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Información / Septiembre 2010vestment Castings” AFS Transactions 113 (2005) paper06.Clyne, T. W. y P.J. Withers. ”An introduction to metal matrixcomposites” Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,1993.Cuesta, R., J.A: Maroto, D. Morinigo, I. de Castro y D. Mozo“Water Analogue Experiments as an accurate SimulationMethod of the Filling of Aluminium Castings” AFSTransactions 114 (2006) paper 46.DasGupta, R., C. Barnes, P. Radcliffe yP. Dodd ”Pièces critiquesde sécurité pour applications automobiles mouléesen alliage d’aluminium par squeeze casting” ”Squeezecasting of aluminium alloy safety criticalcomponents for automotive applications“ Hommes etFonderie nº 370 décembre 2006 p 27-33.Delorme, H., C. Héau, E. Neto y K. Metzgar “ Définition etdéveloppement de nouveaux revêtements pour outillagede mise en forme de matériaux non ferreux“ “Definitionand development of an innovate coating for optimisedtooling, used in aluminium die-casting“Hommes et Fonderie nº 370 décembre 2006 p 19-24.Findon, M. y D. Apelian “Continuous RheoconversionProcess for Semi-Solid Slurry Production“, AFS Transactions112 (2004) paper 56.Flemings, M. y R. Mehrabian “Casting semi-solid metals“40 International Foundry Congress Moscú 1973 paper 9.Fouco, R., E.R. Corrêa I A.H. Cavalcanti “Evaluation ofMold Roll-Over Technique in A356 and A319 Castings:Microporosity Reduction and Mechanical Properties Increase”AFS Transactions 113 (2005) paper 191.Froyen, L. y B. Verlinden “Aluminium Matrix CompositesMaterials” TALAT Lecture 1402, (1994) European AluminiumAssociation 28 p.Griffiiths, W.D. y D. Whitworth “ The effect of the die coatingon fluidity in the gravity die casting of aluminium”Foundry Trade Journal nº 3632 March 2006 p. 61-64.Jones, S., C. Yuan y S. Blackburn “Rapid shell build for investmentcasting: revolutionising an ancient process”Foundry Trade Journal nº 3638 October 2006 p 267-70.Jorstad, J.L. “The Aluminium Foundry: Today, the NextHorizon and the Future” WFO Technical Forum SaintLouis 2005.Langlais, J., A. Lemineux y B. Kulunk “Impact of the SEEDProcessing Parameters on the Microstructure and ResultingMechanical Properties of A356 Alloy Casting”.AFS Transactions 114 (2006) Paper 125).Langlais, J., A. Lemineux, D. Bouchard y F. Pineau “ProcédéSEED et moulage sous pression des pièces en aluminium““The SEED process and aluminium pressure diecastings“Fonderie Fondeur d’Aujourd’hui nº253 mars2006 p. 9-19.Murty, B.S. y S. Kumar “Aluminium Based In-situ Composites”68th World Foundry Congress India (2008), p. 55-62.Nastac, L. Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure E-volution in Solidifying Alloy Kluwe Academic Publ.Boston 2004.Pan, E.N., Y.L. Wen, Y.Y. Yang y S.J. Deng, “TechnologyDevelopment of Tuyere Coke Powder Injection for CarbonPickup in Cupola”, AFS Transactions 112 (2004), Paper04-100(08). 14 p.Pan, Q.Y., D. Apellan y P. Hogan “The Continuous RheoconversionProcess (CRP): Optimization $ Industrial Applications”Metallurgical Science and Technology 24(2006) nº 2 p. 9-18.Redshaw, A. A., Payne, C. A., and Hoskins, J. A., “Gray CastIron Control by Cooling Curve Techniques.” AFS Transactions70 (1962), p. 89-96.Rohatgi, P.K., J.M. Kim, D.Weis y D. Presny, “PrototypeCastings of Aluminum Fly Ash Alloys”, AFS Transactions112 (2004), Paper 04-065(02). 