fabricantes asturianos de conservas, sa la polar - Asturex

fabricantes asturianos de conservas, sa la polar - Asturex

fabricantes asturianos de conservas, sa la polar - Asturex

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FABRICANTES ASTURIANOSDE CONSERVAS, S.A. LA POLAREn <strong>la</strong> actualidad, en el Polígono <strong>de</strong> Promo<strong>sa</strong>, Gijón, don<strong>de</strong>está ubicada <strong>la</strong> empre<strong>sa</strong>, se sigue fabricando <strong>de</strong> formaarte<strong>sa</strong>nal los productos tradicionales (Atún, Bonito <strong>de</strong>lnorte, Anchoa…), con <strong>la</strong>s materias primas <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> mejorcalidad (Bonito y bocarte <strong>de</strong>l cantábrico, aceite oliva…),sin olvidar otras <strong>conservas</strong> más vanguardistas que elmercado rec<strong>la</strong>ma (Mejillones <strong>de</strong> distintos tamaños,<strong>sa</strong>rdinil<strong>la</strong>s…), añadiendo a nuestra oferta <strong>la</strong>s zamburiñas,caviar <strong>de</strong> erizos <strong>de</strong> mar y algas…. Tampoco nosolvidamos <strong>de</strong> nuestra selección <strong>de</strong> P<strong>la</strong>tos Cocinados(garbanzos con Baca<strong>la</strong>o, Fabada asturiana, Pote…)Pablo Alonso GonzálezDirector ComercialPolígono <strong>de</strong> Promo<strong>sa</strong>, Nave 27 Bis33211 GIJÓNPrincipado <strong>de</strong> AsturiasESPAÑA (SPAIN)+34 985 320 027+34 985 320 027fac<strong>sa</strong>@<strong>conservas</strong>-<strong>la</strong>-po<strong>la</strong>r.comwww.<strong>conservas</strong>-<strong>la</strong>-po<strong>la</strong>r.comEn el interior <strong>de</strong> cada <strong>la</strong>ta <strong>de</strong> <strong>conservas</strong>, aparte <strong>de</strong>l buenmanjar que se escon<strong>de</strong>, no cabe duda <strong>de</strong> que existe una<strong>la</strong>bor muy exigente, y por eso, cuando <strong>de</strong> un mostrador<strong>de</strong> unos establecimientos <strong>de</strong> alimentación recoge elproducto final, no se pue<strong>de</strong> olvidar que el p<strong>la</strong>cer vaescondido en su interior… Con nuestro trabajo es lo queintentamos y creemos conseguir.PRODUCTOSBonito <strong>de</strong>l norte, Crema <strong>de</strong> bonito <strong>de</strong>l norte, Atún c<strong>la</strong>ro,Sardinil<strong>la</strong>s gallegas, Zamburiñas gallegas, Anchoas <strong>de</strong>lcantábrico, Mejillones <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong>s rías gallegas, Fabadaasturiana, Garbanzos con baca<strong>la</strong>o, Pote asturiano, Verduraal natural, Algas al natural, Caviar <strong>de</strong> oricios.44

At the present time, in the Industrial estate Polígono <strong>de</strong>Promo<strong>sa</strong>, Gijón, where the company is located, it continuesmanufacturing in a handma<strong>de</strong> way the traditional products(Tuna,Bonito of the north, Anchovy…), with theraw materials of the best quality (Bonito and anchovywhite bait of the Cantabrian, olive oil …), withoutforgetting other more avant-gar<strong>de</strong> preserved foods thatthe market c<strong>la</strong>ims (Mussels of different sizes, gold shiners…), adding to our offer the zamburiñas scallops , caviarof sea urchins…. Not forgetting our selection of precooked dishes (chickpeas with Cod, Asturian Fabada,Stew…)Insi<strong>de</strong> each can of preserved food, apart from the excellentdish that it hi<strong>de</strong>s, there is no doubt that a very <strong>de</strong>mandingwork exists, and for that reason, when the final productis taken from the counter of some food establishmentsyou cannot forget that the pleasure is hid<strong>de</strong>n in itsinterior… With our work it is what we try to do and webelieve we have achieved .PRODUCTSBonito of the north, Cream of bonito of the north, Lighttuna fish, Galician gold shiner, Galician scallops, Cantabriananchovies, Mussels from the galician rivers,Asturian fabada, Chick peas with cod, Asturian stew,Natural vegetables, Natural algae, Sea urchin caviar.Actuellement, dans <strong>la</strong> zone industrielle <strong>de</strong> Promo<strong>sa</strong>, àGijón, où se trouve notre entreprise, on continue <strong>de</strong>fabriquer <strong>de</strong> façon arti<strong>sa</strong>nale <strong>de</strong>s produits traditionnels(Thon, Thon B<strong>la</strong>nc du Nord, Anchois…) avec <strong>de</strong>s matièrespremières <strong>de</strong> toute première qualité (Thon et Anchois <strong>de</strong><strong>la</strong> Mer Cantabrique, huile d’olive …) <strong>sa</strong>ns oublier lesconserves plus avant-gar<strong>de</strong> que réc<strong>la</strong>me le marché(Moules <strong>de</strong> différentes tailles, petites <strong>sa</strong>rdines…), et enajoutant à notre gamme les «Zamburiñas» (petitescoquilles Saint-Jacques) le caviar d’oursins et les algues…, ainsi que notre sélection <strong>de</strong> P<strong>la</strong>ts cuisinés (les PoisChiches à <strong>la</strong> Morue; <strong>la</strong> «Fabada Asturienne», une sorte<strong>de</strong> cassoulet; le « Pote », une spécialité asturienne àbase <strong>de</strong> haricots b<strong>la</strong>ncs, feuilles <strong>de</strong> choux, porc, chorizo,boudin…)À l’intérieur <strong>de</strong> chaque boîte <strong>de</strong> conserve, au-<strong>de</strong>là dubon met qui s’y cache, il y a bien sûr une exigence, c’estpourquoi quand on trouve le produit final dans les rayonsd’un magasin d’alimentation, on ne peut oublier que lep<strong>la</strong>isir est caché à l’intérieur. C’est ce que nous avonstoujours souhaité et ce que nous croyons avoir réussigrâce à notre travail.PRODUITSThon b<strong>la</strong>nc du nord, Crème <strong>de</strong> thon b<strong>la</strong>nc du nord, Thonc<strong>la</strong>ir, Petites <strong>sa</strong>rdines <strong>de</strong> Galice, Petites coquilles Saint-Jacques <strong>de</strong> Galice, Anchois <strong>de</strong> Cantabrique, Moules <strong>de</strong>srias <strong>de</strong> Galice ,Fabada Asturienne (sorte <strong>de</strong> cassoulet),Poischiches à <strong>la</strong> Morue ,Marmite Asturienne (haricots b<strong>la</strong>ncs,feuilles <strong>de</strong> chou, pommes <strong>de</strong> terre, vian<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> porc, boudin,chorizo), Légumes au naturel ,Algues au naturel, Caviard’oursins.45

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