Presentación de Marcelo Cabane - Cronista.com

Presentación de Marcelo Cabane - Cronista.com

Presentación de Marcelo Cabane - Cronista.com


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<strong>Marcelo</strong> <strong>Cabane</strong>, Director@marcelo412Industry Solutions Division Latin America, Software GroupSmarter CommerceConstruyendo un negocio centrado en el clienteNuevos Desafíos Comerciales© 2011 IBM Corporation

Los CMOs no se consi<strong>de</strong>ran preparados para el volúmen<strong>de</strong> <strong>com</strong>plejidad al que se enfrentaránEn los próximos 5 años79%Espera alta <strong>com</strong>plejidad48%Siente no estar preparadoIBM Argentina

La mayoría <strong>de</strong> CMOs no están preparados para gestionarel impacto <strong>de</strong> los cambios clave <strong>de</strong>l mercadoPorcentaje <strong>de</strong> CMOs que se sienten poco preparadosData explosionSocial mediaGrowth of channel & <strong>de</strong>vice choicesShifting consumer <strong>de</strong>mographicsFinancial constraintsDecreasing brand loyalty50%71%68%65%63%59%57%Growth market opportunitiesROI accountabilityCustomer collaboration and influencePrivacy consi<strong>de</strong>rationsGlobal outsourcingRegulatory consi<strong>de</strong>rations56%56%56%55%54%50%Corporate transparency 47%Source:Q8 How prepared are you to manage the impact of the top 5 market factors that will have the most impact on your marketing organization over the next 3 to 5 years?n=149 to 1141 (n = number of respon<strong>de</strong>nts who selected the factor as important)IBM Argentina

Hemos ingresado a la era <strong>de</strong>l nuevo clienteLos clientes tienenacceso ilimitado ainformacion y lapue<strong>de</strong>n <strong>com</strong>partirinstatneamente conel mundo.Re<strong>de</strong>s sociales y losdispositivos movileshan cambiadodramaticamente ladinamica entre<strong>com</strong>prador yven<strong>de</strong>dor.Las expectativas <strong>de</strong>servicio, precio yentrega continuanelevandose.Esto esta cambiandola forma en <strong>com</strong>o losproductos sonobtenidos,manufacturados ydistribuidos,haciendo el negociomas <strong>com</strong>plejo quenunca.4© 2011 IBM Corporation


Los Consumidores obtienen diferente valor en contacto:están <strong>de</strong>construyendo el proceso <strong>de</strong> <strong>com</strong>praConsumidorClienteAwarenessBrowse &ResearchPurchaseReceiveService &Support© 2011 IBM Corporation

La lealtad tiene dos frentesPracticaEmocionalPractica:• Valor• Conveniencoa• ServicioEmocional:• Conocimiento profundo• Relaciones• Confianza7© 2011 IBM Corporation

EmocionalMuchos factores influencian la lealtad a unamarca y no son criterios uniformes.CredibilidadLa marca “meaprecia”ReputacionLa brand “meconoce”ConfianzaExperienciasin diferenciasServicio/SoporteImagenasociadaPerformanceGeneralRelevanciaStockDisponibleDisfrutableConsistenciaFamiliaridadPagar <strong>de</strong>cualquierformarTrazabilidadComprar <strong>de</strong>cualquierformaDevolucionesen cualquierladoAcceso a laInformacionRecibir encualquierladoConvenienciaValor8Practica© 2011 IBM Corporation

Analizando mas profundamente, prediciendo conductase incentivando la interaccion y conversion <strong>de</strong> canalesEnten<strong>de</strong>r <strong>com</strong>olos visitantesinteractuan con elsitio webEnten<strong>de</strong>r <strong>com</strong>ose estánvendiendo losproductos“Cómopuedoconseguirmásór<strong>de</strong>nes?”Enten<strong>de</strong>r elcontexto <strong>de</strong>cuando seproducen lasventas9 IBM Confi<strong>de</strong>ntial© 2011 IBM Corporation

