boletín viaprata n5 para pdf.FH11 - Asociación de Amigos Vía da ...

boletín viaprata n5 para pdf.FH11 - Asociación de Amigos Vía da ... boletín viaprata n5 para pdf.FH11 - Asociación de Amigos Vía da ...


Porque Ourense es una ciudad termal. Losromanos ya disfrutaron de estas aguas. Enlos últimos años se han creado diferenteszona de baño. Aguas perfectas para losperegrinos por sus efectos relajantes.Y porque Ourense es una ciudad paradisfrutar. Por su variada gastronomía, porsus paseos, oferta cultural y de ocio,...Quien venga realizando la ruta desdeXunqueria (o para el que empiece aquí),entrará en la zona monumental por lasBurgas, como siglos atrás lo hizo un peregrinoque “perdió” en este lugar su Santiago deazabache y que en unas excavacionesrecientes se ha recuperado.Continuará visitando sus principalesmonumentos (como la Catedral) hasta llegaral albergue. Y después de comer y descansar,bien puede volver a la Plaza Mayor paratomar el “tren de las termas”, transportemunicipal que le acerca a la zona termal.A continuación le facilitamos un plano con elitinerario básico así como la explicación delos principales lugares. Dejamos para elsiguiente número la posibilidad de ampliarsu estancia para disfrutar de algún que otrorecurso turístico.Albergue de peregrinosSeixalvoPraza Maior10

THE MOZARAB ROUTE: OURENSEThe Saint Jame’s Way was and still is themost ancient, busy and celebrated route ofthe old continent. Santiago de Compostelacan be reached in various ways. And for all,the way starts at your own front door.Nowadays, with the modern roadinfrastructure, we can choose our startingpoint. Ourense is one of those possiblestarting points. As the city is one hundredkilometers away, the distance needed toachieve the “Compostela”, we highlyrecommend that you to spend more thanone day in the city.Why visit Ourense ?• Because Ourense is a monumental city.It’s roman origin is located in the surroundingsof “las Burgas”. However, the old town wasbuilt in the Middle Age with its main square(Plaza Mayor) as the central area. This is thereason why most of the monumentsarelocated around this point, easily reachableby foot.• Because Ourense is a thermal city andthe Romans already enjoyed this fact.Recently many bathing areas have been built,perfect for the pilgrims to relax their wearylimbs.• And because Ourense is a city to enjoy.For its gastronomy, its promenades, itscultural sites and leisure facilities,…For those coming from Xunqueira (or forthose starting in Ourense), you will enterthe historical town through “las Burgas”, thesame way a pilgrim did centruries ago, wholost in this place a small figure of Saint Jamesmade of jet that has been found recentlyduring excavations.The visitor will continue towards the pilgrimshostel, walking past the most importantmonuments (such as the Cathedral). Aftera nice meal and a deserved rest, they cango back to the “Plaza Mayor” to catch the“tren de las termas”, small city train thattransports to the thermal area.Hereafter you will find a map with the basicitinerary and a short explanation of the mainattractions. We will publish in the next issuemore information on further attractions incase you decide to extend your stay.Catedral. Entrada por el Pórtico del ParaisoCatedral. Vista por el lado surCatedral. Cimborrio11

THE MOZARAB ROUTE: OURENSEThe Saint Jame’s Way was and still is themost ancient, busy and celebrated route ofthe old continent. Santiago <strong>de</strong> Compostelacan be reached in various ways. And for all,the way starts at your own front door.Nowa<strong>da</strong>ys, with the mo<strong>de</strong>rn roadinfrastructure, we can choose our startingpoint. Ourense is one of those possiblestarting points. As the city is one hundredkilometers away, the distance nee<strong>de</strong>d toachieve the “Compostela”, we highlyrecommend that you to spend more thanone <strong>da</strong>y in the city.Why visit Ourense ?• Because Ourense is a monumental city.It’s roman origin is located in the surroundingsof “las Burgas”. However, the old town wasbuilt in the Middle Age with its main square(Plaza Mayor) as the central area. This is thereason why most of the monumentsarelocated around this point, easily reachableby foot.• Because Ourense is a thermal city andthe Romans already enjoyed this fact.Recently many bathing areas have been built,perfect for the pilgrims to relax their wearylimbs.• And because Ourense is a city to enjoy.For its gastronomy, its promena<strong>de</strong>s, itscultural sites and leisure facilities,…For those coming from Xunqueira (or forthose starting in Ourense), you will enterthe historical town through “las Burgas”, thesame way a pilgrim did centruries ago, wholost in this place a small figure of Saint Jamesma<strong>de</strong> of jet that has been found recentlyduring excavations.The visitor will continue towards the pilgrimshostel, walking past the most importantmonuments (such as the Cathedral). Aftera nice meal and a <strong>de</strong>served rest, they cango back to the “Plaza Mayor” to catch the“tren <strong>de</strong> las termas”, small city train thattransports to the thermal area.Hereafter you will find a map with the basicitinerary and a short explanation of the mainattractions. We will publish in the next issuemore information on further attractions incase you <strong>de</strong>ci<strong>de</strong> to extend your stay.Catedral. Entra<strong>da</strong> por el Pórtico <strong>de</strong>l ParaisoCatedral. Vista por el lado surCatedral. Cimborrio11

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