La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas

La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas

La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas


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without Nostra Aetate. However, they were also facilitated by the pluralistic<strong>en</strong>vironm<strong>en</strong>t offered by the United States, which was based ona long-standing tradition that fostered religious freedom and <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>dseparation betwe<strong>en</strong> church and state. The situation in <strong>La</strong>tin America wasvery differ<strong>en</strong>t. The 15 th -c<strong>en</strong>tury papal concessions to the Spanish and Portuguesemonarchs of the <strong>la</strong>nds of the New World resulted in the <strong>de</strong>velopm<strong>en</strong>tor a regime of Christ<strong>en</strong>dom in the newly conquered territories, analliance betwe<strong>en</strong> the throne and the altar, betwe<strong>en</strong> the sword and thecross. Catholicism was imposed as the only true faith while aboriginal religionswere con<strong>de</strong>mned as diabolic and their temples erased or smashed byCatholic churches built on top of them. Theological innovation or diss<strong>en</strong>twere met by the Holy Inquisition. 32 And in the midst of all this, there werethose in the Church who praised God and the Crown for bringing eternalsalvation to the otherwise doomed souls of the Aboriginals and those whoraised their voices to <strong>de</strong>nounce the atrocities committed by the colonizersagainst the Indians. 33The In<strong>de</strong>p<strong>en</strong><strong>de</strong>nce movem<strong>en</strong>t for freedom of the colonies from theIberian dominion was met with the same division in Church ranks betwe<strong>en</strong>those supporting the monarchy, including two popes, 34 and those joiningthe revolutionary forces for the cause of emancipation. The victory of the<strong>la</strong>tter gave rise to the newly established republics whose liberal constitutions,while granting the Catholic Church the privileged status of officialstate religion, adopted religious freedom among their t<strong>en</strong>ets. This op<strong>en</strong>edthe door to the <strong>en</strong>try of Protestant Christianity in <strong>La</strong>tin America, which alsomarked a milestone in the increasing religious diversification of the contin<strong>en</strong>t,already diverse with the survival of Aboriginal and African religioustraditions, <strong>de</strong>spite colonial <strong>de</strong>cimation and suppression. 35 The tw<strong>en</strong>tiethc<strong>en</strong>tury saw the expon<strong>en</strong>tial growth of old and new forms of evangelicalChristianity and the impact of global migrations was felt on <strong>La</strong>tin Americansoil with the arrival of other religions. Christian Orthodox churches,synagogues and mosques began to dot some capital cities and globaliza-32 For a history of the Church in <strong>La</strong>tin America, see Enrique Dussel, Historia <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> Iglesia <strong>en</strong>American <strong>La</strong>tina (Bogotá: Universidad Santo To<strong>más</strong> <strong>de</strong> Aquino, 1991).33 See Gustavo Gutiérrez, <strong>La</strong>s Casas: In Search of the Poor of Jesus Christ (Maryknoll, ny:Orbis, 1993).34 Papal briefs Etsi longissimo (1816) by Pius VII and Etsi iam diu (1824) by Leo XII exhortedCatholics to support the restoration of the colonial or<strong>de</strong>r in the newly created republics ofthe Americas. See Josep-Ignasi Saranyana, Breve historia <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> <strong>teología</strong> <strong>en</strong> América <strong>La</strong>tina(Madrid: Biblioteca <strong>de</strong> Autores Christianos, 2009), 154-159.35 For a history of Christianity in <strong>La</strong>tin America with a Protestant focus, see Hans-Jurg<strong>en</strong> Pri<strong>en</strong>,<strong>La</strong> Historia <strong>de</strong>l Cristianismo <strong>en</strong> América <strong>La</strong>tina (Sa<strong>la</strong>manca: Ediciones Sígueme, 1985).714 x Carlos Hugo Parra-Pire<strong>la</strong>

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