Marketing tiene que asumir un rol centralen un entorno más inteligente• Buen Marketing ES servicio• Opiniones <strong>de</strong>l Servicioimplican mejor merca<strong>de</strong>o• El exceso <strong>de</strong> invenario influencia lascampañas <strong>de</strong> merca<strong>de</strong>o y los <strong>de</strong>scuentos• Los resultados <strong>de</strong> las campañasimpactan el stock• Marketing muestra mensajesrelevantes• eCommerce provee a marketing conlas conductas <strong>de</strong> los <strong>com</strong>pradoresCompras Merca<strong>de</strong>o Ventas Servicio• La <strong>de</strong>manda da forma a las <strong>de</strong>cisiones<strong>de</strong> aprovisionamiento• Inventario y logistica influyen en elproceso <strong>com</strong>ercial• Buen servicio implica ventasasociadas no esperadas y repetitivas• Los servicios adicionales sonopcionales antes <strong>de</strong> terminar la venta10© 2011 IBM Corporation

Con ese objetivo, IBM presenta el Smarter CommerceSmarter Commerce es unaestrategia y metodologiaque ubica al cliente en elcentro <strong>de</strong> sus operaciones<strong>de</strong> negocioLe ayuda a mejorar la<strong>com</strong>pra, merca<strong>de</strong>o, ventay servicio <strong>de</strong> su ofertaLe permiteincrementar margen,mejoresoportunida<strong>de</strong>s ynuevas ventasSincroniza la ca<strong>de</strong>na <strong>de</strong>valor para obtenermejores resultadosIncrementa eficiencia ei<strong>de</strong>ntificaoportunida<strong>de</strong>s en cadaestado <strong>de</strong>l ciclo <strong>de</strong><strong>com</strong>ercio.© 2011 IBM CorporationIBM Confi<strong>de</strong>ntial© 2011 IBM Corporation

Que es IBM Smarter Commerce?Smarter Commerce Agenda es la nueva metodologia que transforma la velocidad en la cuales las empresasdirigeny adaptan sus procesos <strong>de</strong> <strong>com</strong>pras, merca<strong>de</strong>o, ventas y servicios colocando al cliente en el centro <strong>de</strong> las <strong>de</strong>cisionesy acciones. Lleva a las empresas a nuevos niveles <strong>de</strong> li<strong>de</strong>razgo en diferenciacion, lealtad <strong>de</strong> cliente, crecimiento <strong>de</strong>margen y facturacion , y agilidad.La metodologia <strong>de</strong> IBM con SmarterCommerce is abarcativa, integrada,enfocada en resultados y flexible.Ayudamos a las empresas a: Enten<strong>de</strong>r y anticipar la conducta d elosclientes basada en las informacionesobtenidas en todos los canales. Adaptar sus servicios <strong>de</strong> provision y <strong>com</strong>pra<strong>de</strong> bienes, basados en <strong>de</strong>manda yoptimizando las interacciones con losproveedores en entornos <strong>com</strong>plejos Merca<strong>de</strong>ar, Ofrecer, Ven<strong>de</strong>r y Entregar elproducto y servicios a<strong>de</strong>cuados, al preciojusto, en el lugar y hora indicados Dar servicio sin interrupcion, pre<strong>de</strong>cir ydirigir la lealtad <strong>de</strong> clientes;12© 2011 IBM Corporation

13© 2011 IBM Corporation

IBM’s integrated portfolio for Smarter CommerceInnovation and business valueInnovating and aligning business mo<strong>de</strong>ls todrive value to the customerVALUE CHAIN STRATEGY AND SERVICESMarket and customer mgmtAligning sales, marketing and operationsto engage with customersOperating and Organization Mo<strong>de</strong>lsDesigning operations, supply chain and theorganization mo<strong>de</strong>l to <strong>de</strong>liver customer valueCORE BUSINESS SOLUTIONSCore business processesBuy Market Sell Service• Trading Partner Mgmt• Supplier Management• Supply Chain Visibility• Logistics Management• Inventory Optimization• Predictive Analytics/Mo<strong>de</strong>ling• Behavioral Segmentation• Cross-channel Campaign Mgmt• Search Optimization, AdTargeting• Marketing Resource Mgmt• B2B / B2C Cross-channel<strong>com</strong>merce• Distributed Or<strong>de</strong>rOrchestration• Fulfillment and Supply ChainOptimization• Mobile Commerce• Delivery & ServiceScheduling• Customer Self ServiceEnablement• Reverse Logistics• Case ManagementADVANCED ANALYTICSStore analytics | Purchase analytics | Consumer loyalty | Predictive and prescriptive | Social Analytics | Master data managementWORKLOAD OPTIMIZED SYSTEMS14© 2011 IBM Corporation

