Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASNelkin D, Lindee MS (1996) "Genes made me do it": the appeal of biologicalexplanations. Politics and Life Sciences, 15:95–97.Nestler EJ (2000) Genes and addiction. Nature Genetics, 26:277–281.Platt JJ (1997) Cocaine addiction: theory, research, and treatment. Cambridge,MA, EE.UU. Harvard University Press.Porter L, Arif AE, Curran WJ (1986) The law and the treatment of drug- and alcohol-dependent persons: a comparative study of existing legislation. Ginebra,Organización Mundial de la Salud.Preuss TM (2000) Taking the measure of diversity: comparative alternatives tothe model-animal paradigm in cortical neuroscience. Brain Behavior andEvolution, 55:287–299.Reidenberg MM (2001) Releasing the grip of big pharma. Lancet, 358:664.Resnik DB (1998) The ethics of science: an introduction. Londres, Inglaterra, Routledge.Roberts LW, Roberts B (1999) Psychiatric research ethics: an overview of evolvingguidelines and current ethical dilemmas in the study of mental illness.Biological Psychiatry, 46:1025–1038.Sell LA y colab. (1999) Activation of reward circuitry in human opiate addicts.European Journal of Neuroscience, 11:1042–1048.Shamoo AE (1998) Ethics in neurobiological research with human subjects: theBaltimore Conference on Ethics. Amsterdam, Gordon y Breach.Spooner C, Hall W (2002) Preventing substance misuse among young people:we need to do more than "just say no". Addiction, 97:478-481.Spooner C y colab. (2001) An overview of diversion strategies for drug-relatedoffenders. Drug and Alcohol Review, 20:281–294.Stahl SM (1996) Essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practicalapplications. Cambridge, Cambridge, EE.UU. University Press.Swanson JM y colab. (1998) Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and hyperkineticdisorder. Lancet, 351:429–433.Swendsen JD y colab. (2002) Are personality traits familial risk factors for substanceuse disorders: results of a controlled family study. American Journal ofPsychiatry, 159:1760–1766.Szasz TS (1985) Ceremonial chemistry. Holmes Beach, FL, Holmes LearningPublications.Valenstein ES (1998) Blaming the brain: the truth about drugs and mental health.Nueva York, NY, EE.UU. The Free Press.Varner GE (1994) The prospects for consensus and convergence in the animalrights debate. Hastings Center Report, 24:24–28.Vlahov D, Polk BF (1988) Intravenous drug use and human immunodeficiencyvirus (HIV) infection in prison. AIDS Public Policy Journal, 3:42–46.Asociación Médica Mundial (1996) Declaración de Helsinki. British MedicalJournal, 313:1448–1449.240

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASNelkin D, Lin<strong>de</strong>e MS (1996) "Genes ma<strong>de</strong> me do it": the appeal of biologicalexplanations. Politics and Life Sciences, 15:95–97.Nestler EJ (2000) Genes and addiction. Nature Genetics, 26:277–281.Platt JJ (1997) Cocaine addiction: theory, research, and treatment. Cambridge,MA, EE.UU. Harvard University Press.Porter L, Arif AE, Curran WJ (1986) The law and the treatment of drug- and alcohol-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt persons: a comparative study of existing legislation. Ginebra,Organización Mundial <strong>de</strong> la Salud.Preuss TM (2000) Taking the measure of diversity: comparative alternatives tothe mo<strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong>-animal paradigm in cortical neuroscience. Brain Behavior andEvolution, 55:287–299.Rei<strong>de</strong>nberg MM (2001) Releasing the grip of big pharma. Lancet, 358:664.Resnik DB (1998) The ethics of science: an introduction. Londres, Inglaterra, Routledge.Roberts LW, Roberts B (1999) Psychiatric research ethics: an overview of evolvinggui<strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong>ines and current ethical dilemmas in the study of mental illness.Biological Psychiatry, 46:1025–1038.Sell LA y colab. (1999) Activation of reward circuitry in human opiate addicts.European Journal of Neuroscience, 11:1042–1048.Shamoo AE (1998) Ethics in neurobiological research with human subjects: theBaltimore Conference on Ethics. Amsterdam, Gordon y Breach.Spooner C, Hall W (2002) Preventing substance misuse among young people:we need to do more than "just say no". Addiction, 97:478-481.Spooner C y colab. (2001) An overview of diversion strategies for drug-relatedoffen<strong>de</strong>rs. Drug and Alcohol Review, 20:281–294.Stahl SM (1996) Essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practicalapplications. Cambridge, Cambridge, EE.UU. University Press.Swanson JM y colab. (1998) Attention-<strong>de</strong>ficit hyperactivity disor<strong>de</strong>r and hyperkineticdisor<strong>de</strong>r. Lancet, 351:429–433.Swendsen JD y colab. (2002) Are personality traits familial risk factors for substanceuse disor<strong>de</strong>rs: results of a controlled family study. American Journal ofPsychiatry, 159:1760–1766.Szasz TS (1985) Ceremonial chemistry. Holmes Beach, FL, Holmes LearningPublications.Valenstein ES (1998) Blaming the brain: the truth about drugs and mental health.Nueva York, NY, EE.UU. The Free Press.Varner GE (1994) The prospects for consensus and convergence in the animalrights <strong>de</strong>bate. Hastings Center Report, 24:24–28.Vlahov D, Polk BF (1988) Intravenous drug use and human immuno<strong>de</strong>ficiencyvirus (HIV) infection in prison. AIDS Public Policy Journal, 3:42–46.Asociación Médica Mundial (1996) Declaración <strong>de</strong> Helsinki. British MedicalJournal, 313:1448–1449.240

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