
impossibilia-8-octubre-2014 impossibilia-8-octubre-2014


Literatures, Cultures, AndMigrationsArt –and especialy Literature–, as a posible and relevant discourse about the world, has always actedas a vehicle of transmision as wel as an umbilical cord betwen diferent cultural realities. his status raisesthe proceses both of interculturality, in which diverse cultural elements coexist with the conscience of theirdiferences, and of transcultural exchange, where the mutual inluence betwen cultures causes thereciprocal incorporation of foreign characters. he overlapping of these two levels would result in a thirdmodel of appropriation, the so-caled acculturation, in which the alien cultural elements are acepted andperceived as own, without any knowledge about the the culture of origin.Imposibilia, on its 9th Isue, invites the academic community to consider the proceses wementioned, as wel as the concepts of interculturality, transculturality and aculturation, their causes andtheir efects, over time, in literary production, heory, Critic, and History.To develop these topics, we propose the folowing perspectives and critical approaches:–Transcultural elements in Literature, as a result of present and past migrant luxes (e.g. Africans andAsian elements in the European or in the American culture, and vice versa).–Acquired cultural elements in close Literatures (e.g. betwen French and Spanish Literature orbetwen Mexican and American Literature) or in geographicaly distant cultures (e.g. betwenArgentine and Italian).–Impact of globalization on Literature.–New technologies and mas media inluence and presence in literary transcultural proces.–Socio-cultural, political, and ideological causes and theirs efects on foreign elements incorporation(e.g, in Western literature).–Aculturation proces.Convocatoria nº9 – Literaturas, culturas y migraciónCal for papers, isue 9th – Literatures, Cultures and Migration284

–he acculturation proces promoted by literature as a deining element on history and culture ( the 20th and the 21st centuries).–Evidence of transculturation in literary language.–Comparative studies betwen foreign elements and their native equivalents in national literarytexts.–Analysis of transcultural and intercultural intertexts.–Cros-culture and interculture as “politicaly corect” literary topics.–Literary interpretations of acculturation and interculturality as instruments of power.We shal also accept articles for the folowing sections:• RICORDANDO: Homages and recolections. In this section, we shal publish articles dedicated to diferentliterary recurences; homages to works and people, through which we intend to celebrate on the pages ofImposibilia some of the most important dates in the history of literary studies.• ARTISTIC INTERACTIONS: Literature has always kept close ties with other arts, from the visual arts tomusic. We propose to create in this section a space where to promote a relection on these interactions,on how they are originated, how they developed and, most of al, on what its most exemplary fruits are.• REVIEWS: his is a space where to comment books on theory, criticism, comparative literature andhistory of literature.he deadline to send the articles is the January 15th, 2014. Al papers received after this date wil beexcluded.Papers should be sent to the folowing e-mail addres Papers shouldcomply with the Style Book and the Refereing System deined by Imposibilia, as wel as with the SpanishCreative Commons licenses described in our Legal section.Convocatoria nº9 – Literaturas, culturas y migraciónCal for papers, isue 9th – Literatures, Cultures and Migration285

Literatures, Cultures, AndMigrationsArt –and especialy Literature–, as a posible and relevant discourse about the world, has always actedas a vehicle of transmision as wel as an umbilical cord betwen diferent cultural realities. his status raisesthe proceses both of interculturality, in which diverse cultural elements coexist with the conscience of theirdiferences, and of transcultural exchange, where the mutual inluence betwen cultures causes thereciprocal incorporation of foreign characters. he overlapping of these two levels would result in a thirdmodel of appropriation, the so-caled acculturation, in which the alien cultural elements are acepted andperceived as own, without any knowledge about the the culture of origin.Imposibilia, on its 9th Isue, invites the academic community to consider the proceses wementioned, as wel as the concepts of interculturality, transculturality and aculturation, their causes andtheir efects, over time, in literary production, heory, Critic, and History.To develop these topics, we propose the folowing perspectives and critical approaches:–Transcultural elements in Literature, as a result of present and past migrant luxes (e.g. Africans andAsian elements in the European or in the American culture, and vice versa).–Acquired cultural elements in close Literatures (e.g. betwen French and Spanish Literature orbetwen Mexican and American Literature) or in geographicaly distant cultures (e.g. betwenArgentine and Italian).–Impact of globalization on Literature.–New technologies and mas media inluence and presence in literary transcultural proces.–Socio-cultural, political, and ideological causes and theirs efects on foreign elements incorporation(e.g, in Western literature).–Aculturation proces.Convocatoria nº9 – Literaturas, culturas y migraciónCal for papers, isue 9th – Literatures, Cultures and Migration284

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