Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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5. BASES GENÉTICAS DE LAS FARMACODEPENDENCIASHeatherton TF y colab. (1991) The Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence:a revision of the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire. British Journal ofAddiction, 86:1119–1127.Heinz A y colab. (2000) Genotype influences in vivo dopamine transporteravailability in human striatum. Neuropsychopharmacology, 22:133–139.Henderson AS y colab. (2000) COMT and DRD3 polymorphisms, environmentalexposures, and personality traits related to common mental disorders.American Journal of Medical Genetics, 96:102–107.Henningfield JE, Miyasato K, Jasinski DR (1985) Abuse liability and pharmacodynamiccharacteristics of intravenous and inhaled nicotine. Journal ofPharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 234:1–12.Hettema JM, Corey LA, Kendler KS (1999) A multivariate genetic analysis ofthe use of tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine in a population based sample of maleand female twins. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 57:69–78.Hietala J y colab. (1997) Allelic association between D2 but not D1 dopaminereceptor gene and alcoholism in Finland. Psychiatric Genetics, 7:19–25.Hood HM, Buck KJ (2000) Allelic variation in the GABA A receptor gamma2subunit is associated with genetic susceptibility to ethanol-induced motor incoordinationand hypothermia, conditioned taste aversion, and withdrawal inBXD/Ty recombinant inbred mice. Alcoholism: Clinical and ExperimentalResearch, 24:1327–1334.Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Hewitt JK (2001) Common genetic and environmentalvulnerability for alcohol and tobacco use in a volunteer sample of olderfemale twins. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62:717–723.Horowitz R y colab. (2000) Confirmation of an excess of the high enzyme activityCOMT val allele in heroin addicts in a family-based haplotype relative riskstudy. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 96:599–603.Howard LA, Sellers EM, Tyndale RF (2002) The role of pharmacogeneticallyvariablecytochrome P450 enzymes in drug dependence. Pharmacogenomics,3:185–199.Howard LA y colab. (2001) Low doses of nicotine and ethanol induce CYP2E1and chlorzoxazone metabolism in rat liver. Journal of Pharmacology andExperimental Therapeutics, 299:542–550.Hsu YP y colab. (1996) Association of monoamine oxidase A alleles with alcoholismamong male Chinese in Taiwan. American Journal of Psychiatry,153:1209–1211.Hsu YP y colab. (1998) Search for mutations near the alternatively spliced 8-amino acid exon in the GABA A receptor gamma2 subunit gene and lack of allelicassociation with alcoholism among four aboriginal groups and Han Chinesein Taiwan. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research, 56:284–286.Hu Y y colab. (1999) Structural and functional characterization of the 5'-flankingregion of the rat and human cytochrome P450 2E1 genes: identification ofa polymorphic repeat in the human gene. Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications, 263:286–293.Hutchison KE y colab. (2002a) The DRD4 VNTR polymorphism influencesreactivity to smoking cues. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111:134–143.157

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASHutchison KE y colab. (2002b) The DRD4 VNTR polymorphism moderatescraving after alcohol consumption. Health Psychology, 21:139–146.Hwu HG, Chen CH (2000) Association of 5HT2A receptor gene polymorphismand alcohol abuse with behavior problems. American Journal of MedicalGenetics, 96:797–800.Ishiguro H y colab. (1998) Systematic search for variations in the tyrosinehydroxylase gene and their associations with schizophrenia, affective disorders,and alcoholism. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 81:388–396.Ishiguro H y colab. (1999) The 5' region of the tryptophan hydroxylase gene:mutation search and association study with alcoholism. Journal of NeuralTransmission, 106:1017–1025.Ishiguro H y colab. (2000) Association study between genetic polymorphisms inthe 14-3-3 eta chain and dopamine D4 receptor genes and alcoholism.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 24:343–347.Iwata N, Virkkunen M, Goldman D (2000) Identification of a naturally occurringPro385-Ser385 substitution in the GABA(A) receptor alpha6 subunit genein alcoholics and healthy volunteers. Molecular Psychiatry, 5:316–319.Iwata N y colab. (1998) Identification of a naturally occurring Pro15-Ser15 substitutionin the serotonin 5A receptor gene in alcoholics and healthy volunteers.Molecular Brain Research, 58:217–220.Jacob T y colab. (2001) An integrative approach for studying the etiology ofalcoholism and other addictions. Twin Research, 4:103–118.Johnson EO y colab. (1998) Extension of a typology of alcohol dependencebased on relative genetic and environmental loading. Alcoholism: Clinical andExperimental Research, 22:1421–1429.Johnstone EC, York EE, Walton RT (2002) Genetic testing: the future of smokingcessation therapy? Expert Reviews in Molecular Diagnosis, 2:60–68.Kaprio J y colab. (1982) Cigarette smoking and alcohol use in Finland andSweden: a cross-national twin study. International Journal of Epidemiology,11:378–386.Kaprio J y colab. (1992) Consistency and change in patterns of social drinking:a 6-year follow-up of the Finnish twin cohort. Alcoholism: Clinical andExperimental Research, 16:234–240.Kauhanen J y colab. (2000) Association between the functional polymorphismof catechol-O-methyltransferase gene and alcohol consumption among socialdrinkers. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 24:135–139.Kendler KS (2001) Twin studies in psychiatric disorders. Archives of GeneralPsychiatry, 58:1005–1014.Kendler KS, Prescott CA (1998) Cocaine use, abuse and dependence in a population-basedsample of female twins. British Journal of Psychiatry, 173:345–350.Kendler KS, Davis CG, Kessler RC (1997) The familial aggregation of commonpsychiatric and substance use disorders in the National Comorbidity Survey: afamily history study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 170:541–548.Kendler KS, Thornton LM, Pedersen NL (2000) Tobacco consumption in158