11 p.Runyoro, J., S.M.A. Boutorabi y J. Campbell “Critical GateVelocities for Film-Forming Castings Alloys: A Basis forProcess Specifications” AFS Transactions 100 (1992) p.225-34.Schneider, W. “Moteurs en aluminium fortement sollicités:un défi pour le développement des alliages et desprocédés de fonderie” “Highly stressed automotive enginesof aluminum: challenges for the casting technologyand material development” Hommes et Fonderienº 363 mars 2006 p31-38.Sun, W., P. Scarber, H. Li y C.E. Bates, “Modeling, ModelVerification, and Defect Formation in Iron Castings”2003 Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Iron Castings).Tartera, J. “Avances de la fundición en los últimos 25 a-ños y perspectivas de futuro” Fundición 6 (1988) Nov.-Dic., p.10-18.Tartera, J. “¿Qué espera el fundidor de la simulación?”Fundidores (1995) nº 38, p.25-35 (b).Tartera, J. “100 números de Fundidores, 60 siglos de fundición”Fundidores nº 100 octubre 2002 p. 72-85.Tartera, J., J.A. Santelli, J. Bayer, M. Solina y J. Rota “Detecciónde defectos y optimización del proceso de fabricaciónde piezas fundidas mediante simulación. Parte 1.Detección de defectos en la colada de una pieza de cobre”FundiPress nº 5 Abril 2008 p. 33-39.Terashima, K., Y. Noda, K. Kaneto, K. Ota, K. Hashimoto,J. Iwasaki, Y. Hagata, M. Suzuki e Y. Suzuki “Novel Creationand Control of Sand Mold Press Casting “Post-FilledFormed Casting Process”. 68th World FoundryCongress, India (2008) p. 113-19.Wenzel, T., T. Stocker y R. Hanke “Searching for the invisibleusing fully automatic x-ray inspection“ FoundryTrade Journal International 183 nº 3666 (2009) p. 178-79.Zeng, J.M. y H. Gu “CAP Process Combined with InvestmentCasting” AFS Transactions 114 (2006) Paper 019.Zhang.B., R.Luck y J.T.Berry “Effects of Pressure AppliedDuring Feeding on Porosity Reduction With Referenceto Fatigue Behaviour” AFS Transactions 112 (2004) Paper037.46

Información / Septiembre 2010vestment Castings” AFS Transactions 113 (2005) paper06.Clyne, T. W. y P.J. Withers. ”An introduction to metal matrixcomposites” Cambridge University <strong>Press</strong>, Cambridge,1993.Cuesta, R., J.A: Maroto, D. Morinigo, I. de Castro y D. Mozo“Water Analogue Experiments as an accurate SimulationMethod of the Filling of Aluminium Castings” AFSTransactions 114 (2006) paper 46.DasGupta, R., C. Barnes, P. Radcliffe yP. Dodd ”Pièces critiquesde sécurité pour applications automobiles mouléesen alliage d’aluminium par squeeze casting” ”Squeezecasting of aluminium alloy safety criticalcomponents for automotive applications“ Hommes etFonderie nº 370 décembre 2006 p 27-33.Delorme, H., C. Héau, E. Neto y K. Metzgar “ Définition etdéveloppement de nouveaux revêtements pour outillagede mise en forme de matériaux non ferreux“ “Definitionand development of an innovate coating for optimisedtooling, used in aluminium die-casting“Hommes et Fonderie nº 370 décembre 2006 p 19-24.Findon, M. y D. Apelian “Continuous RheoconversionProcess for Semi-Solid Slurry Production“, AFS Transactions112 (2004) paper 56.Flemings, M. y R. Mehrabian “Casting semi-solid metals“40 International Foundry Congress Moscú 1973 paper 9.Fouco, R., E.R. Corrêa I A.H. Cavalcanti “Evaluation ofMold Roll-Over Technique in A356 and A319 Castings:Microporosity Reduction and Mechanical Properties Increase”AFS Transactions 113 (2005) paper 191.Froyen, L. y B. Verlinden “Aluminium Matrix CompositesMaterials” TALAT Lecture 1402, (1994) European AluminiumAssociation 28 p.Griffiiths, W.D. y D. Whitworth “ The effect of the die coatingon fluidity in the gravity die casting of aluminium”Foundry Trade Journal nº 3632 March 2006 p. 61-64.Jones, S., C. Yuan y S. Blackburn “Rapid shell build for investmentcasting: revolutionising an ancient process”Foundry Trade Journal nº 3638 October 2006 p 267-70.Jorstad, J.L. “The Aluminium Foundry: Today, the NextHorizon and the Future” WFO Technical Forum SaintLouis 2005.Langlais, J., A. Lemineux y B. Kulunk “Impact of the SEEDProcessing Parameters on the Microstructure and ResultingMechanical Properties of A356 Alloy Casting”.AFS Transactions 114 (2006) Paper 125).Langlais, J., A. Lemineux, D. Bouchard y F. Pineau “ProcédéSEED et moulage sous pression des pièces en aluminium““The SEED process and aluminium pressure diecastings“Fonderie Fondeur d’Aujourd’hui nº253 mars2006 p. 9-19.Murty, B.S. y S. Kumar “Aluminium Based In-situ Composites”68th World Foundry Congress India (2008), p. 55-62.Nastac, L. Modeling and Simulation of Microstructure E-volution in Solidifying Alloy Kluwe Academic Publ.Boston 2004.Pan, E.N., Y.L. Wen, Y.Y. Yang y S.J. Deng, “TechnologyDevelopment of Tuyere Coke Powder Injection for CarbonPickup in Cupola”, AFS Transactions 112 (2004), Paper04-100(08). 14 p.Pan, Q.Y., D. Apellan y P. Hogan “The Continuous RheoconversionProcess (CRP): Optimization $ Industrial Applications”Metallurgical Science and Technology 24(2006) nº 2 p. 9-18.Redshaw, A. A., Payne, C. A., and Hoskins, J. A., “Gray CastIron Control by Cooling Curve Techniques.” AFS Transactions70 (1962), p. 89-96.Rohatgi, P.K., J.M. Kim, D.Weis y D. Presny, “PrototypeCastings of Aluminum Fly Ash Alloys”, AFS Transactions112 (2004), Paper 04-065(02). 11 p.Runyoro, J., S.M.A. Boutorabi y J. Campbell “Critical GateVelocities for Film-Forming Castings Alloys: A Basis forProcess Specifications” AFS Transactions 100 (1992) p.225-34.Schneider, W. “Moteurs en aluminium fortement sollicités:un défi pour le développement des alliages et desprocédés de fonderie” “Highly stressed automotive enginesof aluminum: challenges for the casting technologyand material development” Hommes et Fonderienº 363 mars 2006 p31-38.Sun, W., P. Scarber, H. Li y C.E. Bates, “Modeling, ModelVerification, and Defect Formation in Iron Castings”2003 Keith Millis Symposium on Ductile Iron Castings).Tartera, J. “Avances de la fundición en los últimos 25 a-ños y perspectivas de futuro” Fundición 6 (1988) Nov.-Dic., p.10-18.Tartera, J. “¿Qué espera el fundidor de la simulación?”Fundidores (1995) nº 38, p.25-35 (b).Tartera, J. “100 números de Fundidores, 60 siglos de fundición”Fundidores nº 100 octubre 2002 p. 72-85.Tartera, J., J.A. Santelli, J. Bayer, M. Solina y J. Rota “Detecciónde defectos y optimización del proceso de fabricaciónde piezas fundidas mediante simulación. Parte 1.Detección de defectos en la colada de una pieza de cobre”Fundi<strong>Press</strong> nº 5 Abril 2008 p. 33-39.Terashima, K., Y. Noda, K. Kaneto, K. Ota, K. Hashimoto,J. Iwasaki, Y. Hagata, M. Suzuki e Y. Suzuki “Novel Creationand Control of Sand Mold <strong>Press</strong> Casting “Post-FilledFormed Casting Process”. 68th World FoundryCongress, India (2008) p. 113-19.Wenzel, T., T. Stocker y R. Hanke “Searching for the invisibleusing fully automatic x-ray inspection“ FoundryTrade Journal International 183 nº 3666 (2009) p. 178-79.Zeng, J.M. y H. Gu “CAP Process Combined with InvestmentCasting” AFS Transactions 114 (2006) Paper 019.Zhang.B., R.Luck y J.T.Berry “Effects of <strong>Press</strong>ure AppliedDuring Feeding on Porosity Reduction With Referenceto Fatigue Behaviour” AFS Transactions 112 (2004) Paper037.46

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