Top Digital Audio Baby Monitor - Chicco

Top Digital Audio Baby Monitor - Chicco Top Digital Audio Baby Monitor - Chicco


The reminders for selection are the same as inBaby Monitor mode.The navigation procedure within this menu, dateand time setting, selection, setting, activation anddeactivation of reminders is the same as that inBaby Monitor mode, illustrated in paragraph 3.5. Installation and replacement of Alkalinebatteries in the baby unit (primarily intransmitter mode) and the rechargeablelithium-ion battery in the parent unit (primarilyin receiver mode)Warning: these operations should onlybe performed by an adultAttention: RECOMMENDATIONS FORALKALINE BATTERY USE- Alkaline batteries must always be replacedby an adult.- alkaline batteries that are the same orequivalent to the type recommended for theoperation of this product (Alkaline 1.5V AAA/LR03).- Insert batteries in the baby unit, making surethat the insertion polarity is as indicated in thebattery compartment.- Do not mix different types of Alkalinebatteries or discharged Alkaline batteries withnew batteries.- Do not leave Alkaline batteries or any toolswithin the reach of children.- Do not short-circuit the power terminals.- Always remove discharged batteries from theproduct to avoid any possible liquid leaks thatmay damage it.- In case of prolonged non-use of the product,always remove the batteries.- Remove the Alkaline batteries from the devicebefore disposal.-Do not throw discharged batteries in fire ordispose of them in the environment; they mustbe recycled.- If the batteries are leaking liquid, replace themimmediately, making sure to clean the batterycompartment; thoroughly wash your hands ifthey have come into contact with the liquid.- Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeablebatteries: they may explode.- The use of rechargeable batteries is not36recommended as they may reduce the device’soperability.- The device is not designed to run onreplaceable lithium batteries. WARNING:improper use may create hazardous conditions.Attention: RECOMMENDATIONS FORLITHIUM BATTERY USE- Do not dismantle, open or tear lithium batteries.- Do not short-circuit lithium battery terminals.Do not store lithium batteries in an improper wayinside boxes and/or drawers in which terminalscan be short-circuited by each other or can beshort-circuited by conductive material.- Do not remove lithium batteries from theiroriginal packaging upon use.- Do not expose lithium batteries to heat or fire.Do not expose to direct sunlight.- Do not expose lithium batteries to mechanicalshock. In case of accidental falls, always checkthe status of the container and contacts beforeproceeding with re-use. Do not use if the lithiumbattery is damaged as a result of the fall.- In the case of liquid leakage from the battery,be careful to avoid contact with skin and eyeswith the liquid. If contact occurs, wash affectedareas with plenty of water and seek medicaladvice.- Do not use any charger not specificallyprovided for use with the equipment.- Observe the markings (+) and (-) on the Lithiumbattery and on the product to ensure properinsertion and use.- Do not use a lithium battery different fromthat supplied to power the device.- Keep Lithium batteries away from the reachof children.- This device has been designed to prevent andinhibit the incorrect insertion of the lithiumbattery: always observe the relative polaritymarkings on the product and on the Lithiumbattery to ensure proper use.- Do not use a model of battery that is differentthan that stated in this instruction manual in thedevice. The battery purchase reference code isCOD20256500100- Recharge the lithium battery only underapplication and only using the mains adaptersupplied(COD 20256500200). Do not rechargethe lithium battery using an external batterycharech- Keanddirtnotthe- Lusecha- Donot- Krefe- Apro- Diin th5.1theRemclostopoutInserespindiRepcloshoogen(fig.5.2theRemclostopoutRembattAAAprobattbattinsecompan

