La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas

La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas

La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas


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and to expect and this multiple meaning is something that Gutiérrez usesin or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>ep<strong>en</strong> his reflection.For Gutiérrez theology can be se<strong>en</strong> as a herm<strong>en</strong>eutic of hope. In an interviewGutiérrez exp<strong>la</strong>ins what theology as a herm<strong>en</strong>eutic of hope means:“to proc<strong>la</strong>im hope today requires historic lucidity, firmness in the commitm<strong>en</strong>tand courage in front of the difficulties”. 6 In another context he puts itlike this: “to give reason for hope is an ess<strong>en</strong>tial part of the Christian testimony.Theology is put into this field; theology is always an interpretationof the motives we have to hope”. 7It is a hope that is not an “easy” hope, but a hope which <strong>de</strong>spite beingfragile “is capable to sprout roots in the world of social insignificance, inthe world of the poor, and get excited (literally ‘to catch fire’) ev<strong>en</strong> in themidst of the difficult situations and thus keep going, alive and creative”.Yet to hope is not the same as just to wait for something to happ<strong>en</strong>, “itshould direct us to actively forge reasons for hope”. 8Gutiérrez tries to find a sign of hope ev<strong>en</strong> in the most difficult situation.In a situation marked by poverty and premature <strong>de</strong>ath, Christian hopeis for him a force that can contribute to constructing something better thatis based on justice, peace and love:… if this situation is a source of preoccupation and anxiety, I would liketo say that it is simultaneously a source for a profound hope. This hope isnot an illusion since I am convinced of the <strong>en</strong>ormous capacities and possibilitiesof the poor in our country. It is this hope, solidly sustained, thatnourishes my life. 9In his contacts with poor people Gutiérrez finds a lot of creativity in theirstruggle to survive, one of the factors that give him hope. He seems to beoptimistic, but once said in an interview that “more than an optimist, I ama person of hope”. 10What characterises Gutiérrez in his pastoral work is his int<strong>en</strong>tion tomeet people in their situation and in his writings to re<strong>la</strong>te to the immediatecontext. By doing so he also says something that is relevant in a wi<strong>de</strong>rcontext.6 Gutiérrez in <strong>de</strong> Cár<strong>de</strong>nas 2002, p. 28.7 Gutiérrez 2003, p. 39.8 Ibid., 2006, p. 16.9 Ibid., in Campos 1984.10 Ibid., in Balbi 1989.360 x Olle Krist<strong>en</strong>son

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