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232 Los estereotipos de género <strong>en</strong> la publicidad de los juguetesREFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICASALEXANDER, G. y HINES, M.: “Sex differ<strong>en</strong>ces in response to childr<strong>en</strong>´s toys innonhuman primates”, Evolution an Human Behavior, 23, 2002, pp 467-479.ALMEIDA, D.: “Where have all the childr<strong>en</strong> gone? A visual semiotic account ofad<strong>ver</strong>tisem<strong>en</strong>ts for fashion dolls”, Visual communication, vol 8, nº4, 2009, 481-501.BLAKEMORE, J. y E. CENTERS, R.:”Characteristics of Boys´and girls´toys”, SexRoles. Vol. 53, 2005 pp .619-633.BLACKMORE, J., LARUE, A.A., y OLEJNIK, A.B.,: “Sex-appropriate toy prefer<strong>en</strong>ceand the ability to conceptualize toys as sex-role r<strong>el</strong>ated”, Dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t Psychology,15, 1979 pp.339-340.BRINGUÉ, X. y DE LOS ÁNGELES, J.: “La investigación académica sobre lapublicidad, t<strong>el</strong>evisión y niños: anteced<strong>en</strong>tes y estado de la cuestión”, Comunicación ySociedad, vol. 13, 2000 pp. 37-70.BRADBARD, M.: “Sex differ<strong>en</strong>ces in adults´gifts and childres´s toy request atChristmas”, Psychological Reports, n.º 56, 1985 pp. 696-260.BRADBARD, M. y PARKMAN, S.A. “G<strong>en</strong>der differ<strong>en</strong>ces in preschool childr<strong>en</strong> toyrequest”, Journal of G<strong>en</strong>etic Psychology, 145, 1983,pp. 283-284.BROWNE, B.A.: “G<strong>en</strong>der stereotypes in ad<strong>ver</strong>tising on childr<strong>en</strong>´s t<strong>el</strong>evision in the1990s: A cross-national analysi”, Journal of Ad<strong>ver</strong>tising, n.º 27, 1988, pp.83-97.CALVERT, S.L.: “Childr<strong>en</strong> and consumers: ad<strong>ver</strong>tising and marketing”, The Future ofChildr<strong>en</strong>, Vol. 18, n.º 1, 2008, www.futureofchildr<strong>en</strong>.org (recuperado 15/02/2010).CAMPBELL, A., SHRILEY L. y otros:” Infants´ visual prefer<strong>en</strong>ce for sex-congru<strong>en</strong>tbabies, childr<strong>en</strong>, toys and activities: a longitudinal study”, British Journal ofDev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t Psychology, n.º 18, 2000, pp. 479-498.CARTER, D. y LEVY, G.: “Cognitive aspects of early sex-role dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t: theinflu<strong>en</strong>ce of g<strong>en</strong>der schemas on preschoolers´memories and prefer<strong>en</strong>ces for sextypedtoys and activities”, Child dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t, 1988, pp.782-792.CHERNEY, D.I., “Childr<strong>en</strong>´s and adults´recall of sex-stereotyped toy pictures: effectsof pres<strong>en</strong>tation and memory task”, Infant and childr<strong>en</strong> dev<strong>el</strong>opm<strong>en</strong>t, Vol 14, 2005, pp.11-17.CHERNEY, D.I., y LONDON, K., “G<strong>en</strong>der-linked differ<strong>en</strong>ces in the toys, t<strong>el</strong>evisionshows, computer games, and outdoor activities of 5-to 13-year-old childr<strong>en</strong>”, SexRoles Vol.54 , 2006 ,pp. 717-726.CONDRY, J., The Psychology of T<strong>el</strong>evision, Hillsdale, N.J.1989, Erlbaum.ÁMBITOS. Nº 20 - Año 2011

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