Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC

Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC

Curriculum Vitae - Grup d'Hidrologia Subterrània - UPC


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1991likelihood cross-validation, Proc. International Conference on Calibration andReliability in Groundwater Modelling. (Ed Karel Kovar) IAHS pub nº 195, pp. 345-354.- Carrera, J., 1991. “Groundwater Pollution modelling: sources of uncertainty and itsuse for decisi”. ICEP 1, 880-888 pp.- Carrera J., G. Galarza y H. Alfageme, 1991. A Multi-Phase, Non-Isothermal FlowModel for Computing Surface Infiltration. (sólo resumen) Simposio IAHR.Increasing groundwater recharge in semi-arid zones.- Carrera J., 1991. Aplication of Model Structure Identification Criteria toHydrogeologic Inverse Problems (sólo resumen) AGU, Fall Meeting, Program andAbstracts. pp. 210.- Carrera J., 1991. Uncertainties in Modeling Groundwater Solute Transport.Implications for Validation (sólo resumen), Migration'91. Third Int. Conf. onChemisty and Migration Behavior of Actinides and Fission Products in theGeosphere. Abstract No. C3-1, p. 283.- Carrera J., J. Samper, A. Medina, G. Galarza, S.F. Mousavi, J. Sanchez-Vila y E.Usunoff 1991. Validation of Solute Transport Models: Application to LaboratoryTracer Experiments through Clays. (sólo resumen), Poster Jerez de la Frontera.Migration'91. Third Int. Conf. on Chemisty and Migration Behavior of Actinides andFission Products in the Geosphere. Abstract No. C3P-17, p. 317.- Carrera J., 1991. Process and Model Structure Identification in Hydrogeology.(sólo resumen), IAHR Workshop on Application of systems and Control Theory toValidation of Computer Models. Delft Hydraulics.- Carrera, J., 1991. ``Hidrogeología de Medios Poco Permeables''. Memoria XXVAniversario del Curso Internacional de Hidrogeología Subterránea de Barcelona.pp. 47-67. ISBN 84-87867-01-4.- Carrera, J., 1991. Groundwater Pollution Modelling: Sources of uncertainty and itsUse for Decision-Making. International Conference on Environmental Pollution 1-ICEP.1, (Eds. B. Nath y J.P. Robinson) vol. 2, pp. 880-887.- Olivella, S., J. Carrera, E. E. Alonso, A. Lloret, A. Gens y F. Huertas, 1991.Hydromechanical Behavior of Saline Media. A review. Workshop Pilot tests onradioactive wast disposal in underground facilities. CEC. Report EUR 13985, pp.175-203.- Samper, J. y J. Carrera, 1991. Estimation of Groundwater Recharge by CouplingWater Balance in the Soil Layer and Calibration of a flow Model. (sólo resumen)Simposio IAHR. Increasing groundwater recharge in semi-arid zones.1992- Benet, I. y J. Carrera, 1992. Desarrollo de un programa de ordenador para lainterpretación de ensayos de trazadores.Hidrogeología y Recursos Hidráulicos.XVII pp.335-351.29

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