Top Digital Audio Baby Monitor - Chicco

Top Digital Audio Baby Monitor - Chicco Top Digital Audio Baby Monitor - Chicco


Luminous operating status indicators· The power and link indicator light (12) supplies 3different pieces of information:- Indication that the device is on in Baby Monitormode and properly connected to parent unit:the indicator light (12) will light up steady green.- Indication of loss or absence of link with theparent unit during operation in Baby Monitormode:the indicator light (12) will light up green andbegin to flash.As soon as the link with the parent unit is restored,the indicator light (12) will light up steady green.NOTE: when the baby unit switches on, itsearches for the channel to link with the parentunit; therefore the indicator light (12) will flashgreen until a link is established.- Indication that the unit is off in Baby Monitormode or on in Music mode.the indicator light (12) will switch off.· The Alkaline battery status indicator light (13)supplies 2 different pieces of information:-Indication that Alkaline batteries are almost flat:the indicator light (13) will light up red and beginto flash.- Alkaline batteries charged or operation viamains adapter (1):the indicator light (13) will switch off.2.2 Parent unit (primarily in receiver mode)2.2.1 Power and recharging:Power via supplied rechargeable 3.7V 800mAhlithium-ion battery (18) or via 100-240V~50/60Hz /6V mains adapter (1).ATTENTION. The charging of rechargeablebatteries should only be done via the suppliedmains adapter (1) and can be performed both ifthe parent unit is switched on and if the parentunit is off.In the event of power with mains adapter (1) orrechargeable lithium-ion battery charging:- insert the mains adapter jack (1) in the powerconnector (19) on the side of the unit- verify that the voltage corresponds to the ratingplate of the previously indicated adapters.- insert the mains adapter plug in an easilyaccessible power socket.Attention:- The mains adapter cord (1) may constitute a riskof strangulation, keep out of reach of children.30- Periodically inspect mains adapters (1). Ifthe power cord or plastic parts show signs ofdamage, do not use them and contact a qualifiedtechnician.- Do not leave mains adapters (1) plugged intothe outlet when devices are not in use and/or notconnected to the mains adapters (1)2.2.2 Modes of use - Switching on andAdjustmentParent unit (primarily in receiver mode) parentunit on/off in Baby Monitor modePress the on/off button (2) for about 3 seconds.The parent unit (primarily in receiver mode) willswitch on in Baby Monitor mode.The power and link indicator light (12) will beginto flash green and the display (5) will show theicon to indicate that the parent unit is attemptingto establish a connection with the baby unit.Once connection has been established betweenthe 2 units, will be shown and the power andlink indicator light (12) will light up steady green.Keep the button (2) pressed for 3 seconds untilthe green power and link indicator (12) switchesoff. The parent unit (primarily in receiver mode)will switch off in Baby Monitor mode.A prolonged beep will be heard when switchingthe parent unit on and off in Baby Monitor mode.Switching on/off the parent unit in RemindermodePress the parent unit on/off button (2) for 1second to switch on Reminder mode.Note: keep the on button (2) pressed for no morethan 1 second; otherwise, the unit may switch onin Baby Monitor mode.Press the parent unit on/off button (2) again for 1second to switch off Reminder mode.A short beep will be heard when switching theparent unit on and off in Reminder mode.Volume adjustment + - of the parent unitloudspeakerThe +,- volume adjustment buttons (6) regulatethe volume of sounds emitted by the baby unitloudspeaker when the unit is in Baby Monitormode.PresloudleveThefactPresPresleveNotnottheA bincrA dmaxParTheto cBabPrespareWhto hunitATTtalk(10)inteATTwhelessnoisVibThisfromWhfromalloof lsetWhon tFor

