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Journal of Studies onAlcoholVOLUME 65, NUMBER 1, JANUARY 2004CONTENTSPERRINE, M.W.B., SCHRODER, K.E.E., FORESTER, R., McGONAGLE-MOULTON, P. AND HUESSY. F.The Impact of the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks on Alcohol Consumption and Distress:Reactions to a National Trauma 300 Miles from Ground Zero 5CHIU, T.-M., MENDEI.SON, J.H.. SHOLAR, M.B., MUTSCHLFR, N.H., WINES, J.D., HESSELBROCK,V.M. AND MELLO, N.K.Brain Alcohol Detectability in Human <strong>Su</strong>bjects with and without a Paternal History of Alcoholism 16DEMMEL, R., KEÜSENER, J. AND RIST, F. Anticipated Levels of Alcohol-Induced Sedation andStimulation in Relation to Estimated Blood Alcohol Conc<strong>en</strong>tration 22KJNG, A.C. AND BYARS, J.A. Alcohol-Induced Performance Impairm<strong>en</strong>t in Heavy Episodicand Light Social Drinkers 27MOHLER-KUO, M., DOWDALE, G.W., Koss, M.P. AND WECHSLER, H. Correlates of Rape whileIntoxicated in a National Sample of College Wom<strong>en</strong> 37STUART, G.L., MOORE, T.M., RAMSEY, S.E. AND KAHLER, C.W. Hazardous Drinking andRelationship Viol<strong>en</strong>ce Perpetration and Victimization in Wom<strong>en</strong> Arrested for DomesticViol<strong>en</strong>ce 46OCLE, R.L. AND MILLER, W.R. The Effects of Alcohol Intoxication and G<strong>en</strong>der on the SocialInformation Processing of Hostile Provocations Involving Male and Female Provocateurs 54BOOTH, B.M., CURRAN, G.M. AND HAN, X. Predictors of Short-Term Course of Drinking inUntreated Rural and Urban At-Risk Drinkers: Effects of G<strong>en</strong>der, Illegal Drug Use andPsychiatric Comorbidity 63LIBBY, A.M., ORTON, H.D., NOVINS, D.K., SPICER, P., BUCHWALD, D., BEALS, J., MANSON, S.M. AND THE AI-SUPERPFP TEAM. Childhood Physical and Sexual Abuse and <strong>Su</strong>bsequ<strong>en</strong>t Alcohol and DrugUse Disorders in Two American-Indian Tribes 74BINGHAM, C.R. AND SNOPE, J.T. Adolesc<strong>en</strong>t Developm<strong>en</strong>tal Anteced<strong>en</strong>ts of Risky Driving amongYoung Adults 84Continued ovvrleaf

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