2 Martín Almagro - Real Academia de la Historia

2 Martín Almagro - Real Academia de la Historia

2 Martín Almagro - Real Academia de la Historia

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ResumenLos vettones son uno <strong>de</strong> los pueblos celtas <strong>de</strong> Hispania. El análisis <strong>de</strong> datos arqueológicos, lingüísticosy etno-históricos a lo <strong>la</strong>rgo <strong>de</strong>l II y I milenios a.C. indica que proce<strong>de</strong>n <strong>de</strong> una tradición<strong>de</strong>l Bronce Atlántico modificada por elementos llegados <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Cultura <strong>de</strong> los Campos <strong>de</strong>Urnas a través <strong>de</strong> los celtíberos, tras haber recibido influjos <strong>de</strong>l mundo tartésico en los siglos VIIy VI a.C. llegados por <strong>la</strong> Vía <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> P<strong>la</strong>ta. Ese proceso <strong>de</strong> etnogénesis explica sus peculiarida<strong>de</strong>sy su afinidad con los lusitanos, su re<strong>la</strong>tiva proximidad a los vacceos y su creciente celtiberizacióna partir <strong>de</strong>l siglo V a.C.Pa<strong>la</strong>bras c<strong>la</strong>ve: Vettones, Celtas, Etnogénesis, Hispania prerromana.AbstractThe Vettones are one of celtic peoples of Hispania. A analysis of archaeological, linguistic an<strong>de</strong>thno-historical data along of the II and I millennia BC. indicate that they come from a tradition ofthe At<strong>la</strong>ntic Bronze Age modified by elements arrived from the Urn Fields Culture through theCeltiberians. They have received also influences from Tartessos in the VII-VI century BC arrivedtrough by the so-called “Ruta <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> P<strong>la</strong>ta”. This process of ethnogenesis exp<strong>la</strong>ins its peculiaritiesand their affinity with Lusitanians, their re<strong>la</strong>tive proximity to the Vacceans of the Duero valley andits increasing proximity to Celtiberians after the V century BC.Keywords: Vettones, Celts, Ethnogenesis, Pre-roman Hispania.

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