of Verticicladiella wageneri, in thinned stands of Douglasfir.Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 15: 519-523.Harrington T. C., 1993. Diseases of conifers caused by Ophiostoma andLeptographium. 161-172 pp. En: MJ Wingfield, KA Seifert, JF Webber (Eds.).Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma. Taxonomy, Ecology and Pathogenicity. APSPress, St. Paul, Minnesota.Hepting G. H., Roth E. R., 1946. Pitch canker, a new disease of some southernpines. Journal of Forestry, 44: 742-744.Hernández R., Pérez V., Martín E., 1998. El Barrenador del Pino Silvestre.Departamento de Agricultura y Medio Ambiente. Gobierno de Aragón. 4 pp.Hirschheydt J. V., 1992. Der amerikanische Nutzholzborkenkäfer Gnathotrichusmateriarius (Fitch) hat die Schweiz erreicht. Mitteilungen der SchweizerischenEntomologischen Gesellschaft, 65: 33-37.Hoebeke E. R., Acciavatti R. E., 2006. Hylurgops palliatus (Gyllenhal)(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae): an Eurasian bark beetle new toNorth America. En: Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington,108(2): 267-273.Hoover K., Wood D. L., Fox J. W., Bros W. E., 1995. Quantitative and seasonalassociation of the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium subglutinans f.sp. piniwith Conophthorus radiatae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Ernobius punctulatus(Coleoptera: Anobiidae) which infest Pinus radiata. CanadianEntomologist, 127: 79-91.Horntvedt R., Christiansen E., Solheim H., Wang S., 1983. Artificial inoculationwith Ips typographus associated blue-stain can kill healthy Norwayspruce trees. Meddelelser fra Norsk Institutt Skogforskning, 38(4): 1-20.184

S. López, P. Romón, J. C. Iturrondobeitia y A. GoldarazenaEntomology, 16: 428-436.Haack R. A., Kucera D., 1993. New introduction - common pine shoot beetle,Tomicus piniperda (L.). USDA For. Serv. Northeast. Area Pest Alert NA-TP-0593. 2 pp.Haack R. A., 2004. Orthotomicus erosus: A New Pine-Infesting Bark Beetle inthe United States. Michigan Entomological Society, 49 (3-4): 3.Harrington T. C., Cobb F. W., Lownsbery J. W., 1985. Activity of Hy<strong>las</strong>tesnigrinus, a vector of Verticicladiella wageneri, in thinned stands of Doug<strong>las</strong>fir.Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 15: 519-523.Harrington T. C., 1993. Diseases of conifers caused by Ophiostoma andLeptographium. 161-172 pp. En: MJ Wingfield, KA Seifert, JF Webber (Eds.).Ceratocystis and Ophiostoma. Taxonomy, Ecology and Pathogenicity. APSPress, St. Paul, Minnesota.Hepting G. H., Roth E. R., 1946. Pitch canker, a new disease of some southernpines. Journal of Forestry, 44: 742-744.Hernán<strong>de</strong>z R., Pérez V., Martín E., 1998. El Barrenador <strong>de</strong>l Pino Silvestre.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Agricultura y Medio Ambiente. Gobierno <strong>de</strong> Aragón. 4 pp.Hirschheydt J. V., 1992. Der amerikanische Nutzholzborkenkäfer Gnathotrichusmateriarius (Fitch) hat die Schweiz erreicht. Mitteilungen <strong>de</strong>r SchweizerischenEntomologischen Gesellschaft, 65: 33-37.Hoebeke E. R., Acciavatti R. E., 2006. Hylurgops palliatus (Gyllenhal)(Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae): an Eurasian bark beetle new toNorth America. En: Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington,108(2): 267-273.Hoover K., Wood D. L., Fox J. W., Bros W. E., 1995. Quantitative and seasona<strong>las</strong>sociation of the pitch canker fungus, Fusarium subglutinans f.sp. piniwith Conophthorus radiatae (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and Ernobius punctulatus(Coleoptera: Anobiidae) which infest Pinus radiata. CanadianEntomologist, 127: 79-91.Horntvedt R., Christiansen E., Solheim H., Wang S., 1983. Artificial inoculationwith Ips typographus associated blue-stain can kill healthy Norwayspruce trees. Med<strong>de</strong>lelser fra Norsk Institutt Skogforskning, 38(4): 1-20.184

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