Posición Ideal de la Punta del Catéter Venoso Central

Posición Ideal de la Punta del Catéter Venoso Central Posición Ideal de la Punta del Catéter Venoso Central


70 REVISTA CHILENA ANESTESIAREFERENCIAS1. Collier PE, Blocker SH, Graff DM et al. Cardiac tamponadefrom central venous catheters. Am J Surg 1998; 176:212-4.2. Food and Drug Administration Task Force. Precautionsnecessary with central venous catheters. FDA Drug Bulletin1989; 15-16.3. Scott WL. Central venous catheters: an overview of Foodand Drug Administration activities. Surg Oncol Clin NorthAm 1995; 4: 377-92.4. Oncology Nursing Society. Access Device Guidelines:Recommendations for Nursing Practice and Education.Pittsburg, PA: Oncology Nursing Press, 1996.5. National Association of Vascular Access Networks. NA-VAN Position Statement. J Vasc Access Devices 1998; 3:8-10.6. Infusion Nurses Society. Standard of Practice. J IntravNurs 2000: 23 (suppl): 6S.7. National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI Clinical PracticeGuidelines for Vascular Access. Am J Kidney Dis 2001;37(suppl 1): S137-S181.8. Silberzweig JE, Sacks D, Khorsandi AS et al. Reportingstandards for central venous access. J Vasc Interv Radiol2000; 11; 391-400.9. Timsit JF, Farkas JC, Boyer JM et al. Central vein catheter-relatedthrombosis in intensive care patients: incidence,risk factors and relationship with catheter-related sepsis.Chest 1998; 114: 207-13.10. Raad ii, Luna M, Khalil SM et al. The relationship betweenthe thrombotic and infectious complications of centralvenous catheters. JAMA 1994; 271: 1014-6.11. Puel V, Caudry M, Le Metayer P et al. Superior vena cavathrombosis related to catheter malposition in cancer chemotherapygiven through implanted ports. Cancer 1993;72: 2248-52.12. Pollard AJ, Sreeram N, Wright JG et al. ECG and echocardiographicdiagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism associatedwith central venous lines. Arch Dis Child 1995;73: 147-50.13. Dollery CM, Sullivan ID, Bauraind O et al. Thrombosisand embolism in long-term central venous access forparenteral nutrition. Lancet 1994; 344: 1043-5.14. Ducatman BS, McMichan JC, Edwards WD. Catheter-inducedlesions of the right side of the Heart: a one-yearprospective study of 141 autopsies. JAMA 1985; 253:791-5.15. Xiang DZ, Verbeneen EK, Van Lommel ATL, et al. Compositionand formation of the sleeve enveloping a centralvenous catheter. J Vasc Surg 1998; 28: 260-71.16. Pithie A, Soltar JS, Pennington CR. Catheter tip positionin central vein thrombosis. JPEN 1988; 12: 613-4.17. Gilon D, Schechter D, Rein AJJT et al. Right atrial thrombiare related to indwelling central venous catheter position:insights into time course and posible mechanism offormation. Am Heart J 1998; 135; 457-562.18. Pittet D. Nosocomial bloodstream infections in the criticallyill. JAMA 1994; 272: 1818-20.19. Fletcher SJ, Bodenham AR. Safe placement of centralvenous catheters: where should the tip of the catheter lie?Br J Anaesth 2000; 85: 188-91.20. Robinson JF, Robinson WA, Cohn A, Garg K, ArmastrongGD. Perforation of the great vessels during central venousline placement. Arch Intern Med 1995; 155: 1225-8.21. Tocino IM, Watanabe A. Impending catheter perforationof superior vena cava: radiographic recognition. AJR Am JRoentgenol 1986; 146: 487-90.22. Duntley P, Siever J, Korwes ML, Harpel K, Heffner JE.Vascular erosions by central venous catheters. Clinicalfeatures and outcome. Chest 1992; 101: 1633-8.23. Vesely TM. Central Venous Catheter Tip Position: A ContinuingControversy. