Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASDelgado PL y colab. (1990) Serotonin function and the mechanism of antidepressantaction: reversal of antidepressant-induced remission by rapid depletionof plasma tryptophan. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47:411–418.Delgado PL y colab. (1991) Rapid serotonin depletion as a provocative challengetest for patients with major depression: relevance to antidepressant action andthe neurobiology of depression. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 27:321–330.Delgado PL y colab. (1993) Monoamines and the mechanism of antidepressantaction: effects of catecholamine depletion on mood of patients treated with antidepressants.Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 29:389–396.Delgado PL y colab. (1994) Serotonin and the neurobiology of depression:effects of tryptophan depletion in drug-free depressed patients. Archives ofGeneral Psychiatry, 51:865– Montigny C, Aghajanian GK (1978) Tricyclic antidepressants: long-termtreatment increases responsivity of rat forebrain neurons to serotonin. Science,202:1303–1306.Desai NG y colab. (1984) Treatment of negative schizophrenia with d-amphetamine.American Journal of Psychiatry, 141:723–724.Di Chiara G y colab. (1999) Drug addiction as a disorder of associative learning:role of nucleus accumbens shell/extended amygdala dopamine. Annals of theNew York Acadamy of Sciences, 877:461–485.Diwan A y colab. (1998) Differential prevalence of cigarette smoking in patientswith schizophrenic vs mood disorders. Schizophrenia Research, 33:113–118.Dixon L (1999) Dual diagnosis of substance abuse in schizophrenia: prevalenceand impact outcomes. Schizophrenia Research, 35 Suppl: S93–S100.Dixon L y colab. (1990) Acute effects of drug abuse in schizophrenic patients:clinical observations and patients’ self-reports. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 16:69–79.Dixon L y colab. (1991) Drug abuse in schizophrenic patients: clinical correlatesand reasons for use. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148:224–230.Duncan GE, Sheitman BB, Lieberman JA (1999) An integrated view of pathophysiologicalmodels of schizophrenia. Brain Research Reviews, 29:250–264.Edwards G (1990) Withdrawal symptoms and alcohol dependence: fruitful mysteries.British Journal of Addiction, 85:447–461.Ellenbogen MA y colab. (1996) Mood response to acute tryptophan depletionin healthy volunteers: sex differences and temporal stability.Neuropsychopharmacology, 15:465–474.Ellenbroek BA, Cools AR (2000) Animal models for the negative symptoms ofschizophrenia. Behavioural Pharmacology, 11:223–233.Escamilla MA y colab. (2002) Comorbidity of bipolar disorder and substanceabuse in Costa Rica: pedigree- and population-based studies. Journal of AffectiveDisorders, 71:71-83.Fatemi SH, Earle JA, McMenomy T (2000) Reduction in Reelin immunoreactivityin hippocampus of subjects with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and majordepression. Molecular Psychiatry, 5:654–663.Feighner JP y colab. (1984) A double-blind study of bupropion and placebo in194

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASDelgado PL y colab. (1990) Serotonin function and the mechanism of anti<strong>de</strong>pressantaction: reversal of anti<strong>de</strong>pressant-induced remission by rapid <strong>de</strong>pletionof plasma tryptophan. Archives of General Psychiatry, 47:411–418.Delgado PL y colab. (1991) Rapid serotonin <strong>de</strong>pletion as a provocative challengetest for patients with major <strong>de</strong>pression: relevance to anti<strong>de</strong>pressant action andthe neurobiology of <strong>de</strong>pression. Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 27:321–330.Delgado PL y colab. (1993) Monoamines and the mechanism of anti<strong>de</strong>pressantaction: effects of catecholamine <strong>de</strong>pletion on mood of patients treated with anti<strong>de</strong>pressants.Psychopharmacology Bulletin, 29:389–396.Delgado PL y colab. (1994) Serotonin and the neurobiology of <strong>de</strong>pression:effects of tryptophan <strong>de</strong>pletion in drug-free <strong>de</strong>pressed patients. Archives ofGeneral Psychiatry, 51:865–874.<strong>de</strong> Montigny C, Aghajanian GK (1978) Tricyclic anti<strong>de</strong>pressants: long-termtreatment increases responsivity of rat forebrain neurons to serotonin. Science,202:1303–1306.Desai NG y colab. (1984) Treatment of negative schizophrenia with d-amphetamine.American Journal of Psychiatry, 141:723–724.Di Chiara G y colab. (1999) Drug addiction as a disor<strong>de</strong>r of associative learning:role of nucleus accumbens shell/exten<strong>de</strong>d amygdala dopamine. Annals of theNew York Acadamy of Sciences, 877:461–485.Diwan A y colab. (1998) Differential prevalence of cigarette smoking in patientswith schizophrenic vs mood disor<strong>de</strong>rs. Schizophrenia Research, 33:113–118.Dixon L (1999) Dual diagnosis of substance abuse in schizophrenia: prevalenceand impact outcomes. Schizophrenia Research, 35 Suppl: S93–S100.Dixon L y colab. (1990) Acute effects of drug abuse in schizophrenic patients:clinical observations and patients’ self-reports. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 16:69–79.Dixon L y colab. (1991) Drug abuse in schizophrenic patients: clinical correlatesand reasons for use. American Journal of Psychiatry, 148:224–230.Duncan GE, Sheitman BB, Lieberman JA (1999) An integrated view of pathophysiologicalmo<strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong>s of schizophrenia. Brain Research Reviews, 29:250–264.Edwards G (1990) Withdrawal symptoms and alcohol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce: fruitful mysteries.British Journal of Addiction, 85:447–461.Ellenbogen MA y colab. (1996) Mood response to acute tryptophan <strong>de</strong>pletionin healthy volunteers: sex differences and temporal stability.Neuropsychopharmacology, 15:465–474.Ellenbroek BA, Cools AR (2000) Animal mo<strong><strong>de</strong>l</strong>s for the negative symptoms ofschizophrenia. Behavioural Pharmacology, 11:223–233.Escamilla MA y colab. (2002) Comorbidity of bipolar disor<strong>de</strong>r and substanceabuse in Costa Rica: pedigree- and population-based studies. Journal of AffectiveDisor<strong>de</strong>rs, 71:71-83.Fatemi SH, Earle JA, McMenomy T (2000) Reduction in Reelin immunoreactivityin hippocampus of subjects with schizophrenia, bipolar disor<strong>de</strong>r and major<strong>de</strong>pression. Molecular Psychiatry, 5:654–663.Feighner JP y colab. (1984) A double-blind study of bupropion and placebo in194

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