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164 Capítulo D. Código fuente43 /* Hacemos tantas copias <strong>de</strong> la imagen como44 procesamientos diferentes queramos hacer. */45 if( !frame_copy) {46 frame_copy =47 cvCreateImage( cvSize(frame->width,frame->height),48 IPL_DEPTH_8U, frame->nChannels );49 }5051 if( !imageAdquisition) {52 imageAdquisition =53 cvCreateImage( cvSize(frame->width,frame->height),54 IPL_DEPTH_8U, frame->nChannels );55 }5657 if( frame->origin == IPL_ORIGIN_TL ) {58 cvFlip( frame, frame_copy, 0 );59 cvFlip( frame, imageAdquisition, 0 );60 }61 else {62 cvFlip( frame, frame_copy, 0 );63 }6465 //Se aplica el algoritmo <strong>de</strong> L-K mejorado.66 calcularOpticalFlow(frame);67 c = cvWaitKey(25);6869 }//fin else frame70 }//fin for7172 cvReleaseCapture(&capture);73 cvReleaseImage(&frame_copy);74 cvReleaseMemStorage(&storage);75 caraInicialized = 0;76 free_memory();7778 }79 else {80 free_memory();81 }8283 if(ficheroMARCAS != NULL)84 fclose(ficheroMARCAS);85 if(ficheroGFACIALES != NULL)86 fclose(ficheroGFACIALES);8788 return 0;89 }9091 /**********************************************************************92 * Funcion: calcularOpticalFlow93 * Descripcion: Implementación <strong>de</strong>l algoritmo <strong>de</strong> Lucas-Kana<strong>de</strong>.94 * Entradas: frame_optical_flow --> Puntero a Imagen a analizar.95 * Salidas: nada.96 *********************************************************************/97 void calcularOpticalFlow(IplImage *frame_optical_flow){9899 int i, k;// c;100101 if( !imageOF )102 {

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