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2003; 14: 527-34.24. Mukau L, Talamini MA, Sitzmann JV. Risks factors forcentral venous catheter-related vascular erosions. J ParenterEnteral Nutr 1991; 15: 513-6.25. Albrecht K, Nave H, Breitmeier D, Panning B, TrögerHD. Applied anatomy of the superior vena cava - the carinaas a landmark to guide central venous catheter placement.Br J Anaesth 2004; 92: 75-7.26. Schuster M, Nave H, Piepenbrock S, Pabst R, Panning B.The carina as a landmark in central venous catheter placement.Br J Anaesth 2000; 85: 192-4.27. Bivins MH, Callahan MJ. Position dependant ventriculartachycardia related to a peripherally inserted central catheter.Mayo Clin Proc 2000; 75: 414-6.28. Peres PW. Positioning central venous catheters: a prospectivesurvey. Anaesthesia Intensive Care 1990; 18: 536-9.29. Czepizak CA, O´Callaghan JM, Venus B. Evaluation offormulas for optimal positioning of central venous catheters.Chest 1995; 107: 1662-4.30. Andropoulos DB, Bent ST, Skjonsby B, Stayer SA. Theoptimal length of insertion of central venous catheters forpediatric patients. Anesth Analg 2001; 93: 883-6.31. Kim JH, Kim CS, Bahk JH, Cha KJ, Park YS, Jeon YT,Han SH. The Optimal Depth of Central Venous Catheter forInfants Less Than 5 kg. Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 1301-3.32. Defalque RJ, Campbell C. Cardiac tamponade from centralvenous catheter. Anesthesiology 1979; 50: 249-52.33. Rutherford JS, Merry AF, Occleshaw CJ. Depth of centralvenous catheterization: an audit of practice in a cardiacsurgical unit. Anaesth Intensive Care 1994; 22: 267-71.34. Greenall MJ, Blewitt RW, McMahon MJ. Cardiac tamponadeand central venous catheters. BMJ 1975; 2: 595-7.35. Stonelake PA, Bodenham AR. The carina as a radiologicallandmark for central venous catheter tip position. Br J Anaesth2006; 96: 335-40.36. Yoon SZ, Shin JH, Hahnl S, Oh AY, Kim HS, Kim SD andKim CS. Usefulness of the carina as a radiographic landmarkfor central venous catheter placement in paediatricpatients. Br J Anaesth 2005; 95: 514-7.37. Andropoulus DB, Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ, BezoldLI, Alvarez M, Fraser CD. A controlled study oftransesophageal echocardiography to guide central venouscatheter placement in congenital heart patients. AnesthAnalg 1999; 89: 65-70.

70 REVISTA CHILENA ANESTESIAREFERENCIAS1. Collier PE, Blocker SH, Graff DM et al. Cardiac tampona<strong>de</strong>from central venous catheters. Am J Surg 1998; 176:212-4.2. Food and Drug Administration Task Force. Precautionsnecessary with central venous catheters. FDA Drug Bulletin1989; 15-16.3. Scott WL. <strong>Central</strong> venous catheters: an overview of Foodand Drug Administration activities. Surg Oncol Clin NorthAm 1995; 4: 377-92.4. Oncology Nursing Society. Access Device Gui<strong>de</strong>lines:Recommendations for Nursing Practice and Education.Pittsburg, PA: Oncology Nursing Press, 1996.5. National Association of Vascu<strong>la</strong>r Access Networks. NA-VAN Position Statement. J Vasc Access Devices 1998; 3:8-10.6. Infusion Nurses Society. Standard of Practice. J IntravNurs 2000: 23 (suppl): 6S.7. National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI Clinical PracticeGui<strong>de</strong>lines for Vascu<strong>la</strong>r Access. Am J Kidney Dis 2001;37(suppl 1): S137-S181.8. Silberzweig JE, Sacks D, Khorsandi AS et al. Reportingstandards for central venous access. J Vasc Interv Radiol2000; 11; 391-400.9. Timsit JF, Farkas JC, Boyer JM et al. <strong>Central</strong> vein catheter-re<strong>la</strong>tedthrombosis in intensive care patients: inci<strong>de</strong>nce,risk factors and re<strong>la</strong>tionship with catheter-re<strong>la</strong>ted sepsis.Chest 1998; 114: 207-13.10. Raad ii, Luna M, Khalil SM et al. The re<strong>la</strong>tionship betweenthe thrombotic and infectious complications of centralvenous catheters. JAMA 1994; 271: 1014-6.11. Puel V, Caudry M, Le Metayer P et al. Superior vena cavathrombosis re<strong>la</strong>ted to catheter malposition in cancer chemotherapygiven through imp<strong>la</strong>nted ports. Cancer 1993;72: 2248-52.12. Pol<strong>la</strong>rd AJ, Sreeram N, Wright JG et al. ECG and echocardiographicdiagnosis of pulmonary thromboembolism associatedwith central venous lines. Arch Dis Child 1995;73: 147-50.13. Dollery CM, Sullivan ID, Bauraind O et al. Thrombosisand embolism in long-term central venous access forparenteral nutrition. Lancet 1994; 344: 1043-5.14. Ducatman BS, McMichan JC, Edwards WD. Catheter-inducedlesions of the right si<strong>de</strong> of the Heart: a one-yearprospective study of 141 