Ifofiedtootndntds.illginingnit.ennden.ntilesde)ingde.err 1oreonr 1thenitatenittorPress + and – (6) to regulate parent unitloudspeaker (11) volume and select the desiredlevel.The unit offers up to 10 volume setting levels. Thefactory set volume level is 5.Press the “+” button (6) to increase one level.Press the “-“ (6) button once to decrease onelevel.The change in the volume level willbe shown on the display (5)Note: The volume adjustment icon includes 5notches: each notch lights up after 2 presses ofthe +/- button (6).A beep will be heard each time volume isincreased or decreased by a level.A double beep will be heard each time themaximum or minimum level is met.Parent/baby unit communication Talk FunctionThe ‘talk’ function makes it possible for parentsto communicate with the child when the unit is inBaby Monitor mode.Press and hold the button (4) and talk near theparent unit microphone (10).When the talk function is on, it is not possibleto hear sounds from the baby unit on the parentunit.ATTENTION: when using the ‘Talk’ function, avoidtalking too close to the parent unit microphone(10) or the baby unit will receive very highintensity sounds.ATTENTION: do not press the talk button (4)when the two units are in the same room or areless than 3 metres apart; doing so could causenoises or a hissing sound.Vibration Alarm functionThis function is activated in Baby Monitor modefrom the internal parent unit menu.When medium-high intensity sounds comefrom the baby unit, the unit begins to vibrate,allowing the parent to be notified when the levelof loudspeaker (11) volume on the parent unit isset to a minimum.When this function is set, the icon is shownon the display.For setting details, see Paragraph Activation functionIn Baby Monitor mode, the parent unit canoperate in continuous transmission mode or invoice activation mode.The Voice Activation function is activated fromthe internal parent unit menu.The parent unit loudspeaker (11) interrupts thereproduction of any sounds emitted from thechild that are below the factory set default voiceactivation threshold, while all sounds above thethreshold are reproduced.When this function is set, the icon is shownon the display.For setting details, see Paragraph 3.2.2.Reminder SettingTo help organise the family’s days, it is possibleto set 5 acoustic reminders for meals, fevermeasuring, medicine, diaper change and sleepfrom the internal parent unit menu. This functionis available both when the unit is in Baby Monitoror Reminder mode.When reminders are set, the display shows therelative iconsFor setting details, see Paragraph 3.2.4.After activation of each reminder, a countdownstarts until a warning beep is heard relative to thereminder expiry. The beep is also accompanied onthe display by a flashing relative reminder icon.The beep will last 10 seconds followed by a5 minutes pause, during which the icon willcontinue to flash on the display.This cycle will continue until the reminder isdeactivated via pressing the button (7).Luminous and acoustic operating statusindicators:· The power and link indicator light (12) supplies 3different pieces of information:- Indication that the device is on in Baby Monitormode and properly connected to baby unit:the indicator light (12) will light up steady green.- Indication of loss or absence of link with thebaby unit during operation in Baby Monitor mode:the indicator light (12) lights up green, starts toflash and the display (5) shows the icon and,after 1 seconds, 2 consecutive beeps per second

Luminous operating status indicators· The power and link indicator light (12) supplies 3different pieces of information:- Indication that the device is on in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong>mode and properly connected to parent unit:the indicator light (12) will light up steady green.- Indication of loss or absence of link with theparent unit during operation in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong>mode:the indicator light (12) will light up green andbegin to flash.As soon as the link with the parent unit is restored,the indicator light (12) will light up steady green.NOTE: when the baby unit switches on, itsearches for the channel to link with the parentunit; therefore the indicator light (12) will flashgreen until a link is established.- Indication that the unit is off in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong>mode or on in Music mode.the indicator light (12) will switch off.· The Alkaline battery status indicator light (13)supplies 2 different pieces of information:-Indication that Alkaline batteries are almost flat:the indicator light (13) will light up red and beginto flash.- Alkaline batteries charged or operation viamains adapter (1):the indicator light (13) will switch off.2.2 Parent unit (primarily in receiver mode)2.2.1 Power and recharging:Power via supplied rechargeable 3.7V 800mAhlithium-ion battery (18) or via 100-240V~50/60Hz /6V mains adapter (1).ATTENTION. The charging of rechargeablebatteries should only be done via the suppliedmains adapter (1) and can be performed both ifthe parent unit is switched on and if the parentunit is off.In the event of power with mains adapter (1) orrechargeable lithium-ion battery charging:- insert the mains adapter jack (1) in the powerconnector (19) on the side of the unit- verify that the voltage corresponds to the ratingplate of the previously indicated adapters.- insert the mains adapter plug in an easilyaccessible power socket.Attention:- The mains adapter cord (1) may constitute a riskof strangulation, keep out of reach of children.30- Periodically inspect mains adapters (1). Ifthe power cord or plastic parts show signs ofdamage, do not use them and contact a qualifiedtechnician.- Do not leave mains adapters (1) plugged intothe outlet when devices are not in use and/or notconnected to the mains adapters (1)2.2.2 Modes of use - Switching on andAdjustmentParent unit (primarily in receiver mode) parentunit on/off in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong> modePress the on/off button (2) for about 3 seconds.The parent unit (primarily in receiver mode) willswitch on in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong> mode.The power and link indicator light (12) will beginto flash green and the display (5) will show theicon to indicate that the parent unit is attemptingto establish a connection with the baby unit.Once connection has been established betweenthe 2 units, will be shown and the power andlink indicator light (12) will light up steady green.Keep the button (2) pressed for 3 seconds untilthe green power and link indicator (12) switchesoff. The parent unit (primarily in receiver mode)will switch off in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong> mode.A prolonged beep will be heard when switchingthe parent unit on and off in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong> mode.Switching on/off the parent unit in RemindermodePress the parent unit on/off button (2) for 1second to switch on Reminder mode.Note: keep the on button (2) pressed for no morethan 1 second; otherwise, the unit may switch onin <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong> mode.Press the parent unit on/off button (2) again for 1second to switch off Reminder mode.A short beep will be heard when switching theparent unit on and off in Reminder mode.Volume adjustment + - of the parent unitloudspeakerThe +,- volume adjustment buttons (6) regulatethe volume of sounds emitted by the baby unitloudspeaker when the unit is in <strong>Baby</strong> <strong>Monitor</strong>mode.PresloudleveThefactPresPresleveNotnottheA bincrA dmaxParTheto cBabPrespareWhto hunitATTtalk(10)inteATTwhelessnoisVibThisfromWhfromalloof lsetWhon tFor

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