Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas

Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas Neurociencia del consumo y dependencia de sustancias psicoactivas
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4. PSICOFARMACOLOGÍA DE LA DEPENDENCIA DE LAS DIFERENTES CLASES DE DROGASTabla 4.2Características de las principales clases de sustancias psicoactivas.Clase Ejemplos Efectos conductuales más comunesEstimulantes Anfetamina Estimulación, excitación, incremento en la energía,Cocaínaincremento en la concentración, disminución delÉxtasisapetito, aumento del ritmo cardiaco,Nicotinarespiración incrementada, paranoia, pánicoDepresivos Alcohol Relajación, desinhibición, disminución motora,Sedantes e hipnóticos disminución en la memoria y laSolventes volátiles cognición, ansiolisisAlucinógenos Canabinoides Alucinaciones, conciencia sensorialLSDincrementada, déficit motor y cognitivoFenciclidinaOpioides Morfina Euforia, analgesia, sedaciónHeroínade enfermedades psiquiátricas. Es relevante tener en mente que la dependenciade sustancias es el resultado no sólo de las propiedades farmacológicas primariasde la sustancia psicoactiva, sino también de la compleja interacción de factoresbiológicos y ambientales alrededor de su consumo.ReferenciasAcquas E y colab. (2001) Intravenous administration of Ecstasy (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine)enhances cortical and striatal acetylcholine release invivo. European Journal of Pharmacology, 418:207–211.Adams IB, Martin BR (1996) Cannabis: pharmacology and toxicology in animalsand humans. Addiction, 91:1585–1614.Ahijevych K (1999) Nicotine metabolism variability and nicotine addiction.Nicotine and Tobacco Research, 1(Suppl.):S59–S62.Akil H y colab. (1997) Molecular and neuroanatomical properties of the endogenousopioid systems: implications for the treatment of opiate addiction.Seminars in Neuroscience, 9:70–83.Ali R y colab. (1999) Report of the external panel on the evaluation of the Swissscientific studies of medically prescribed narcotics to drug addicts. Sucht,45:160–170.Allen RM, Young SJ (1978) Phencyclidine-induced psychosis. American Journalof Psychiatry, 135:1081–1084.Ameri A (1999) The effects of cannabinoids on the brain. Progress inNeurobiology, 58:315–348.American Psychiatric Association (1994) Diagnostic and statistical manual of mentaldisorders, 4a ed. Washington, DC, EE.UU. American Psychiatric Association.109

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASAndrews CM, Lucki I (2001) Effects of cocaine on extracellular dopamine and serotoninlevels in the nucleus accumbens. Psychopharmacology (Berlín), 155:221–229.Bammer G y colab. (1999) The heroin prescribing debate: integrating scienceand politics. Science, 284:1277–1278.Bardo MT, Valone JM, Bevins RA (1999) Locomotion and conditioned placepreference produced by acute intravenous amphetamine: role of dopaminereceptors and individual differences in amphetamine self-administration.Psychopharmacology, 143:39–46.Barnard EA y colab. (1998) Unión Internacional de Farmacología. XV. Subtypesof gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptors: classification on the basis of subunitstructure and receptor function. Pharmacological Reviews, 50:291–313.Barnett PG, Rodgers JH, Bloch DA (2001) A meta-analysis comparing buprenorphineto methadone for treatment of opiate dependence. Addiction, 96:683–690.Barros HM, Miczek KA (1996) Withdrawal from oral cocaine in rats: ultrasonicvocalizations and tactile startle. Psychopharmacology (Berlín), 125:379–384.Bauer LO (1996) Psychomotor and electroencephalographic sequelae of cocainedependence. NIDA Research Monograph, 163:66–93.Baumann MH y colab. (1994) GBR12909 attenuates cocaine-induced activationof mesolimbic dopamine neurons in the rat. Journal of Pharmacology andExperimental Therapeutics, 271:1216–1222.Beardsley PM, Balster RL, Harris LS (1986) Self-administration of methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) by rhesus monkeys. Drug and AlcoholDependence, 18:149–157.Beckstead MJ y colab. (2000) Glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptorfunction is enhanced by inhaled drugs of abuse. Molecular Pharmacology,57:1199–1205.Benowitz NL y colab. (2002) Slower metabolism and reduced intake of nicotinefrom cigarette smoking in Chinese-Americans. Journal of the National CancerInstitute, 94:108–115.Bevins RA, Klebaur JE, Bardo MT (1997) Individual differences in response tonovelty, amphetamine-induced activity and drug discrimination in rats.Behavioural Pharmacology, 8:113–123.Beyer CE y colab. (2001) Repeated exposure to inhaled toluene induces behaviouraland neurochemical cross-sensitization to cocaine in rats.Psychopharmacology, 154:198–204.Bordnick PS, Schmitz JM (1998) Cocaine craving: an evaluation across treatmentphases. Journal of Substance Abuse, 10:9–17.Bowen SE, Balster RL (1997) Desflurane, enflurane, isoflurane and ether produceethanol-like discriminative stimulus effects in mice. Pharmacology,Biochemistry and Behavior, 57:191–198.Brouette T, Anton R (2001) Clinical review of inhalants. American Journal ofAddiction, 10: 79–94.Brown RM (1989) Pharmacology of cocaine abuse. En: Cocaine, marijuana, anddesigner drugs: chemistry, pharmacology, and behavior. Redda KK, Walker CA,Barnett G, eds. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.110

