La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas

La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas

La teología de la liberación en prospectiva - Noticias más vistas


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The second reason why P<strong>en</strong>tecostal churches are popu<strong>la</strong>r among theBrazilians in Japan is that the pastors actually <strong>de</strong>al with the real problemssuffered by their congregations. The pastors give advice during sermonson how to act appropriately in work p<strong>la</strong>ces or at home. They advise theirflocks not to be carried away with emotion, because it requires perseveranceto be a Christ-follower. The pastors also advise the congregation topay tithes so they will be blessed by God’s grace with greater fortune in thefuture. There seems a hid<strong>de</strong>n pressure that coins are not welcomed on thecollection p<strong>la</strong>te, which means a donor would pay at least one thousandy<strong>en</strong> (approximately $12) at each service. Some other researchers have alsonoted that P<strong>en</strong>tecostalism is sought as a way of <strong>de</strong>aling with real problems,especially poverty and diseases (Burdick 1993; Chesnut 1997).Third, and this is especially distinctive of the uckg, some P<strong>en</strong>tecostalchurches perform exorcisms. They do so by praying for the Holy Spirit tocome cleanse the evil spirits out of the troubled person. Oft<strong>en</strong>, the personupon whom the exorcism is being performed cries and some col<strong>la</strong>pse tothe floor. To one ext<strong>en</strong>t or another, this emotional outburst brings catharticeffects among the congregation.In addition, this ritual of exorcism signifies the belief that human natureis fundam<strong>en</strong>tally good, which goes beyond the notion of “so<strong>la</strong> fi<strong>de</strong>”(justification by faith alone). In this way, people are free from their sinsbecause the ones to be b<strong>la</strong>med are the evil spirits (Yamada 2002: 84-86).ConclusionAs m<strong>en</strong>tioned above, the P<strong>en</strong>tecostal churches are preferred by Braziliansin Japan because they are hav<strong>en</strong>s of rest, the congregations are <strong>en</strong>tirelyBrazilian, and the churches function to preserve their congregations’ ethnici<strong>de</strong>ntities as Brazilians. In a s<strong>en</strong>se, a small Brazilian town temporallyappears wh<strong>en</strong> they gather at church.The P<strong>en</strong>tecostal churches are also popu<strong>la</strong>r as they provi<strong>de</strong> instant solutionsto the problems that many migrant workers suffer. Whether thechurch actually solves the problems or not, they provi<strong>de</strong> a certain comfortfor the people by giving concrete hope of salvation through Christ and theHoly Spirit, and sometimes cast out evil spirits.On the other hand, it is uncertain whether the Brazilian P<strong>en</strong>tecostalchurches will continue to grow in Japan. The second g<strong>en</strong>eration of Brazilianmigrants mostly uses Japanese for communication, which makes ithard to maintain using only Portuguese during the services. It might notCongreso Contin<strong>en</strong>tal <strong>de</strong> Teología x 113

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