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29 22 and 28 (7506)30 15 and 29 (772)31 limit 30 to yr="2007 -Current" (322)32 limit 31 to embase (277)CINAHLS16 S7 and S8 and S14 56S15 S7 and S8 and S14 62S14 S9 or S10 or S11 or S12 or S13 1330S13 TI SUBCLAVIAN* AND FEMORAL* 4S12 TI JUGULAR* AND FEMORAL* 9S11 TI JUGULAR* AND SUBCLAVIAN* 14S10 TI CVA* 96S9 TI CENTRAL AND VENOUS 1220S8 TI THROM* OR FIBRIN* OR OCCLU* OR BLOCK* OR STENOS* OR INFECT* 57394S7 S1 or S2 or S3 or S4 or S5 or S6 208225S6 TI ALLOCATE* 76S5 (MH "Meta Analysis") 11235S4 (MH "Random Assignment") 27068S3 (MH "Clinical Trials") OR (MH "Randomized Controlled Trials") 80737S2 (MH "Single-Blind Studies") OR (MH "Double-Blind Studies") OR (MH"Triple-Blind Studies") 21899S1 TI ( RANDOM* OR CLIN* OR TRIAL* ) OR TI ( CLIN* AND TRIAL* ) 124857Búsquedas específicas por preguntasPlanificación para inicio de terapia IVMEDLINE1 Catheterization, Central Venous/ae (4702)2 Catheterization, Peripheral/ae (1388)3 catheter- related mechanical complication.mp. (0)4 (bleeding or haematoma or 'misplaced catheter' or 'arterial puncture' orpneumothorax or 'vessel injury').mp. [mp=title, abstract, originaltitle, name of substance word, subject heading word, protocolsupplementary concept, rare disease supplementary concept, uniqueidentifier] (87637)5 catheter related thrombosis.mp. (134)6 venous thrombosis.mp. or exp Venous Thrombosis/ (26664)7 1 or 2 (5799)8 3 or 4 or 5 or 6 (112101)9 Time Factors/ (459480)10 7 and 8 and 9 (121)GPC SOBRE TERAPIA INTRAVENOSA CON DISPOSITIVOS NO PERMANENTES EN ADULTOS 117

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