
impossibilia-8-octubre-2014 impossibilia-8-octubre-2014


1. he title of the ilm.2. he scren image that you want to acompany the title of the ilm.3. he kind of music you want.(XXI) Adrian always refers to his dog as the dog. Why do you think he never uses the dog’s name?(XXIV) Imagine that you are Adrian. Write a poem addresed to Pandora by completing thefolowing lines. You wil se that the irst leter of each line spels ADRIAN. Remember that Adrian is madlyin love with Pandora.A ____________________________________________________________________D ____________________________________________________________________R ____________________________________________________________________I ____________________________________________________________________A ____________________________________________________________________N ____________________________________________________________________(XXV) he dictoglos: Students are read a pasage and advised not to write anything during this time.he pasage is then read again with pauses betwen sentences for the students to write notes. he whole textis then read a third time. he text itself consists of ive sentences and the students are told to reconstruct itin ive sentences. hey know they have a certain amount of fredom in the way they choose to reconstructthe pasage. In order to be corect, the original sense of each sentence neds to be present and thereconstructed sentences have to be as grammatical as the students can manage, but the words and phrasesused do not have to be the same as the original one. While students are trying to reconstruct the text, twodictionaries (a monolingual and a bilingual) are available in the clas, and they can ask the teacher wheneverthey are stuck. he amount of reconstructing that occurs in the reconstruction of the sentences depends oneach pair (se Lasagabaster, 2002). Any extract can be selected, but the sentences should not be too long.(XXVI) Literarines: Adrian pretends to be an intelectual who enjoys reading literature a lot andinterpreting the hidden meanings of texts. However, his comments do not sem to match this image. Inpairs, talk about the folowing extracts:1. “I read a bit of Pride and Prejudice, but it was very old-fashioned. I think Jane Austen should writesomething a bit more modern.”Lasagabaster, David. “El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera”.Imposibilia Nº8, Págs. 208-229 (Octubre 2014) Artículo recibido el 09/07/2014 – Aceptado el 20/08/2014 – Publicado el 30/10/2014.224

2. “Started reading Animal Farm. I think I might like to be a vet when I grow up. Finished AnimalFarm. It is dead symbolic. I cried when Boxer was taken to the vet’s. From now on I shal treat pigswith the contempt they deserve. I am boycoting pork of al kinds.”3. “I am reading Madame Bovary, by another frog (French) writer.”4. “I have writen a poem, and it only took me two minutes. Even the famous poets take longer thanthat. It is caled `he Tap´, but it isn’t realy about a tap, it’s very dep and about life and stuf likethat.”After reading(XXVI) Write a short response or your reaction to the novel and pas it along to the next student,who then writes his or her response to your irst thoughts, elaborating, questioning, contradicting oragreing. Next the third student wil do the same, until the circle ends (Pradl, 1996).(XXVI) In smal groups choose the episodes which are esential to a summary of the text (Ghosn,2002). Imagine you are about to shoot a ilm based on the novel: Which scenes would you deinitelyinclude? Why? Write them down as if they were the script of a ilm version.(XXIX) Work in smal groups and think about diferent posibilities to change the end of the novel.Discus.(XXX) Work in smal groups. Imagine you are asked to improve the diary. What changes would youmake? Would you include any other character? Would you eliminate any particular event or character?Discus.(XXXI) Write down a leter to Adrian and tel him your impresions about his diary.(XXXI) Write down a leter to Sue Townsend and tel her your impresions about her novel.(XXXI) Imagine you are a close friend of Adrian. In pairs role-play a telephone conversationbetwen Adrian and yourself.(XXXIV) Can you ind any relationship betwen Adrian Mole and Manolito Gafotas? Discus.(XXXV) Computer game. Visit the folowing website:htp:/, David. “El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera”.Imposibilia Nº8, Págs. 208-229 (Octubre 2014) Artículo recibido el 09/07/2014 – Aceptado el 20/08/2014 – Publicado el 30/10/2014.225

1. he title of the ilm.2. he scren image that you want to acompany the title of the ilm.3. he kind of music you want.(XXI) Adrian always refers to his dog as the dog. Why do you think he never uses the dog’s name?(XXIV) Imagine that you are Adrian. Write a poem addresed to Pandora by completing thefolowing lines. You wil se that the irst leter of each line spels ADRIAN. Remember that Adrian is madlyin love with Pandora.A ____________________________________________________________________D ____________________________________________________________________R ____________________________________________________________________I ____________________________________________________________________A ____________________________________________________________________N ____________________________________________________________________(XXV) he dictoglos: Students are read a pasage and advised not to write anything during this time.he pasage is then read again with pauses betwen sentences for the students to write notes. he whole textis then read a third time. he text itself consists of ive sentences and the students are told to reconstruct itin ive sentences. hey know they have a certain amount of fredom in the way they choose to reconstructthe pasage. In order to be corect, the original sense of each sentence neds to be present and thereconstructed sentences have to be as grammatical as the students can manage, but the words and phrasesused do not have to be the same as the original one. While students are trying to reconstruct the text, twodictionaries (a monolingual and a bilingual) are available in the clas, and they can ask the teacher wheneverthey are stuck. he amount of reconstructing that occurs in the reconstruction of the sentences depends oneach pair (se Lasagabaster, 2002). Any extract can be selected, but the sentences should not be too long.(XXVI) Literarines: Adrian pretends to be an intelectual who enjoys reading literature a lot andinterpreting the hidden meanings of texts. However, his comments do not sem to match this image. Inpairs, talk about the folowing extracts:1. “I read a bit of Pride and Prejudice, but it was very old-fashioned. I think Jane Austen should writesomething a bit more modern.”Lasagabaster, David. “El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera”.Imposibilia Nº8, Págs. 208-229 (Octubre <strong>2014</strong>) Artículo recibido el 09/07/<strong>2014</strong> – Aceptado el 20/08/<strong>2014</strong> – Publicado el 30/10/<strong>2014</strong>.224

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