Detección de vida vía software en imágenes de iris ... - ATVS

Detección de vida vía software en imágenes de iris ... - ATVS Detección de vida vía software en imágenes de iris ... - ATVS


menor tiempo de cálculo (a menor número de características, mas rápido será) y que tengauna separación mayor entre sus distribuciones.Debido a la limitación de la base de datos, no se ha podido comprobar el funcionamientodel algoritmo con diferentes tipos de falsificaciones de iris como son vídeos, lentes decontacto, ojos sintéticos…(presentados en la sección 4.1). Sería muy interesante podercontrastar el algoritmo con otras bases de datos mayores y con mayor diversidad de tiposde ataques directos.62

REFERENCIAS[1]. Matsumoto, T., 2004. “Artificial irises: importance of vulnerability analysis.” In:Proc. ABW.[2]. Zuo, J., Schmid, N. A., et al., 2007. “On generation and analysis of synthetic irisimages”. IEEE Trans. IFS 2, 77-90.[3]. Pacut, A., Czajka, A., 2006. “Aliveness detection for iris biometrics”. In: IEEEICCST. pp. 122-129.[4]. Seelen, U. C., 2005. “Countermeasures against iris spoofing with contact lenses”.Presentation at BC Conference.[5]. Wei, Z., Qiu, X., Sun, Z., Tan, T., 2008. “Counterfeit iris detection based on textureanalysis.” In: Proc.ICPR.[6]. Z.Wei, T. Tan, et al. Robust and fast assessment of iris image quality. In Proc. IAPRICB, pages 464–471. Springer LNCS 3832, 2006. 3[7]. Kalka, N., Zuo, J., Schmid, N., and Cukic, B. 2002. “Image Quality Assessments forIris Biometric.” In: Proc. Annual Meeting of the Gesellschafi flit Classification, pp. 445-452.[8]. Galbally, J. Nov, 2009. Tesis Doctoral “Vulnerabilities and attack protection insecurity system based on biometric recognition”[9]. L. Ma, T. Tan, et al. Personal identification based on iris texture analysis. IEEETrans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 25:1519–1533, 2003. 4[10]. Aditya Abhyankar, Stephanie Schuckers. 2009 “Iris quality assessment and biorthogonalwavelet based encoding for recognition”. In: Pattern Recognition[11]. Y. Chen, S. C. Dass, and A. K. Jain. Localized iris image quality using 2d wavelets.In Proc. IAPR ICB, pages 373-381, 2006. 4[12]. V. Ruiz-Albacete, P. Tome-Gonzalez, et al. Direct attacks using fake images in irisverification. In Proc. BioID, pages 181–190. Springer LNCS-5372, 2008. 1, 2, 5[13] F. Alonso-Fernandez, J. Fierrez, et al. A comparative study of fingerprint imagequality estimation methods. IEEE Trans. on Information Forensics and Security, 2(4):734–743, 2008. 1[14] K. Bowyer, K. Hollingsworth, and P. Flynn. Image understanding for iris biometrics:A survey. Computer vision and Image Understanding, 110:281–307, 2007. 363

REFERENCIAS[1]. Matsumoto, T., 2004. “Artificial <strong>iris</strong>es: importance of vulnerability analysis.” In:Proc. ABW.[2]. Zuo, J., Schmid, N. A., et al., 2007. “On g<strong>en</strong>eration and analysis of synthetic <strong>iris</strong>images”. IEEE Trans. IFS 2, 77-90.[3]. Pacut, A., Czajka, A., 2006. “Aliv<strong>en</strong>ess <strong>de</strong>tection for <strong>iris</strong> biometrics”. In: IEEEICCST. pp. 122-129.[4]. Seel<strong>en</strong>, U. C., 2005. “Countermeasures against <strong>iris</strong> spoofing with contact l<strong>en</strong>ses”.Pres<strong>en</strong>tation at BC Confer<strong>en</strong>ce.[5]. Wei, Z., Qiu, X., Sun, Z., Tan, T., 2008. “Counterfeit <strong>iris</strong> <strong>de</strong>tection based on textureanalysis.” In: Proc.ICPR.[6]. Z.Wei, T. Tan, et al. Robust and fast assessm<strong>en</strong>t of <strong>iris</strong> image quality. In Proc. IAPRICB, pages 464–471. Springer LNCS 3832, 2006. 3[7]. Kalka, N., Zuo, J., Schmid, N., and Cukic, B. 2002. “Image Quality Assessm<strong>en</strong>ts forIris Biometric.” In: Proc. Annual Meeting of the Gesellschafi flit Classification, pp. 445-452.[8]. Galbally, J. Nov, 2009. Tesis Doctoral “Vulnerabilities and attack protection insecurity system based on biometric recognition”[9]. L. Ma, T. Tan, et al. Personal i<strong>de</strong>ntification based on <strong>iris</strong> texture analysis. IEEETrans. On Pattern Analysis and Machine Intellig<strong>en</strong>ce, 25:1519–1533, 2003. 4[10]. Aditya Abhyankar, Stephanie Schuckers. 2009 “Iris quality assessm<strong>en</strong>t and biorthogonalwavelet based <strong>en</strong>coding for recognition”. In: Pattern Recognition[11]. Y. Ch<strong>en</strong>, S. C. Dass, and A. K. Jain. Localized <strong>iris</strong> image quality using 2d wavelets.In Proc. IAPR ICB, pages 373-381, 2006. 4[12]. V. Ruiz-Albacete, P. Tome-Gonzalez, et al. Direct attacks using fake images in <strong>iris</strong>verification. In Proc. BioID, pages 181–190. Springer LNCS-5372, 2008. 1, 2, 5[13] F. Alonso-Fernan<strong>de</strong>z, J. Fierrez, et al. A comparative study of fingerprint imagequality estimation methods. IEEE Trans. on Information For<strong>en</strong>sics and Security, 2(4):734–743, 2008. 1[14] K. Bowyer, K. Hollingsworth, and P. Flynn. Image un<strong>de</strong>rstanding for <strong>iris</strong> biometrics:A survey. Computer vision and Image Un<strong>de</strong>rstanding, 110:281–307, 2007. 363

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