Catalogo Cine 08 - Festival de Cine Internacional de Ourense

Catalogo Cine 08 - Festival de Cine Internacional de Ourense

Catalogo Cine 08 - Festival de Cine Internacional de Ourense


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CELEBRANDO A DIVERSIDADE - CELEBRATING DIVERSITY -SECCI ÓNS C OMPETITIVASC OMPETITION SECTIONSSECCI ONES C OMPETITIVASNOVOS MEDIANEW MEDIANUEVOS MEDIAAll the Good Things Canadá / Canada 20<strong>08</strong>Todas as cousas boasTodas las cosas buenas20<strong>08</strong>Biografía / BiographyUniuse ao Centro <strong>de</strong> Arte L'Oeil <strong>de</strong>Poisson (Quebec) ao fundarse en 1985.Tras 4 anos con este colectivo, comenzoua estudar Belas Artes na Universida<strong>de</strong>Laval <strong>de</strong> Quebec, licenciándose en 1992co Premio René-Richard.She joined the art centre L'Oeil <strong>de</strong>Poisson (Quebec) at its foundation in1985. After 4 years of working with thecollective, she began studying Fine Artsat Laval University (Quebec), completingher BFA in 1992 and receiving the René-Richard Prize.Nathalie Bujold(Gaspésie, 1964)Selección <strong>de</strong> filmografíaSelected FilmographyPermanent Smile (20<strong>08</strong>)Some Velvet Morning (20<strong>08</strong>)These Days (20<strong>08</strong>)La montagne Sainte-Victoire (2007)Six kilomètres (2007)Bonjour (2003)Omélie <strong>de</strong> l'oneli (2002)Emporium (1999)DVD - ColorXénero / Género / GenreNovo Media / New MediaDuración / Running Time5,13 min.Dirección / DirectorNathalie BujoldMúsica / MusicGerard Leckey & Nathalie BujoldProdución / ProducerNathalie BujoldDistribución / DistributorVidéographeContacto / ContactDenis Vaillancourtinfo@vi<strong>de</strong>ographe.qc.caSinopseUnha serie <strong>de</strong> vi<strong>de</strong>oclips anti-MTV. Po<strong>de</strong>nfacerte ver cousas na túa mente. Non pasanada, só un motivo ou dous.SinopsisUna serie <strong>de</strong> vi<strong>de</strong>oclips anti-MTV. Pue<strong>de</strong>nhacerte ver cosas en tu mente. No pasanada, sólo un motivo o dos.SynopsisA short series of vi<strong>de</strong>oclips anti MTV. It canmake you see things in your mind whilenothing is happening, except a pattern ortwo.Camouflage with White Shir t Reino Unido / United Kingdom 2007Camuflaxe con camisa brancaCamuflaje con camisa blancaBiografía / BiographyCon formación en realización e informática,o ví<strong>de</strong>o dixital uniulle ambos eidos.Durante 10 anos colaborou coa poetisaRosemary Norman nos seus ví<strong>de</strong>os.With a background in filmmaking andcomputing, digital vi<strong>de</strong>o brought the twotogether. Over the past 10 years he hascollaborated with poet Rosemary Normanin his vi<strong>de</strong>osSinopseContén material <strong>de</strong> “Man with a Mission”,un documental sobre Tony Blair. A primeiraparte alterna imaxe e son para crear unefecto <strong>de</strong> chiscado, só se enten<strong>de</strong>nfragmentos. A segunda parte enfronta aBlair pasando revista ás tropas co discurso<strong>de</strong> Hugh Grant en “Love Actually”. Naterceira parte, óese a voz <strong>de</strong> PeterMan<strong>de</strong>lson eloxiando a Blair sobre o planodunha pintada anti EE. UU./Reino Unido.Stuart PoundSelección <strong>de</strong> filmografíaSelected FilmographyDer Doppelgänger (2005)Birdsong Marimba (2005)Tehran Trace (2005)Kissing in Hats (2005)Writing Behaviour (2004)Phantom City (2003)Postcard (2003)Fish in the Machine (2003)SinopsisContiene material <strong>de</strong> “Man with a Mission”,un documental sobre Tony Blair. La primeraparte alterna imagen y sonido para crearun efecto <strong>de</strong> parpa<strong>de</strong>o, sólo se entien<strong>de</strong>nfragmentos. La segunda parte enfrenta aBlair pasando revista a las tropas con eldiscurso <strong>de</strong> Hugh Grant en “Love Actually”.En la tercera parte, se oye la voz <strong>de</strong> PeterMan<strong>de</strong>lson elogiando a Blair sobre el plano<strong>de</strong> una pintada anti EE. UU./Reino Unido.SynopsisWith footage from “Man with a Mission”, adocumentary about Tony Blair. In the 1stpart, image and sound are alternated tocreate a flicker effect, only snatches of itare intelligible. The 2nd part offsets Blairinspecting troops against Hugh Grantmaking his famous speech from “LoveActually”. In the 3rd part, Peter Man<strong>de</strong>lson'svoice is heard praising Blair against a shotof an anti US/UK slogan.DVD - ColorXénero / Género / GenreExperimentalDuración / Running Time8,52 min.Dirección / DirectorStuart PoundGuión / ScreenwriterStuart PoundMontaxe / Montaje / EditorStuart PoundProdución / ProducerStuart Pound (Bocadillo Ltd.)Contacto / ContactStuart Poundbocadillo@boltblue.com102

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