Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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4. PSICOFARMACOLOGÍA DE LA DEPENDENCIA DE LAS DIFERENTES CLASES DE DROGASGessa GL y colab. (1985) Low doses of ethanol activate dopaminergic neuronsin the ventral tegmental area. Brain Research, 348:201–203.Gessa GL y colab. (1998) Cannabinoids activate mesolimbic dopamine neurons by anaction on cannabinoid CB1 receptors. European Journal of Pharmacology, 341:39–44.Glick SD, Weaver LM, Meibach RC (1980) Lateralization of reward in rats: differencesin reinforcing thresholds. Science, 207:1093–1095.Goldberg SR, Henningfield JE (1988) Reinforcing effects of nicotine in humansand experimental animals responding under intermittent schedules of IV druginjection. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 30:227–234.Goldberg SR y colab. (1983) Control of behavior by intravenous nicotine injectionsin laboratory animals. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 19:1011–1020.Gomez TH, Roache JD, Meisch RA (2002) Orally delivered alprazolam,diazepam, and triazolam as reinforcers in rhesus monkeys. Psychopharmacology(Berlin), 161:86–94.Grahame NJ y colab. (2001) Alcohol place preference conditioning in high- andlow-alcohol preferring selected lines of mice. Pharmacology, Biochemistry andBehavior, 68:805–814.Griffiths RR, Weerts EM (1997) Benzodiazepine self-administration in humansand laboratory animals: implications for problems of long-term use and abuse.Psychopharmacology (Berlín), 134:1–37.Griffiths RR, Bigelow GE, Henningfield JE (1980) Similarities in animal andhuman drug-taking behavior. En: Mello NK, ed. Advances in substance abuse.Greenwich, CT, JAI Press:1–90.Grispoon L, Bakalar J (1986) Can drugs be used to enhance the psychotherapeuticprocess? American Journal of Psychotherapeutics, 40:393–404.Grobin AC y colab. (1998) The role of GABA(A) receptors in the acute andchronic effects of ethanol. Psychopharmacology, 139:2–19.Haefly WE (1978) Central action of benzodiazepines: general introduction.British Journal of Psychiatry, 133:231–238.Hanus L y colab. (2001) 2-Arachidonyl glyceryl ether, an endogenous agonist ofthe cannabinoid CB1 receptor. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science ofthe United States of America, 98:3662–3665.Heishman SJ, Taylor RC, Henningfield JE (1994) Nicotine and smoking: areview of effects on human performance. Experimental and ClinicalPsychopharmacology, 2:345–395.Henningfield JE, Miyasato K, Jasinski DR (1985) Abuse liability and pharmacodynamiccharacteristics of intravenous and inhaled nicotine. Journal ofPharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 234:1–12.Henningfield JE, Keenan RM, Clarke PBS (1996) Nicotine. En: Schuster CR,Kuhar M, eds. Pharmacological aspects of drug dependence. Berlin, Springer-Verlag:272–314.Hillard CJ, Jarrahian A (2000) The movement of N-arachidonoylethanolamine(anandamide) across cellular membranes. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids,108:123–134.113

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASHillefors-Berglund M, Liu Y, von Euler G (1995) Persistent, specific and dosedependenteffects of toluene exposure on dopamine D2 agonist binding in therat caudate-putamen. Toxicology, 100:185–194.Himnan DJ (1984) Tolerance and reverse tolerance to toluene inhalation: effectson open-field behavior. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 21:625–631.Hodge CW y colab. (2001) Allopregnanolone and pentobarbital infused into thenucleus accumbens substitute for the discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 25:1441–1447.Hoebel BG y colab. (1983) Self-injection of amphetamine directly into thebrain. Psychopharmacology, 81:158–163.Hoffman BB, Lefkowitz RJ (1990) Catecholamines and sympathomimetic drugs.En: Gilman AG y colab., eds. Goodman and Gilman's: The pharmacological basisof therapeutics, 8a. edición, Nueva York, NY, EE.UU.Pergamon Press:187-220.Holt RA, Bateson AN, Martin IL (1996) Chronic treatment with diazepam orabecarnil differently affects the expression of GABA(A) receptor subunit mRNAsin the rat cortex. Neuropharmacology, 35:1457–1463.Hughes JR, Higgins ST, Hatsukami D (1990) Effects of abstinence from tobacco:a critical review. En: Kozlowski LT y colab., eds. Research advances in alcoholand drug problems. Nueva York, EE.UU. Plenum PublishingCorporation:317–398.Hughes J y colab. (1975) Identification of two related pentapeptides from thebrain with potent opiate agonist activity. Nature, 258:577–579.Imperato A, Di Chiara G (1986) Preferential stimulation of dopamine release inthe nucleus accumbens of freely-moving rats by ethanol. Journal of Pharmacologyand Experimental Therapeutics, 239:219–228.Imperato A, Mulas A, Di Chiara G (1986) Nicotine preferentially stimulatesdopamine release in the limbic system of freely moving rats. European Journal ofPharmacology, 132:337–338.Indulski JA y colab. (1996) Neurological and neurophysiological examinationsof workers occupationally exposed to organic solvent mixtures used in paint andvarnish production. International Journal of Occupational Medicine andEnvironmental Health, 9:235–244.Itzhak Y, Martin JL (2002) Cocaine-induced conditioned place preference inmice: induction, extinction and reinstatement by related psychostimulants.Neuropsychopharmacology, 26:130–134.Jacobs MR, Fehr KOB (1987) Drugs and drug abuse: a reference text, 2a. ed.Toronto, Canadá. Addiction Research Foundation.Jaffe JH (1990) Drug addiction and drug abuse. En: Gilman AG y colab., eds.Goodman and Gilman's pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 8a. ed. Nueva York,NY, EE.UU. Pergamon Press:522–573.Johns A (2001) Psychiatric effects of cannabis. The British Journal of Psychiatry,178:116–122.Jones HE, Garrett BE, Griffiths RR (1999) Subjective and physiological effectsof intravenous nicotine and cocaine in cigarette smoking and cocaine abusers.Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 288:188–197.114

