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ProfessionalProfessionalJOAN'S PHARMACYPointcare Diagnostic & MedicalClinicProfessional SOLIS, MARILYN TAN DMD DENTAL MEDICINEDurable Medical Equipment (DME),GOV LIM AVE ZAMBOANGA ZamboangaPharmacydel SurInternal Medicine, Laboratory Services GOVERNOR ALVAREZ ST ZAMBOANGA Zamboangadel SurROOM 325 CIUDAD MEDICALZAMBOANGA NUNEZ EXTZAMBOANGAZamboangadel SurProfessional VILLENA,RAMIL PINGA Dental Medicine ZAEC, 247 SAN JOSE ROAD ZAMBOANGA Zamboangadel Sur6362-9911315 Certified632-9925027 Certified6362-9927552 Certified6362-9922579 CertifiedInstitutionalCIUDAD MEDICAL ZAMBOANGAAnesthesiology, Cardiology,Dermatology, Ear, Nose and Throat(ENT), Gastroenterology, InternalMedicine, Nephrology, Neurology,Obstetrics & Gynecology,Ophthalmology, Orthopedic Medicine,Pathology, Pediatrics, Physical Medicine& Rehabilitation, Psychiatry, PulmonaryDisease, Surgery, UrologyNUNEZ EXTENSIONZAMBOANGAZamboangadel Sur6362-9927330 CertifiedInstitutionalZAMBOANGA DOCTORSHOSPITALAnesthesiology, Cardiology, Ear, Noseand Throat (ENT), Gastroenterology,Hematology, Internal Medicine,Nephrology, Neurology, Obstetrics &Gynecology, Ophthalmology, OrthopedicMedicine, Pathology, PulmonaryDisease, Radiology, Surgery, UrologyVETERANS AVEZAMBOANGAZamboangadel Sur6362-9911929 CertifiedProfessional SOLIS, MARILYN TAN,DMD DENTAL MEDICINERM 325 CIUDAD MEDICAL ZAMBOANGANUNEZ EXTZAMBOANGAZamboangadel Sur6362-9927552 Certified

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