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SierrasBand Saws24 25 05 303Aro Rep. Taurus 3Mega Speed.T3 Mega SpeedSpare Blade.■ Forma: Gota. Diámetro: 0.55mm interiorx 1.50 mm frontal.■ Grano: Agresivo.■ Capacidad de corte: 19mm max grueso, usonormal para fusing, vidriera, azulejos o piedra.■ Evitar: Cortar vidrio dicroico o cualquier vidriodegado ya que se puede astillear el vidrio.Nota: Deberá quitar el pie estabiliador para cortesde gruso max de capacidad 19mm.■ Blade Shape: Tear Drop .055 inside x .150(front to back).(note 1/16" equals .063 and 1mm equals .0394)■ Grit is aggressive.■ Material Thickness Capacity: 3/4", normal useis fused glass, stained glass, ceramic tile and stone.■ What to Avoid: Do not cut thin dichroic glass asit will chip easily.Note: you will have to remove the stabilizer foot touse the full 3/4" capacity.24 25 05 304Aro RepuestoTaurus 3 Dichro.T3 Dicho SpareBlade.■ Forma: Oval, 1.10mm x 1.50mm.■ Grano: Finisimo.■ Capacidad de corte: 6.35mm para uso con vidriodicroico o iridiscente.■ Evitar: No usar azulejos ceramicos o piezas defusing de 6.35mm, o cualquier otro material grueso.■ Blade Shape: Oval .058 x .072 (front to back).■ Grit is finest■ Material Thickness Capacity: 1/4", normal useis thinner than normal dichroic or iridized glass.■ What to Avoid: Do not use for ceramic tile, 1/4"fused glass pieces, or thick material in general.■ Forma: Redonda, 1.80mm de diametro.■ Grano: Agresivo.■ Capacidad de corte: 9.5mm max grueso usonormal; vidrio artistico 3.2mm; azulejo blando24 25 05 305 6.35mm.■ Evitar: Cortar vidrio piezas de fusing y azulejosAro Repuestoceramicos de 9.5mm de grueso, o cualquier otroTaurus 3 Separating. material que supere el grueso max. indicado.T3 Separatingspare Blade.■ Blade Shape: Round .072 Diameter (note 1/16"equals .063 and 1mm equals .0394)■ Grit is aggressive■ Material Thickness Capacity: 3/8", normal useis 1/8" art glass, 1/4" soft wall tile.■ What to Avoid: Do not use for ceramic tile, 3/8"fused glass pieces, or thick material in general.24 25 05 306Aro Rep. Taurus 3Slicer.Slicer Tarurus 3spare Blade.■ Forma: Plana, 0.40 mm x 1.50mm largo.■ Grano: Fino.■ Capacidad de corte: 19mm max grueso usonormal para corte de laminas y varillas de vidrio,para piezas de fusing max 9.5mm.■ Blade Shape: Flat .040 width x .150 length.■ Grit is fine.■ Material Thickness Capacity: 3/4", normal useis for slicing thin wafers in rods and pattern bars,and scroll cutting of fused glass up to 3/8" thickness.24 25 05 307Aro RepuestoTaurus 3 Slim.T3 Slim spareblade.■ Forma: Oval, Diámetro: 1.50mm x 1.30mm.(frontal hacia atras)■ Grano: Agresivo■ Capacidad de corte: 9.5mm max grueso usonormal; vidrio artistico 3.2mm; azulejo blando6.35mm.■ Evitar: Cortar vidrio piezas de fusing y azulejosceramicos de 9.5mm de grueso, o cualquier otromaterial que supere el grueso max. indicado.■ Blade Shape: Oval .062 x .072 (front to back).■ Grit is aggressive■ Material Thickness Capacity: 3/8", normal useis 1/8" art glass, 1/4" wall tile■ What to Avoid: What to Avoid: Do not use forceramic tile, 3/8" fused glass pieces, or thick materialin general.24 25 05 311 estandar24 25 05 312 reforzada (Kevlar)Correa Repuesto Taurus 3.Drive Belt for Taurus 3.24 25 05 318Kit de Accesorios para Gemini T3.Taurus 3 Accessory Kit.Incorpora distintas herramientas para cortarlineas rectas, circulos y angulos perfectos.This kit is equipped with helpful tools for cuttingstraight lines to perfect circles & angles.24 25 05 328Kit SuperSlicer paraTaurus3.The Super Slicer Kit.Este kit incorpora varias piezas de plásticoque permiten sujetar el vidrio para realizarcortes de pequeños objetos como; varillas, ycualquier pequeño trozo de vidrio.Permite realizar cortes muy finos y paralelos,puede cortar trozos de hasta 3mm de grosor.Sirve para la mayoria de sierras o cortadorasde vidrio.The Super Slicer is a device that gives youthe ability to make repetitive, perfectlyparallel, ultra thin cuts in any material thatwill clear the throat height of the saw, whichis 1 1/2" on the Taurus 3 and 1" on theTaurus II.2.The Super Slicer can be adapted for use onother saws such as band saws as long asthe blade will pass through the ribs.

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