Detección de vida vía software en imágenes de iris ... - ATVS

Detección de vida vía software en imágenes de iris ... - ATVS Detección de vida vía software en imágenes de iris ... - ATVS


[46] M. Lane and L. Lordan. Practical techniques for defeating biometric devices. MasterThesis, Dublin CityUniverstity, 2005.[47]Marcos MArtinez-Diaz, J.Fierrez, J.Galbally, J.Ortega. “An evaluation of indirectattacks and countermeasures in fingerprint verification system”. In: Pattern RecognitionLetters 32 (2001), 1643-1651[48]J.Galbally, C. McCool, J.Fierrez,S.Marcel “On the vulnerability of face verificationsystems to hill-climbing attacks” In: Patern Recognition 43(2010) 1027-1038.[49] Andy Alder. “Sample Images can be Independently Restored from Face RecognitionTemplates” In: School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Onawa,Ontario, Canada[50] Christian Rathgeb and Andreas Uhl .“ Attacking Iris Recognition: An Efficient Hill-Climbing Technique”. In: 2010 International Conference on Pattern Recognition66

PRESUPUESTO1) Ejecución Material Compra de ordenador personal (Software incluido)....... ........................... 2.000 € Material de oficina ...................................................................................... 150 € Total de ejecución material ...................................................................... 2.150 €2) Beneficio Industrial 6 % sobre Ejecución Material ............................................................... 129 €3) Honorarios Proyecto 900 horas a 15 € / hora ..................................................................... 13500 €4) Material fungible Gastos de impresión .............................................................................. 280 € Encuadernación .................................................................................... 200 €5) Subtotal del presupuesto Subtotal Presupuesto ......................................................................... 16259 €6) I.V.A. aplicable 18% Subtotal Presupuesto ............................................................. 2926,62 €7) Total presupuesto Total Presupuesto ......................................................................... 19185,62 €Madrid, Septiembre de 2011El Ingeniero Jefe de ProyectoFdo.: Jaime Ortiz LópezIngeniero Superior de Telecomunicación67

[46] M. Lane and L. Lordan. Practical techniques for <strong>de</strong>feating biometric <strong>de</strong>vices. MasterThesis, Dublin CityUniverstity, 2005.[47]Marcos MArtinez-Diaz, J.Fierrez, J.Galbally, J.Ortega. “An evaluation of indirectattacks and countermeasures in fingerprint verification system”. In: Pattern RecognitionLetters 32 (2001), 1643-1651[48]J.Galbally, C. McCool, J.Fierrez,S.Marcel “On the vulnerability of face verificationsystems to hill-climbing attacks” In: Patern Recognition 43(2010) 1027-1038.[49] Andy Al<strong>de</strong>r. “Sample Images can be In<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>ntly Restored from Face RecognitionTemplates” In: School of Information Technology and Engineering, University of Onawa,Ontario, Canada[50] Christian Rathgeb and Andreas Uhl .“ Attacking Iris Recognition: An Effici<strong>en</strong>t Hill-Climbing Technique”. In: 2010 International Confer<strong>en</strong>ce on Pattern Recognition66

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