Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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5. BASES GENÉTICAS DE LAS FARMACODEPENDENCIASReferenciasAgarwal DP (2001) Genetic polymorphisms of alcohol metabolizing enzymes.Pathology and Biology (París), 49:703–709.Albanese V y colab. (2001) Quantitative effects on gene silencing by allelic variationat a tetranucleotide microsatellite. Human Molecular Genetics,10:1785–1792.Amad S y colab. (2000) Association of D2 dopamine receptor and alcohol dehydrogenase2 genes with Polynesian alcoholics. European Psychiatry, 15:97–102.Antonovsky A (1987) Unraveling the mystery of health: how people manage stressand stay well. San Francisco, CA, EE.UU. Jossey-Bass.Arinami T, Ishiguro H, Onaivi ES (2000) Polymorphisms in genes involved inneurotransmission in relation to smoking. European Journal of Pharmacology,410:215–226.Bartsch H y colab. (2000) Genetic polymorphism of CYP genes, alone or incombination, as a risk modifier of tobacco-related cancers. Cancer EpidemiologyBiomarkers Preview, 9:3–28.Befort K y colab. (2001) A single nucleotide polymorphic mutation in thehuman [micro] -opioid receptor severely impairs receptor signalling. The Journalof Biological Chemistry, 276:3130–3137.Benowitz NL, Jacob III P, Saunders S (1999) Carbon monoxide, cigarette smokeand CYP2E1 activity [abstract]. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 63:154.Bergen AW y colab. (1999) A genome-wide search for loci contributing to smokingand alcohol dependence. Genetic Epidemiology, 17(Suppl.1):S55–S60.Bierut LJ y colab. (1998) Familial transmission of substance dependence: alcohol,marijuana, cocaine, and habitual smoking: a report from the CollaborativeStudy on the Genetics of Alcoholism. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55:982–988.Bond C y colab. (1998) Single nucleotide polymorphism in the human mu-opioidreceptor gene alters beta-endorphin binding and activity: possible implicationsfor opiate addiction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science of theUnited States of America, 95:9608–9613.Bowers BJ (2000) Applications of transgenic and knockout mice in alcoholresearch. Alcohol Research and Health, 24:175–184.Bucholz KK, Heath AC, Madden PA (2000) Transitions in drinking in adolescentfemales: evidence from the Missouri adolescent female twin study.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 24:914–923.Cadoret RJ y colab. (1986) An adoption study of genetic and environmental factorsin drug abuse. Archives of General Psychiatry, 43:1131–1136.Cadoret RJ y colab. (1995) Adoption study demonstrating two genetic pathwaysto drug abuse. Archives of General Psychiatry, 52:42–52.Capecchi MR (1994) Targeted gene replacement. Scientific American,270:52–59.Carmelli D, Heath AC, Robinette D (1993) Genetic analysis of drinking behaviorin World War II veteran twins. Genetic Epidemiology, 10:201–213.153

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASCarmelli D y colab. (1990) Heritability of substance use in the NAS-NRC TwinRegistry. Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae (Roma), 39:918.Carmelli D y colab. (1992) Genetic influence on smoking: a study of male twins.New England Journal of Medicine, 327:829–833.Chao YC y colab. (1997) Alcoholism and alcoholic organ damage and geneticpolymorphisms of alcohol metabolizing enzymes in Chinese patients.Hepatology, 25:112–117.Charness ME (1999) Intracranial voyeurism: revealing the mammillary bodies inalcoholism. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 23:1941–1944.Checkoway H (1998) A genetic polymorphism of MAO-B modifies the associationof cigarette smoking and Parkinson's disease. Neurology, 50:1458–1461.Chen CC y colab. (1999) Interaction between the functional polymorphisms ofthe alcohol-metabolism genes in protection against alcoholism. AmericanJournal of Human Genetics, 65:795–807.Cheng LS, Swan GE, Carmelli D (2000) A genetic analysis of smoking behaviorin family members of older adult males. Addiction, 95:427–435.Comings DE, Blum K (2000) Reward deficiency syndrome: genetic aspects ofbehavioral disorders. Progress in Brain Research, 126:325–341.Comings DE y colab. (1996) The dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) gene: a geneticrisk factor in smoking. Pharmacogenetics, 6:73–79.Comings DE y colab. (1997) Studies of the potential role of the dopamine D1receptor gene in addictive behaviors. Molecular Psychiatry, 2:44–56.Comings DE y colab. (2001) Cholecystokinin (CCK) gene as a possible risk factorfor smoking: a replication in two independent samples. Molecular Geneticsand Metabolism, 73:349–353.Connor JP y colab. (2002) D2 dopamine receptor (DRD2) polymorphism isassociated with severity of alcohol dependence. European Psychiatry, 17:17–23.Cooper B (2001) Nature, nurture and mental disorder: old concepts in the newmillennium. British Journal of Psychiatry, 178(Suppl. 40):S91–S101.Crabbe JC (2002) Genetic contributions to addiction. Annual Review ofPsychology, 53:435–462.Cravchik A, Gejman PV (1999) Functional analysis of the human D5 dopaminereceptor missense and nonsense variants: differences in dopamine binding affinities.Pharmacogenetics, 9:199–206.Crawley JN, Corwin RL (1994) Biological actions of cholecystokinin. Peptides,15:731–755.Crawley JN y colab. (1997) Behavioral phenotypes of inbred mouse strains:implications and recommendations for molecular studies. Psychopharmacology(Berlín), 132:107–124.Daeppen JB y colab. (2000) Clinical correlates of cigarette smoking and nicotinedependence in alcohol-dependent men and women: the Collaborative StudyGroup on the Genetics of Alcoholism. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 35:171–175.154

