Early Bird Discount – Register by 19 July 2013 and save US$250

Early Bird Discount – Register by 19 July 2013 and save US$250

Early Bird Discount – Register by 19 July 2013 and save US$250


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Disponible traducción simultánea del inglés al español11:10 Preguntas y debate11:20 Recreo de networkingSESIÓN 7: OPERACIONES DE MINERÍA11:50 Comentarios iniciales del maestro de ceremonias11:55 El papel fundamental de las plantas de lavado de carbón alpermitir al carbón colombiano competir como producto deexportación• Costo e implicaciones económicas de la integración de estas instalaciones• Ejemplos de éxito en la adaptación de la tecnología al carbón y a lageografía colombianos• Ventajas de la inversión para mejorar el rendimiento y reducir elimpacto ambientalGerman Rayo Alonso, Gerente Mineria y Transporte, Schenck12:15 Las características del carbón colombiano• ¿Cuáles son las peculiaridades de la evaluación del carbón colombiano?• ¿Cómo se sitúa la calidad del carbón colombiano en el contexto delsuministro competitivo?• El papel de las nuevas tecnologías en el mantenimiento de la calidad delcarbón en toda la cadena de suministro de transporteCarlos Diaz, Gerente Comercial Carbon y Coque, Inspectorate12: 35 Enfoque jurídico al proceso de exploracion• Principales retos para las empresas de exploración• Análisis de las medidas del Gobierno para promover y apoyar elsector de la mineríaHernan Rodriguez, Socio y Director area de Mineria,Norton Rose Colombia12:55 Preguntas y debate13:05 Almuerzo de networkingPre-conferencefield tripSESIÓN 8: EXPLOTACIÓN EN COLOMBIA14:50 Comentarios iniciales del maestro de ceremoniasMarta Gutiérrez, Jefa de Consultoría, Pro Business Group15:00 Mejores prácticas: retos ambientales y sociales deldesarrollo de proyectos de carbón• Divulgación de las conclusiones del estudio de exploración en Colombiade la Iniciativa de Transparencia de las Industrias de Extracción (EITI) ylas conclusiones de los estudios básicos sobre minería artesanal y depequeña escala [ASM]• Cuestiones de derechos humanos: evitar que afecten a la capacidadpara obtener financiación de proyectos e interesar a nuevos inversoresHilaire Avril, Senior Consultant, RCS global15:20 Estudio de la normativa que rige los sectores depetróleo y gas15:40 Facilitar un suministro responsable, verificable y ético• Fomentar la adopción de un código de ética voluntario para crear unsector de carbón sustentable• Abordar la necesidad de elaborar un código de prácticas reconocido anivel mundial para beneficiar a los trabajadores y a las comunidades,además de a los partícipes.• Poner en práctica mejores tarifas de Better Coal en sus procesos dedebida diligencia en la cadena de suministroMartin Christie, Presidente, Better Coal16:00 Preguntas y debate15:40 Fin de la segunda jornadaPre-conference field trip to the Port of Barranquilla, to the Impala bargesalong the Magdalena River <strong>and</strong> to Inspectorate’s br<strong>and</strong> new laboratoriesAbout Sociedad Portuaria Regional de BarranquillaSociedad Portuaria Regional de Barranquilla is a maritime <strong>and</strong> fluvial port thatreceives more than 4 million tons of cargo each year. The SPRB is located 22kilometers from the mouth of the Magdalena River on the Caribbean Sea in Bocasde Ceniza. This multipurpose port has a 1.058-m dock <strong>and</strong> a 36-foot authorized freshwater draught <strong>and</strong>an excellent capacity for the proper h<strong>and</strong>ling of solid <strong>and</strong> liquid bulk, containers, coal <strong>and</strong> general cargo.About ImpalaImpala focuses on marketing petroleum <strong>and</strong> its derivatives, concentrates <strong>and</strong>nonferrous refined metals; <strong>and</strong> it provides Colombia with a modern <strong>and</strong>versatile platform for the future growth of marketing activities in coal, oil, <strong>and</strong>iron ore <strong>and</strong> which is capable of meeting the sector’s diverse needs. Usingthe Magdalena River as a transport logistics network, Impala is able to meet the transportation requirementsfrom collection points, mines <strong>and</strong> storage centres, to export ports in the Caribbean, providing amultimodal logistics chain <strong>and</strong> thus decreasing logistics costs for major exports such as coal <strong>and</strong> oil, <strong>by</strong>compensating with large scale imports volume which are destined for the central part of the country.About InspectorateInspectorate laboratory is located in Cienaga (Magdalena) a strategic location near themost important ports of Coal, Oil <strong>and</strong> other Commodities, with 1.200 m2 of analyticalarea <strong>and</strong> a group of highly qualified professionals, 365 days a year. InspectorateColombia is a core part of the Bureau Veritas Commodities Division, which shows theglobal coverage <strong>and</strong> services based on principles of integrity, reliability <strong>and</strong> confidentiality, whichminimize risks <strong>and</strong> guarantee the safety, efficient <strong>and</strong> profitable of your business operation.US$<strong>19</strong>9cancellation policy appliesMonday 2 September <strong>2013</strong>OUTLINE ITINERARY:09:15 Departure from the Dann Carlton Hotel10:00 Arrival at the Port of Barranquilla10:30 Commercial presentation11:30 Port Tour12:00 Lunch13:30 Arrival <strong>and</strong> Tour of Impala’s barges <strong>and</strong> tugboats15:30 Arrival <strong>and</strong> groups conformation at Inspectorate Laboratories15:40 Presentation of lab <strong>and</strong> safety <strong>and</strong> quality st<strong>and</strong>ards (video)15:45 Coal <strong>and</strong> Coke – Lab <strong>and</strong> Preparation Room Presentation16:00 Oil <strong>and</strong> Petrochemicals – Lab presentation16:30 Coffee break16:45 departureNB – Field trip subject to a minimum <strong>and</strong> a maximum number of participants.Delegates will be able to join on a first-come first-served basis. The price for thefield trip includes transfers, lunch <strong>and</strong> refreshments.Cancellations: All cancellations must be received in writing <strong>by</strong> 2 August <strong>2013</strong> for a fullrefund, less a 10% administration charge. We cannot accept verbal cancellations.Cancellations received after 2 August <strong>2013</strong> are liable for the full field trip fee.However, substitutions can be sent to attend in your place at no extra charge.Registrations received after 2 August <strong>2013</strong> are still liable for the full field trip fee incase of cancellation. If owing to a force majeure the field trip needs to be cancelled,Coaltrans will not be liable for any travel or accommodation expenses incurred <strong>by</strong>delegates or their organisations. Delegates should ensure that they are properlyinsured which should include Personal Accident <strong>and</strong> Travel insurance. As a matter ofgood order, they should also ensure that they have Liability insurance cover.For further security information, please consultwww.coaltrans.com/colombiaPROGRAMEFIELD TRIP8Descuento de Grupo disponible para 2 o mas delegados ver mas detalles en la página 10

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