autopsies. JAMA 1985; 253:791-5.15. Xiang DZ, Verbeneen EK, Van Lommel ATL, et al. Compositionand formation of the sleeve enveloping a centralvenous catheter. J Vasc Surg 1998; 28: 260-71.16. Pithie A, Soltar JS, Pennington CR. Catheter tip positionin central vein thrombosis. JPEN 1988; 12: 613-4.17. Gilon D, Schechter D, Rein AJJT et al. Right atrial thrombiare re<strong>la</strong>ted to indwelling central venous catheter position:insights into time course and posible mechanism offormation. Am Heart J 1998; 135; 457-562.18. Pittet D. Nosocomial bloodstream infections in the criticallyill. JAMA 1994; 272: 1818-20.19. Fletcher SJ, Bo<strong>de</strong>nham AR. Safe p<strong>la</strong>cement of centralvenous catheters: where should the tip of the catheter lie?Br J Anaesth 2000; 85: 188-91.20. Robinson JF, Robinson WA, Cohn A, Garg K, ArmastrongGD. Perforation of the great vessels during central venousline p<strong>la</strong>cement. Arch Intern Med 1995; 155: 1225-8.21. Tocino IM, Watanabe A. Impending catheter perforationof superior vena cava: radiographic recognition. AJR Am JRoentgenol 1986; 146: 487-90.22. Duntley P, Siever J, Korwes ML, Harpel K, Heffner JE.Vascu<strong>la</strong>r erosions by central venous catheters. Clinicalfeatures and outcome. Chest 1992; 101: 1633-8.23. Vesely TM. <strong>Central</strong> Venous Catheter Tip Position: A ContinuingControversy. J Vasc Interv Radiol 2003; 14: 527-34.24. Mukau L, Ta<strong>la</strong>mini MA, Sitzmann JV. Risks factors forcentral venous catheter-re<strong>la</strong>ted vascu<strong>la</strong>r erosions. J ParenterEnteral Nutr 1991; 15: 513-6.25. Albrecht K, Nave H, Breitmeier D, Panning B, TrögerHD. Applied anatomy of the superior vena cava - the carinaas a <strong>la</strong>ndmark to gui<strong>de</strong> central venous catheter p<strong>la</strong>cement.Br J Anaesth 2004; 92: 75-7.26. Schuster M, Nave H, Piepenbrock S, Pabst R, Panning B.The carina as a <strong>la</strong>ndmark in central venous catheter p<strong>la</strong>cement.Br J Anaesth 2000; 85: 192-4.27. Bivins MH, Cal<strong>la</strong>han MJ. Position <strong>de</strong>pendant ventricu<strong>la</strong>rtachycardia re<strong>la</strong>ted to a peripherally inserted central catheter.Mayo Clin Proc 2000; 75: 414-6.28. Peres PW. Positioning central venous catheters: a prospectivesurvey. Anaesthesia Intensive Care 1990; 18: 536-9.29. Czepizak CA, O´Cal<strong>la</strong>ghan JM, Venus B. Evaluation offormu<strong>la</strong>s for optimal positioning of central venous catheters.Chest 1995; 107: 1662-4.30. Andropoulos DB, Bent ST, Skjonsby B, Stayer SA. Theoptimal length of insertion of central venous catheters forpediatric patients. Anesth Analg 2001; 93: 883-6.31. Kim JH, Kim CS, Bahk JH, Cha KJ, Park YS, Jeon YT,Han SH. The Optimal Depth of <strong>Central</strong> Venous Catheter forInfants Less Than 5 kg. Anesth Analg 2005; 101: 1301-3.32. Defalque RJ, Campbell C. Cardiac tampona<strong>de</strong> from centralvenous catheter. Anesthesiology 1979; 50: 249-52.33. Rutherford JS, Merry AF, Occleshaw CJ. Depth of centralvenous catheterization: an audit of practice in a cardiacsurgical unit. Anaesth Intensive Care 1994; 22: 267-71.34. Greenall MJ, Blewitt RW, McMahon MJ. Cardiac tampona<strong>de</strong>and central venous catheters. BMJ 1975; 2: 595-7.35. Stone<strong>la</strong>ke PA, Bo<strong>de</strong>nham AR. The carina as a radiological<strong>la</strong>ndmark for central venous catheter tip position. Br J Anaesth2006; 96: 335-40.36. Yoon SZ, Shin JH, Hahnl S, Oh AY, Kim HS, Kim SD andKim CS. Usefulness of the carina as a radiographic <strong>la</strong>ndmarkfor central venous catheter p<strong>la</strong>cement in paediatricpatients. Br J Anaesth 2005; 95: 514-7.37. Andropoulus DB, Stayer SA, Bent ST, Campos CJ, BezoldLI, Alvarez M, Fraser CD. A controlled study oftransesophageal echocardiography to gui<strong>de</strong> central venouscatheter p<strong>la</strong>cement in congenital heart patients. AnesthAnalg 1999; 89: 65-70.

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