Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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6. TRASTORNOS CONCURRENTESHall RG y colab. (1995) Level of functioning, severity of illness, and smokingstatus among chronic psychiatric patients. Journal of Nervous and MentalDisorders, 183:468–471.Hambrecht M, Hafner H (1996) Substance abuse and the onset of schizophrenia.Biological Psychiatry, 40:1155–1163.Harris GC, Aston-Jones G (1994) Involvement of D2 dopamine receptors in thenucleus accumbens in the opiate withdrawal syndrome. Nature, 371:155–157.Harrison AA, Liem YT, Markou A (2001) Fluoxetine combined with a serotonin-1Areceptor antagonist reversed reward deficits observed during nicotineand amphetamine withdrawal in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 25:55–71.Harvey PD, Keefe RS (2001) Studies of cognitive change in patients with schizophreniafollowing novel antipsychotic treatment. American Journal of Psychiatry,158:176–184.Hazlett EA y colab. (2000) Hypofrontality in unmedicated schizophreniapatients studied with PET during performance of a serial verbal learning task.Schizophrenia Research, 43:33–46.Heckers S (2001) Neuroimaging studies of the hippocampus in schizophrenia.Hippocampus, 11:520–528.Heilig M, Widerlov E (1990) Neuropeptide Y: an overview of central distribution,functional aspects, and possible involvement in neuropsychiatric illnesses.Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 82:95–114.Heilig M y colab. (1994) Corticotropin-releasing factor and neuropeptide Y: rolein emotional integration. Trends in Neuroscience, 17:80–85.Hendrie CA, Sairally J, Starkey N (1998) Self-medication with alcohol appearsnot to be an effective treatment for the control of depression. Journal ofPsychopharmacology, 12:108.Heninger GR, Delgado PL, Charney DS (1996) The revised monoamine theoryof depression: a modulatory role for monoamines, based on new findingsfrom monoamine depletion experiments in humans. Pharmacopsychiatry,29:2–11.Henningfield JE, Johnson RE, Jasinski DR (1987) Clinical procedures for theassessment of abuse potential. En: Bozarth MA, ed. Methods of assessing the reinforcingproperties of abused drugs. Nueva York, NY, EE.UU. Springer-Verlag:573–590.Himmelsbach CK (1943) Can the euphoric, analgetic, and physical dependenceeffects of drugs be separated? IV. With reference to physical dependence.Federation Proceedings, 2:201–203.Hitsman B y colab. (1999) Antidepressant pharmacotherapy helps some cigarettesmokers more than others. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,67:547–554.Holden C (2001) Drug addiction: zapping memory center triggers drug craving.Science, 292:1039.Hughes JR (1992) Tobacco withdrawal in self-quitters. Journal of Consulting andClinical Psychology, 60:689–697.197

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6. TRASTORNOS CONCURRENTESHall RG y colab. (1995) Level of functioning, severity of illness, and smokingstatus among chronic psychiatric patients. Journal of Nervous and MentalDisor<strong>de</strong>rs, 183:468–471.Hambrecht M, Hafner H (1996) Substance abuse and the onset of schizophrenia.Biological Psychiatry, 40:1155–1163.Harris GC, Aston-Jones G (1994) Involvement of D2 dopamine receptors in thenucleus accumbens in the opiate withdrawal syndrome. Nature, 371:155–157.Harrison AA, Liem YT, Markou A (2001) Fluoxetine combined with a serotonin-1Areceptor antagonist reversed reward <strong>de</strong>ficits observed during nicotineand amphetamine withdrawal in rats. Neuropsychopharmacology, 25:55–71.Harvey PD, Keefe RS (2001) Studies of cognitive change in patients with schizophreniafollowing novel antipsychotic treatment. American Journal of Psychiatry,158:176–184.Hazlett EA y colab. (2000) Hypofrontality in unmedicated schizophreniapatients studied with PET during performance of a serial verbal learning task.Schizophrenia Research, 43:33–46.Heckers S (2001) Neuroimaging studies of the hippocampus in schizophrenia.Hippocampus, 11:520–528.Heilig M, Wi<strong>de</strong>rlov E (1990) Neuropepti<strong>de</strong> Y: an overview of central distribution,functional aspects, and possible involvement in neuropsychiatric illnesses.Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 82:95–114.Heilig M y colab. (1994) Corticotropin-releasing factor and neuropepti<strong>de</strong> Y: rolein emotional integration. Trends in Neuroscience, 17:80–85.Hendrie CA, Sairally J, Starkey N (1998) Self-medication with alcohol appearsnot to be an effective treatment for the control of <strong>de</strong>pression. Journal ofPsychopharmacology, 12:108.Heninger GR, Delgado PL, Charney DS (1996) The revised monoamine theoryof <strong>de</strong>pression: a modulatory role for monoamines, based on new findingsfrom monoamine <strong>de</strong>pletion experiments in humans. Pharmacopsychiatry,29:2–11.Henningfield JE, Johnson RE, Jasinski DR (1987) Clinical procedures for theassessment of abuse potential. En: Bozarth MA, ed. Methods of assessing the reinforcingproperties of abused drugs. Nueva York, NY, EE.UU. Springer-Verlag:573–590.Himmelsbach CK (1943) Can the euphoric, analgetic, and physical <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nceeffects of drugs be separated? IV. With reference to physical <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.Fe<strong>de</strong>ration Proceedings, 2:201–203.Hitsman B y colab. (1999) Anti<strong>de</strong>pressant pharmacotherapy helps some cigarettesmokers more than others. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology,67:547–554.Hol<strong>de</strong>n C (2001) Drug addiction: zapping memory center triggers drug craving.Science, 292:1039.Hughes JR (1992) Tobacco withdrawal in self-quitters. Journal of Consulting andClinical Psychology, 60:689–697.197

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