Integration across best-of-breed products to <strong>de</strong>liver industry focused solutionsVALUE CHAIN STRATEGY AND SERVICESCORE BUSINESS SOLUTIONSCore business processesBuy Market Sell ServiceSourcing and procuring goodsand materials required to<strong>de</strong>liver products and services tomeet customer <strong>de</strong>mandDeveloping, <strong>de</strong>livering, andmeasuring relevant and consistentmessages across multiple channelsto drive <strong>de</strong>mandSelling and fulfillment of productsand services across multiplechannels to drive salesServicing customer needs acrossall interaction channels to driverepeat sales and enhance lifetimevalue of a customerSterling Commerce• Warehouse Management• Transportation Management• Supply Chain Visibility• Sterling CollaborationNetwork/B2B ServicesILOG Supply Chain• Product Optimization• Inventory Optimization• Cross-Channel Or<strong>de</strong>r Capture, Cartand Catalog• Customer-centric Shopping Experience• B2C/B2B Storefronts• Precision MarketingCoremetrics• Analytics• Segmentation• Reporting• Search Optimization• MobileUnica• Resource Mgmt• Campaign Mgmt• Marketing execution• Performance• AnalysisRetail Store Solutions• Retail POS Solutions• Self-Service Portal/Kiosk• POS ApplicationsSterling Commerce• Cross Channel Or<strong>de</strong>rManagement• Configuration• Pricing• Multi-vendor catalog• QuotingADVANCED ANALYTICSSterling Commerce• Distributed Or<strong>de</strong>r Management• Warehouse Management• Transportation Management• Supply Chain Visibility SterlingCollaboration Network/B2B ServicesILOG Supply Chain• Network Optimization• Transportation OptimizationSterling Commerce• Delivery & service Scheduling• Reverse LogisticsIBM Case Manager• Case Design, Run-time, Analytics• Collaboration• Rules & EventsUnica• Service messaging• NotificationsStore analytics | Purchase analytics | Consumer loyalty | Predictive and prescriptive | Social Analytics | Master data managementPureScale Application15Systems© 2011 IBM CorporationSmart AnalyticsSystemBPM SuiteWORKLOAD OPTIMIZED SYSTEMS

IBM Smarter Commerce: Making it RealINVESTMENTIntegrated Solutions: $2+ billion investment in best of breed buy-market-sellsoftware and expertise to <strong>de</strong>liver integrated solutions for our clientsNew GBS Practice: Global Business Services expanding its consulting and solutionscapabilities for <strong>com</strong>merce with a new practiceRESEARCHIBM Research Innovation: Comprised of over 3000 researchers, IBM Research inclu<strong>de</strong>sR&D in the areas of customer insight, financial management, social business andsupply chain, working with clients to <strong>de</strong>velop innovative approaches to <strong>de</strong>liverbusiness valueINNOVATIONExtension of our Business Analytics & Optimization: Leverage >$14 billionin analytics focused acquisitions. The BAO practice has 8,000+ <strong>de</strong>dicatedbusiness consultants with industry expertise & inclu<strong>de</strong>s a Customer,Marketing & Sales Analytics focusSmarter Computing: Over 25,000 hardware and 25,000 software<strong>de</strong>velopers WW, IBM is investing in Workload Optimized Systems to help<strong>com</strong>panies manage the high transactional & real-time business insightsneeds driven by <strong>com</strong>merce applications.16© 2011 IBM CorporationEDUCATIONEnabling our Ecosystem: A IBM Smarter CommerceUniversity <strong>de</strong>dicated to on-ramping business partners, newhires and consultants

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