e’sonG:ns.ORies.als.ayalsbeeirire.caleckoreumry,esedcalllyumpermchndumityumenttheisderterrgeerycharger. Follow the instructions in this manual torecharge the lithium battery.- Keep the battery and the battery contacts cleanand dry. In the event that the contacts becomedirty, clean the terminals with a soft, dry cloth. Donot use abrasives, chemicals or solvents to cleanthe battery and its contacts.- Lithium batteries require charging prior touse. Always refer to the instructions for correctcharging procedures.- Do not keep charging the lithium battery whennot in use.- Keep the instructions manual for futurereference.- Always remove the Lithium battery from theproduct when not in use.- Dispose of properly according to the informationin this manual.5.1 Installing Alkaline batteries not included inthe baby unit (primarily in transmitter mode)Remove the Alkaline battery compartmentclosing panel (14), placing your finger near thetop groove and and gently pulling the paneloutward (fig.1).Insert two 1.5 V Alkaline AAA/L03 batteries,respecting the proper insertion polarity asindicated in the battery compartment.Reposition the Alkaline battery compartmentclosing panel (14), first inserting the lower panelhooks in their battery compartment housing andgently pushing the panel toward the product(fig.2).5.2 Replacing Alkaline batteries not included inthe baby unit (primarily in transmitter mode)Remove the Alkaline battery compartmentclosing panel (14), placing your finger near thetop groove and and gently pulling the paneloutward (fig.1).Remove the two 1.5 V Alkaline AAA/L03batteries and replace them with 2 similar 1.5VAAA/LR03 batteries, taking care to respect theproper insertion polarity as indicated in thebattery compartment. Reposition the Alkalinebattery compartment closing panel (14), firstinserting the lower panel hooks in their batterycompartment housing and gently pushing thepanel toward the product (fig.2).375.3 Installing the lithium-ion battery suppliedwith the parent unit (primarily in receivermode)Upon purchase, the 3.7V 800mAh rechargeablelithium-ion battery (18) in the parent unit is keptseparately in the product packaging.Carefully remove the lithium-ion battery fromits packaging.Remove the rechargeable battery compartmentclosing panel (14), placing your finger near thetop groove and and gently pulling the paneloutward (fig.3).Insert the lithium-ion battery (18), respectingthe proper insertion polarity as indicated in thebattery compartment.Reposition the rechargeable batterycompartment closing panel (14), first inserting thelower panel hooks in their battery compartmenthousing and gently pushing the panel toward theproduct (fig.4).5.4 Replacing the lithium-ion battery suppliedwith the parent unit (primarily in receivermode)If the duration of the rechargeable lithium-ionbattery is reduced excessively, this means that ithas run out and therefore must be replaced (thisis to be considered normal because rechargeablebatteries run out over time).Remove the rechargeable battery compartmentclosing panel (14), placing your finger near the topgroove and and gently pulling the panel outward(fig.3). Remove the run out rechargeable battery(18) and replace with another rechargeablebattery that is identical to the 3.7V 800mAhsupplied with the product (code20256500100 obe requested directly from Artsana S.p.A.) takingcare to place them with the correct insertionpolarity indicated on the battery compartment.Reposition the rechargeable batterycompartment closing panel (14), first inserting thelower panel hooks in their battery compartmenthousing and gently pushing the panel toward theproduct (fig.4).

The reminders for selection are the same as in<strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong> mode.The navigation procedure within this menu, dateand time setting, selection, setting, activation anddeactivation of reminders is the same as that in<strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong> mode, illustrated in paragraph 3.5. Installation and replacement of Alkalinebatteries in the baby unit (primarily intransmitter mode) and the rechargeablelithium-ion battery in the parent unit (primarilyin receiver mode)Warning: these operations should onlybe performed by an adultAttention: RECOMMENDATIONS FORALKALINE BATTERY USE- Alkaline batteries must always be replacedby an adult.- alkaline batteries that are the same orequivalent to the type recommended for theoperation of this product (Alkaline 1.5V AAA/LR03).- Insert batteries in the baby unit, making surethat the insertion polarity is as indicated in thebattery compartment.- Do not mix different types of Alkalinebatteries or discharged Alkaline batteries withnew batteries.- Do not leave Alkaline batteries or any toolswithin the reach of children.- Do not short-circuit the power terminals.- Always remove discharged batteries from theproduct to avoid any possible liquid leaks thatmay damage it.- In case of prolonged non-use of the product,always remove the batteries.- Remove the Alkaline batteries from the devicebefore disposal.-Do not throw discharged batteries in fire ordispose of them in the environment; they mustbe recycled.- If the batteries are leaking liquid, replace themimmediately, making sure to clean the batterycompartment; thoroughly wash your hands ifthey have come into contact with the liquid.- Do not attempt to recharge non-rechargeablebatteries: they may explode.- The use of rechargeable batteries is not36recommended as they may reduce the device’soperability.- The device is not designed to run onreplaceable lithium batteries. WARNING:improper use may create hazardous conditions.Attention: RECOMMENDATIONS FORLITHIUM BATTERY USE- Do not dismantle, open or tear lithium batteries.- Do not short-circuit lithium battery terminals.Do not store lithium batteries in an improper wayinside boxes and/or drawers in which terminalscan be short-circuited by each other or can beshort-circuited by conductive material.- Do not remove lithium batteries from theiroriginal packaging upon use.- Do not expose lithium batteries to heat or fire.Do not expose to direct sunlight.- Do not expose lithium batteries to mechanicalshock. In case of accidental falls, always checkthe status of the container and contacts beforeproceeding with re-use. Do not use if the lithiumbattery is damaged as a result of the fall.- In the case of liquid leakage from the battery,be careful to avoid contact with skin and eyeswith the liquid. If contact occurs, wash affectedareas with plenty of water and seek medicaladvice.- Do not use any charger not specificallyprovided for use with the equipment.- Observe the markings (+) and (-) on the Lithiumbattery and on the product to ensure properinsertion and use.- Do not use a lithium battery different fromthat supplied to power the device.- Keep Lithium batteries away from the reachof children.- This device has been designed to prevent andinhibit the incorrect insertion of the lithiumbattery: always observe the relative polaritymarkings on the product and on the Lithiumbattery to ensure proper use.- Do not use a model of battery that is differentthan that stated in this instruction manual in thedevice. The battery purchase reference code isCOD20256500100- Recharge the lithium battery only underapplication and only using the mains adaptersupplied(COD 20256500200). Do not rechargethe lithium battery using an external batterycharech- Keanddirtnotthe- Lusecha- Donot- Krefe- Apro- Diin th5.1theRemclostopoutInserespindiRepcloshoogen(fig.5.2theRemclostopoutRembattAAAprobattbattinsecompan

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