Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASSaccone y colab. (2000) A genome screen of maximum number of drinks as analcoholism phenotype. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 96:632-637.Samochowiec J y colab. (1999) Association of a regulatory polymorphism in thepromoter region of the monoamine oxidase A gene with antisocial alcoholism.Psychiatry Research, 86:67–72.Sander T y colab. (1995) Dopamine D1, D2 and D3 receptor genes in alcoholdependence. Psychiatric Genetics, 5:171–176.Sander T y colab. (1999a) Association analysis of sequence variants of GABA(A)alpha6, beta2, and gamma2 gene cluster and alcohol dependence. Alcoholism:Clinical and Experimental Research, 23:427–431.Sander T y colab. (1999b) Association analysis of exonic variants of the geneencoding the GABA(B) receptor and alcohol dependence. Psychiatric Genetics,9:69–73.Sander T y colab. (2000) Genetic variation of the glutamate transporter EAAT2gene and vulnerability to alcohol dependence. Psychiatric Genetics, 10:103–107.Sauer B (1998) Inducible gene targeting in mice using the Cre/lox system.Methods, 14:381–392.Schuckit MA (2000) Genetics of the risk for alcoholism. American Journal of theAddictions, 9:103–112.Schuckit MA y colab. (1999) Selective genotyping for the role of 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, and GABA alpha6 receptors and the serotonin transporter in the level ofresponse to alcohol: a pilot study. Biological Psychiatry, 45:647–651.Schmid H (2000) Protektive faktoren. [Factores protectores.] En: UchtenhagenA, Zieglgänsberger W, eds. Suchtmedizin: konzepte, strategien und therapeutschesmanagement. [Medicina de las adicciones: conceptos, estrategias y manejo terapéutico.]Munich, Urban y Fischer Verlag: 226–234.Schmidt LG y colab. (2000) Different allele distribution of a regulatory MAOAgene promoter polymorphism in antisocial and anxious–depressive alcoholics.Journal of Neural Transmission, 107:681–689.Sellers EM, Tyndale RF (2000) Mimicking gene defects to treat drug dependence.Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 909:233–246.Sellers EM, Kaplan HL, Tyndale RF (2000) Inhibition of cytochrome P4502A6increases nicotine's oral bioavailability and decreases smoking. ClinicalPharmacology and Therapeutics, 68:35–43.Sellers EM y colab. (in press) Inhibiting CYP2A6 decreases smoking and increasesthe detoxification of the procarcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK). Nicotine and Tobacco Research (in press).Shea SH y colab. (2001) ADH2 and alcohol-related phenotypes in AshkenazicJewish American college students. Behavior Genetics, 31:231–239.Shields PG y colab. (1998) Dopamine D4 receptors and the risk of cigarette smokingin African- Americans and Caucasians. Cancer Epidemiology and BiomarkersPreview, 7:453–458.Silverman MA y colab. (2000) Haplotypes of four novel single nucleotide polymorphismsin the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta2 subunit (CHRNB2) gene164

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASSaccone y colab. (2000) A genome screen of maximum number of drinks as analcoholism phenotype. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 96:632-637.Samochowiec J y colab. (1999) Association of a regulatory polymorphism in thepromoter region of the monoamine oxidase A gene with antisocial alcoholism.Psychiatry Research, 86:67–72.San<strong>de</strong>r T y colab. (1995) Dopamine D1, D2 and D3 receptor genes in alcohol<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Psychiatric Genetics, 5:171–176.San<strong>de</strong>r T y colab. (1999a) Association analysis of sequence variants of GABA(A)alpha6, beta2, and gamma2 gene cluster and alcohol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Alcoholism:Clinical and Experimental Research, 23:427–431.San<strong>de</strong>r T y colab. (1999b) Association analysis of exonic variants of the geneencoding the GABA(B) receptor and alcohol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Psychiatric Genetics,9:69–73.San<strong>de</strong>r T y colab. (2000) Genetic variation of the glutamate transporter EAAT2gene and vulnerability to alcohol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Psychiatric Genetics, 10:103–107.Sauer B (1998) Inducible gene targeting in mice using the Cre/lox system.Methods, 14:381–392.Schuckit MA (2000) Genetics of the risk for alcoholism. American Journal of theAddictions, 9:103–112.Schuckit MA y colab. (1999) Selective genotyping for the role of 5-HT2A, 5-HT2C, and GABA alpha6 receptors and the serotonin transporter in the level ofresponse to alcohol: a pilot study. Biological Psychiatry, 45:647–651.Schmid H (2000) Protektive faktoren. [Factores protectores.] En: UchtenhagenA, Zieglgänsberger W, eds. Suchtmedizin: konzepte, strategien und therapeutschesmanagement. [Medicina <strong>de</strong> las adicciones: conceptos, estrategias y manejo terapéutico.]Munich, Urban y Fischer Verlag: 226–234.Schmidt LG y colab. (2000) Different allele distribution of a regulatory MAOAgene promoter polymorphism in antisocial and anxious–<strong>de</strong>pressive alcoholics.Journal of Neural Transmission, 107:681–689.Sellers EM, Tyndale RF (2000) Mimicking gene <strong>de</strong>fects to treat drug <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce.Annals of the New York Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences, 909:233–246.Sellers EM, Kaplan HL, Tyndale RF (2000) Inhibition of cytochrome P4502A6increases nicotine's oral bioavailability and <strong>de</strong>creases smoking. ClinicalPharmacology and Therapeutics, 68:35–43.Sellers EM y colab. (in press) Inhibiting CYP2A6 <strong>de</strong>creases smoking and increasesthe <strong>de</strong>toxification of the procarcinogen 4-(methylnitrosamino)-(3-pyridyl)-1-butanone (NNK). Nicotine and Tobacco Research (in press).Shea SH y colab. (2001) ADH2 and alcohol-related phenotypes in AshkenazicJewish American college stu<strong>de</strong>nts. Behavior Genetics, 31:231–239.Shields PG y colab. (1998) Dopamine D4 receptors and the risk of cigarette smokingin African- Americans and Caucasians. Cancer Epi<strong>de</strong>miology and BiomarkersPreview, 7:453–458.Silverman MA y colab. (2000) Haplotypes of four novel single nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphismsin the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta2 subunit (CHRNB2) gene164

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