5. BASES GENÉTICAS DE LAS FARMACODEPENDENCIASHeatherton TF y colab. (1991) The Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Depen<strong>de</strong>nce:a revision of the Fagerstrom Tolerance Questionnaire. British Journal ofAddiction, 86:1119–1127.Heinz A y colab. (2000) Genotype influences in vivo dopamine transporteravailability in human striatum. Neuropsychopharmacology, 22:133–139.Hen<strong>de</strong>rson AS y colab. (2000) COMT and DRD3 polymorphisms, environmentalexposures, and personality traits related to common mental disor<strong>de</strong>rs.American Journal of Medical Genetics, 96:102–107.Henningfield JE, Miyasato K, Jasinski DR (1985) Abuse liability and pharmacodynamiccharacteristics of intravenous and inhaled nicotine. Journal ofPharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 234:1–12.Hettema JM, Corey LA, Kendler KS (1999) A multivariate genetic analysis ofthe use of tobacco, alcohol, and caffeine in a population based sample of maleand female twins. Drug and Alcohol Depen<strong>de</strong>nce, 57:69–78.Hietala J y colab. (1997) Allelic association between D2 but not D1 dopaminereceptor gene and alcoholism in Finland. Psychiatric Genetics, 7:19–25.Hood HM, Buck KJ (2000) Allelic variation in the GABA A receptor gamma2subunit is associated with genetic susceptibility to ethanol-induced motor incoordinationand hypothermia, conditioned taste aversion, and withdrawal inBXD/Ty recombinant inbred mice. Alcoholism: Clinical and ExperimentalResearch, 24:1327–1334.Hopfer CJ, Stallings MC, Hewitt JK (2001) Common genetic and environmentalvulnerability for alcohol and tobacco use in a volunteer sample of ol<strong>de</strong>rfemale twins. Journal of Studies on Alcohol, 62:717–723.Horowitz R y colab. (2000) Confirmation of an excess of the high enzyme activityCOMT val allele in heroin addicts in a family-based haplotype relative riskstudy. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 96:599–603.Howard LA, Sellers EM, Tyndale RF (2002) The role of pharmacogeneticallyvariablecytochrome P450 enzymes in drug <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Pharmacogenomics,3:185–199.Howard LA y colab. (2001) Low doses of nicotine and ethanol induce CYP2E1and chlorzoxazone metabolism in rat liver. Journal of Pharmacology andExperimental Therapeutics, 299:542–550.Hsu YP y colab. (1996) Association of monoamine oxidase A alleles with alcoholismamong male Chinese in Taiwan. American Journal of Psychiatry,153:1209–1211.Hsu YP y colab. (1998) Search for mutations near the alternatively spliced 8-amino acid exon in the GABA A receptor gamma2 subunit gene and lack of allelicassociation with alcoholism among four aboriginal groups and Han Chinesein Taiwan. Brain Research. Molecular Brain Research, 56:284–286.Hu Y y colab. (1999) Structural and functional characterization of the 5'-flankingregion of the rat and human cytochrome P450 2E1 genes: i<strong>de</strong>ntification ofa polymorphic repeat in the human gene. Biochemical and Biophysical ResearchCommunications, 263:286–293.Hutchison KE y colab. (2002a) The DRD4 VNTR polymorphism influencesreactivity to smoking cues. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 111:134–143.157

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