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASHillefors-Berglund M, Liu Y, von Euler G (1995) Persistent, specific and dose<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nteffects of toluene exposure on dopamine D2 agonist binding in therat caudate-putamen. Toxicology, 100:185–194.Himnan DJ (1984) Tolerance and reverse tolerance to toluene inhalation: effectson open-field behavior. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior, 21:625–631.Hodge CW y colab. (2001) Allopregnanolone and pentobarbital infused into thenucleus accumbens substitute for the discriminative stimulus effects of ethanol.Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, 25:1441–1447.Hoebel BG y colab. (1983) Self-injection of amphetamine directly into thebrain. Psychopharmacology, 81:158–163.Hoffman BB, Lefkowitz RJ (1990) Catecholamines and sympathomimetic drugs.En: Gilman AG y colab., eds. Goodman and Gilman's: The pharmacological basisof therapeutics, 8a. edición, Nueva York, NY, EE.UU.Pergamon Press:187-220.Holt RA, Bateson AN, Martin IL (1996) Chronic treatment with diazepam orabecarnil differently affects the expression of GABA(A) receptor subunit mRNAsin the rat cortex. Neuropharmacology, 35:1457–1463.Hughes JR, Higgins ST, Hatsukami D (1990) Effects of abstinence from tobacco:a critical review. En: Kozlowski LT y colab., eds. Research advances in alcoholand drug problems. Nueva York, EE.UU. Plenum PublishingCorporation:317–398.Hughes J y colab. (1975) I<strong>de</strong>ntification of two related pentapepti<strong>de</strong>s from thebrain with potent opiate agonist activity. Nature, 258:577–579.Imperato A, Di Chiara G (1986) Preferential stimulation of dopamine release inthe nucleus accumbens of freely-moving rats by ethanol. Journal of Pharmacologyand Experimental Therapeutics, 239:219–228.Imperato A, Mulas A, Di Chiara G (1986) Nicotine preferentially stimulatesdopamine release in the limbic system of freely moving rats. European Journal ofPharmacology, 132:337–338.Indulski JA y colab. (1996) Neurological and neurophysiological examinationsof workers occupationally exposed to organic solvent mixtures used in paint andvarnish production. International Journal of Occupational Medicine andEnvironmental Health, 9:235–244.Itzhak Y, Martin JL (2002) Cocaine-induced conditioned place preference inmice: induction, extinction and reinstatement by related psychostimulants.Neuropsychopharmacology, 26:130–134.Jacobs MR, Fehr KOB (1987) Drugs and drug abuse: a reference text, 2a. ed.Toronto, Canadá. Addiction Research Foundation.Jaffe JH (1990) Drug addiction and drug abuse. En: Gilman AG y colab., eds.Goodman and Gilman's pharmacological basis of therapeutics, 8a. ed. Nueva York,NY, EE.UU. Pergamon Press:522–573.Johns A (2001) Psychiatric effects of cannabis. The British Journal of Psychiatry,178:116–122.Jones HE, Garrett BE, Griffiths RR (1999) Subjective and physiological effectsof intravenous nicotine and cocaine in cigarette smoking and cocaine abusers.Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 288:188–197.114

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