NEUROCIENCIA DEL CONSUMO Y DEPENDENCIA DE SUSTANCIAS PSICOACTIVASAndrews CM, Lucki I (2001) Effects of cocaine on extracellular dopamine and serotoninlevels in the nucleus accumbens. Psychopharmacology (Berlín), 155:221–229.Bammer G y colab. (1999) The heroin prescribing <strong>de</strong>bate: integrating scienceand politics. Science, 284:1277–1278.Bardo MT, Valone JM, Bevins RA (1999) Locomotion and conditioned placepreference produced by acute intravenous amphetamine: role of dopaminereceptors and individual differences in amphetamine self-administration.Psychopharmacology, 143:39–46.Barnard EA y colab. (1998) Unión Internacional <strong>de</strong> Farmacología. XV. Subtypesof gamma-aminobutyric acid-A receptors: classification on the basis of subunitstructure and receptor function. Pharmacological Reviews, 50:291–313.Barnett PG, Rodgers JH, Bloch DA (2001) A meta-analysis comparing buprenorphineto methadone for treatment of opiate <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. Addiction, 96:683–690.Barros HM, Miczek KA (1996) Withdrawal from oral cocaine in rats: ultrasonicvocalizations and tactile startle. Psychopharmacology (Berlín), 125:379–384.Bauer LO (1996) Psychomotor and electroencephalographic sequelae of cocaine<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. NIDA Research Monograph, 163:66–93.Baumann MH y colab. (1994) GBR12909 attenuates cocaine-induced activationof mesolimbic dopamine neurons in the rat. Journal of Pharmacology andExperimental Therapeutics, 271:1216–1222.Beardsley PM, Balster RL, Harris LS (1986) Self-administration of methylenedioxymethamphetamine(MDMA) by rhesus monkeys. Drug and AlcoholDepen<strong>de</strong>nce, 18:149–157.Beckstead MJ y colab. (2000) Glycine and gamma-aminobutyric acid(A) receptorfunction is enhanced by inhaled drugs of abuse. Molecular Pharmacology,57:1199–1205.Benowitz NL y colab. (2002) Slower metabolism and reduced intake of nicotinefrom cigarette smoking in Chinese-Americans. Journal of the National CancerInstitute, 94:108–115.Bevins RA, Klebaur JE, Bardo MT (1997) Individual differences in response tonovelty, amphetamine-induced activity and drug discrimination in rats.Behavioural Pharmacology, 8:113–123.Beyer CE y colab. (2001) Repeated exposure to inhaled toluene induces behaviouraland neurochemical cross-sensitization to cocaine in rats.Psychopharmacology, 154:198–204.Bordnick PS, Schmitz JM (1998) Cocaine craving: an evaluation across treatmentphases. Journal of Substance Abuse, 10:9–17.Bowen SE, Balster RL (1997) Desflurane, enflurane, isoflurane and ether produceethanol-like discriminative stimulus effects in mice. Pharmacology,Biochemistry and Behavior, 57:191–198.Brouette T, Anton R (2001) Clinical review of inhalants. American Journal ofAddiction, 10: 79–94.Brown RM (1989) Pharmacology of cocaine abuse. En: Cocaine, marijuana, and<strong>de</strong>signer drugs: chemistry, pharmacology, and behavior. Redda KK, Walker CA,Barnett G, eds. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press.110

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