
impossibilia-8-octubre-2014 impossibilia-8-octubre-2014


vi. (Adrian had a dead good dream) “hen I woke up to ind I had had my second WD. I have toput my pyjamas in the washing machine so my mother doesn´t ind out.” (39)vi. “My father saw Scruton today and told him that if he didn´t alow me back to school in whatevercolour socks I like, he would protest to his MP. Mr Scruton asked my father who his MP was. Myfather didn´t know.” (112)(XI) hink about what you have read up to now and jot down words or phrases about thesecharacters in the grid.Appearance BehaviourAdrianMr MoleMrs MolePandoraMr LucasMrs LucasBert BaxterNigelBary KentWork with a partner. Using your completed grid, describe each one of the characters in the story.Add your own opinions. What do you think of each? What are they like as individuals?(XI) Discus irst in smal groups and then as a clas the folowing topic:Bary Kent is an example of bulying. In your opinion, does Adrian’s story sem real? What sort ofexperiences do most people have in connection with bulying? Do you think that it was wel handled by hisGrandma? Ask each person to think about and then say out loud what Bary Kent might write in his diaryafter looking back on al that happened.(XIV) Put a title to the previous diary entry (X). In smal groups choose the one you like most.(XV) Rewrite an extract from the point of view of Adrian’ father/Adrian’s mother/Bert Baxter/histeacher/Bary Kent/Nigel/ any other character you are interested in.Lasagabaster, David. “El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera”.Imposibilia Nº8, Págs. 208-229 (Octubre 2014) Artículo recibido el 09/07/2014 – Aceptado el 20/08/2014 – Publicado el 30/10/2014.222

(XVI) Imagine that you are Adrian (and therefore madly in love with Pandora). Write in pairs a shortleter to Pandora teling her what your felings are. hink about the right time and place to give it to her.(XVI) You are a ly which was close to Adrian on the wal. Write down some facts that Adrian hasleft out and that he should have included in his diary. Squeze your imagination!(XVI) Down to one word: Students are divided into ive groups and told that they are going to tryto reduce the folowing extract to one word. hey take in turns to remove one, two or thre consecutivewords from the extract. hey make any necesary punctuation changes. Each time they make a reduction,they must read the new sentence to the next group to show that they have left a corect and complete one.he group which reduces the pasage to a single word that makes sense by itself wins. he role of theteacher is that of a refere, to reject those reductions which are not corect. he purpose of the activity is toget students to relect on language forms in an enjoyable way.Students are asked to focus their atention on the folowing extract:My father helped us to move al of the furniture out of the ground loor of Bert’s house, the woodwormscame out to sunbathe. When we lifted the carpets we discovered that Bert had ben walking about on alayer of dirt, old newspapers, hairpins, marbles and decomposed mice for years (Townsend, 1998: 154).(XIX) Translation: Contrastive analysis betwen Spanish and English. Students are given any extract.hey work in groups of four. Each student is given a piece of paper with one of the sentences at the top.Individualy, the students translate the sentences into Spanish, fold the paper to hide the original sentence,and pas it on. he next student translates it back into English, the third one back into English and so on.Some of the inal sentences are writen on the blackboard, compared and discused.(XX) Adrianś parents never ind a satisfying answer to his questions. From the folowing statements,decide the one you think the story is making and at the same time satisies you more as a reader.i. here are no answers to the important questions in life.i. Diferences betwen people wil always separate them.i. One generation wil never be content with another generationś knowledge.iv. here are no important things in the end: you just go on living.v. Take life easy and laugh at Laugh and the world laughs with you;Wep, and you wep alone (Wheler Wilcox, 1883).(XXI) In smal groups relate your own personal experiences at the age of thirten/fourten with thoseundergone by Adrian and discus them.(XXI) Imagine that your group is going to make a ilm based on Adrianś diary. Together decide on:Lasagabaster, David. “El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera”.Imposibilia Nº8, Págs. 208-229 (Octubre 2014) Artículo recibido el 09/07/2014 – Aceptado el 20/08/2014 – Publicado el 30/10/2014.223

vi. (Adrian had a dead good dream) “hen I woke up to ind I had had my second WD. I have toput my pyjamas in the washing machine so my mother doesn´t ind out.” (39)vi. “My father saw Scruton today and told him that if he didn´t alow me back to school in whatevercolour socks I like, he would protest to his MP. Mr Scruton asked my father who his MP was. Myfather didn´t know.” (112)(XI) hink about what you have read up to now and jot down words or phrases about thesecharacters in the grid.Appearance BehaviourAdrianMr MoleMrs MolePandoraMr LucasMrs LucasBert BaxterNigelBary KentWork with a partner. Using your completed grid, describe each one of the characters in the story.Add your own opinions. What do you think of each? What are they like as individuals?(XI) Discus irst in smal groups and then as a clas the folowing topic:Bary Kent is an example of bulying. In your opinion, does Adrian’s story sem real? What sort ofexperiences do most people have in connection with bulying? Do you think that it was wel handled by hisGrandma? Ask each person to think about and then say out loud what Bary Kent might write in his diaryafter looking back on al that happened.(XIV) Put a title to the previous diary entry (X). In smal groups choose the one you like most.(XV) Rewrite an extract from the point of view of Adrian’ father/Adrian’s mother/Bert Baxter/histeacher/Bary Kent/Nigel/ any other character you are interested in.Lasagabaster, David. “El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera”.Imposibilia Nº8, Págs. 208-229 (Octubre <strong>2014</strong>) Artículo recibido el 09/07/<strong>2014</strong> – Aceptado el 20/08/<strong>2014</strong> – Publicado el 30/10/<strong>2014</strong>.222

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