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Carlos Echeverría JesúsEI/Daesh o resolver definitivamente la cuestión del programa nucleariraní lo atestiguan. En el vecindario meridional, la franja del Sahel sigueinestable, con conflictos no resueltos como el de Mali y con la perduraciónde la amenaza yihadista protagonizada por varios grupos, entre los quedestaca también el peligroso redimensionamiento de Boko Haram, en elnorte de Nigeria, pero irradiando también hacia países terceros.Palabras claveAl Qaeda en las Tierras del Magreb Islámico; Ansar Al Sharía; Consejode Cooperación del Golfo; Estado Islámico/Daesh; Hamás; Hizbulah;Iniciativa 5+5 Defensa; Irak; Libia; Liga Árabe; Magreb; multilateralismo;revueltas árabes; Sahel; terrorismo yihadista; UE.AbstractThe effects of the process of Arab revolts initiated in Autumn 2010 arealready present in the MENA region, fully transformed in security terms.Wars in Libya and Syria are direct results of that process, spreadinginstability in their neighboring countries and regions. Egypt is trying toregain stability and political normalization, but terrorism is increasing.The Palestinian&Israeli conflict suffered a new phase of open war, inSummer 2014 in the Gaza Strip, confronting Israeli forces and HAMASand provoking huge human and material damages. The Jihadist threatbased in Syria has expanded to Iraq through the Islamic State/Daesh as itsmean instrument. This group is practicing massive killing and continuesto recruit across the MENA region. The aggravated conflict in Syria andIraq is dramatically affecting the region in broad, with Iran on one sideand the Gulf Cooperation Council countries on the other deepening theirgrievances. Negotiation between Iran and the International Communityon nuclear issues remains plenty of political and strategic obstacles.Multilateralism is blocked in the MENA region, from the Middle East PeaceProcess to the Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation framework, to be addedto the obstacles affecting the implementation of an international coalitionagainst the IS/Daesh, the resolution of the Libyan and Syrian conflicts, andthe follow-up of the negotiations on the Iranian nuclear programme. TheMENA’s southern neighborhood, in the Sahel Strip, continues to be plentyof problems and tensions as well. The Malian conflict remains unresolvedand Boko Haram as an additional Jihadist actor is also spreading throughnational boundaries becoming a regional threat.Key WordsAl Qaida in the Lands of the Islamic Maghreb; Ansar Al Sharia; ArabLeague; Arab revolts; EU; Gulf Cooperation Council; HAMAS; Hizbollah;Iraq; Islamic State/Daesh; Libya; Maghreb; multilateralism; Sahel;Jihadist terrorism; 5+5 Initiative on Defense.70

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