5. BASES GENÉTICAS DE LAS FARMACODEPENDENCIASReferenciasAgarwal DP (2001) Genetic polymorphisms of alcohol metabolizing enzymes.Pathology and Biology (París), 49:703–709.Albanese V y colab. (2001) Quantitative effects on gene silencing by allelic variationat a tetranucleoti<strong>de</strong> microsatellite. Human Molecular Genetics,10:1785–1792.Amad S y colab. (2000) Association of D2 dopamine receptor and alcohol <strong>de</strong>hydrogenase2 genes with Polynesian alcoholics. European Psychiatry, 15:97–102.Antonovsky A (1987) Unraveling the mystery of health: how people manage stressand stay well. San Francisco, CA, EE.UU. Jossey-Bass.Arinami T, Ishiguro H, Onaivi ES (2000) Polymorphisms in genes involved inneurotransmission in relation to smoking. European Journal of Pharmacology,410:215–226.Bartsch H y colab. (2000) Genetic polymorphism of CYP genes, alone or incombination, as a risk modifier of tobacco-related cancers. Cancer Epi<strong>de</strong>miologyBiomarkers Preview, 9:3–28.Befort K y colab. (2001) A single nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphic mutation in thehuman [micro] -opioid receptor severely impairs receptor signalling. The Journalof Biological Chemistry, 276:3130–3137.Benowitz NL, Jacob III P, Saun<strong>de</strong>rs S (1999) Carbon monoxi<strong>de</strong>, cigarette smokeand CYP2E1 activity [abstract]. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 63:154.Bergen AW y colab. (1999) A genome-wi<strong>de</strong> search for loci contributing to smokingand alcohol <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Genetic Epi<strong>de</strong>miology, 17(Suppl.1):S55–S60.Bierut LJ y colab. (1998) Familial transmission of substance <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce: alcohol,marijuana, cocaine, and habitual smoking: a report from the CollaborativeStudy on the Genetics of Alcoholism. Archives of General Psychiatry, 55:982–988.Bond C y colab. (1998) Single nucleoti<strong>de</strong> polymorphism in the human mu-opioidreceptor gene alters beta-endorphin binding and activity: possible implicationsfor opiate addiction. Proceedings of the National Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Science of theUnited States of America, 95:9608–9613.Bowers BJ (2000) Applications of transgenic and knockout mice in alcoholresearch. Alcohol Research and Health, 24:175–184.Bucholz KK, Heath AC, Mad<strong>de</strong>n PA (2000) Transitions in drinking in adolescentfemales: evi<strong>de</strong>nce from the Missouri adolescent female twin study.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 24:914–923.Cadoret RJ y colab. (1986) An adoption study of genetic and environmental factorsin drug abuse. Archives of General Psychiatry, 43:1131–1136.Cadoret RJ y colab. (1995) Adoption study <strong>de</strong>monstrating two genetic pathwaysto drug abuse. Archives of General Psychiatry, 52:42–52.Capecchi MR (1994) Targeted gene replacement. Scientific American,270:52–59.Carmelli D, Heath AC, Robinette D (1993) Genetic analysis of drinking behaviorin World War II veteran twins. Genetic Epi<strong>de</strong>miology, 10:201–213.153

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