
impossibilia-8-octubre-2014 impossibilia-8-octubre-2014


point of view. Moreover, on the basis of the substantial diference betwen transmiting (transmitir) andbuilding (construir), the author argues for a proces of reading in which the combination of art and thedevelopment of imagination may contribute towards the questioning of human nature.he work by Bernardi focuses on two concepts which are esential for the analysis of the mechanismsof narative creation, especialy in relation to the role of imagination in children’s literature and readinginterpretation: Control, conceived not as censorship but as a conditioning system, and Utopia, as the basisof desire and a fundamental trait of childhood. he systems which exert control over the imaginationatempt to establish normative criteria which favor the publishing of soothing literature, one which masks arecognizable reality and eliminates the utopian and harsh dimensions of life from the gaze andconsideration of children. hrough the analysis of diferent genres (narative and drama) dedicated tochildren and by identifying the proceses of “domestication” of the word and of desire, the author studiesthe space given to the authentic word and to divergent themes which –harsh, necesary and oftenclandestine– ind a corespondence with children’s imagination.In view of how children’s and young adult literature contributes towards the strengthening of thecultural and social learning of its young readers, Leibrandt focuses on its relation with the transition fromchildhood to adulthood in “La construcción de la identidad en la novela de adolescencia postmoderna”. heauthor considers the answers that children’s and young adult literature may give, through the characters andstories it presents, to existential questions in a moment in which the traditional system of myths anddeined roles no longer exists.“Ler para sentir. La dimensión emocional de la educación literaria” by Sanjuán Álvarez, bears arelation with Leibrandt’s proposal. he author presents her approach to the Spanish reality, focusing on thehistoricist tradition which prevails in the teaching of literature in this country and which causes theprevalence of a formalist or conceptual focus. Acording to the researcher, this makes the learning procesles efective and leads to the abandonment of reading habits or even prevents the acquisition of thesehabits.he texts by Alice Atsuko Matsuda and Eliane Aparecida Galvão Ribeiro Fereira, Eva MorónOlivares and Consuelo Martínez Aguilar and David Lasagabaster constitute the third group, made up bythe reading and interpretation of children’s and young adult literature in the clasroom context.In “A cultura afro-brasileira na sala de aula: uma proposta de trabalho pedagógico com obras quedialogan com o libro Três anjos mulatos do Brasil de Rui de Oliveira”, Matsuda and Galvão present aninterartistic analysis of this novel and establish the posible relations it maintains with other works.Likewise, diferent pedagogical proposals to work with the texts mentioned are presented, aiming atfuliling specic and general learning objectives.Editorial. Imposibilia Nº812

Morón Olivares and Martínez Aguilar relate in “Las dicultades de los maestros ante la LIJ: elejemplo de Alfanhuí” a ield research developed with teacher traines with the main goal of geting to knowhow they read literary texts. he results are disturbing taking into acount that these future teachers wil bein charge of promoting the reading of children’s and young adult literature by their students.“El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera” is the title ofLasagabaster’s text. his researcher emphasizes the importance of using original texts instead of modiedversions in the teaching of English as a Second Language. In order to ilustrate her point, he proposes anactivity base on a novel by Sue Townsend.Lastly, María del Mar Ruiz Domínguez and Judith Émery-Bruneau and Valérie Yobé focus on themore avant-garde area of children’s and young adult literature.Ruiz Domínguez, in “Nuevas formas de la literatura infantil: del libro impreso a las aplicacionesdigitales”, revises the adaptations of children’s stories to the new technologies which demand that youngreaders have an interactive role in the reading/immersion proces. Likewise, the author takes thisopportunity to analyze the ideological changes which are relected in the reinterpretation of the storiesconsidered.“El slam en Quebec: de práctica social a objeto de enseñanza” is the title of a research byÉmery-Bruneau and Yobé, who consider one of the newest forms of poetic expresion and its uses as alearning tool in Quebec. he experts carefuly examine this practice inside and outside schools, as wel as itssocial and didactic dimensions.Finaly, in this isue you may ind María Antonieta Fero’s review of Una nueva poesía en la literaturainglesa: Dryden y Pope, by Juan de Dios Toralbo, and the commemorations of several centenaries: of thebirth of Nicanor Para, of the death of José Revueltas and Teresa de Jesús and of the publishing of Platero yyo, by Antonio Machado. Likewise, we present other homages, to Jack Kerouac or Wiliam Shakespeare.We would like to expres our depest gratitude to al of those who have contributed to thispublication, mostly to those who accepted being referes, for their time, generosity and for the care they putinto reading each of the works we were entrusted with. We thank most especialy our invited coordinator,José Rienda Polo, and al of you, our readers, for without you Imposibilia would not be a meaningfulproject.Editorial. Imposibilia Nº813

Morón Olivares and Martínez Aguilar relate in “Las dicultades de los maestros ante la LIJ: elejemplo de Alfanhuí” a ield research developed with teacher traines with the main goal of geting to knowhow they read literary texts. he results are disturbing taking into acount that these future teachers wil bein charge of promoting the reading of children’s and young adult literature by their students.“El texto literario como catalizador en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera” is the title ofLasagabaster’s text. his researcher emphasizes the importance of using original texts instead of modiedversions in the teaching of English as a Second Language. In order to ilustrate her point, he proposes anactivity base on a novel by Sue Townsend.Lastly, María del Mar Ruiz Domínguez and Judith Émery-Bruneau and Valérie Yobé focus on themore avant-garde area of children’s and young adult literature.Ruiz Domínguez, in “Nuevas formas de la literatura infantil: del libro impreso a las aplicacionesdigitales”, revises the adaptations of children’s stories to the new technologies which demand that youngreaders have an interactive role in the reading/immersion proces. Likewise, the author takes thisopportunity to analyze the ideological changes which are relected in the reinterpretation of the storiesconsidered.“El slam en Quebec: de práctica social a objeto de enseñanza” is the title of a research byÉmery-Bruneau and Yobé, who consider one of the newest forms of poetic expresion and its uses as alearning tool in Quebec. he experts carefuly examine this practice inside and outside schools, as wel as itssocial and didactic dimensions.Finaly, in this isue you may ind María Antonieta Fero’s review of Una nueva poesía en la literaturainglesa: Dryden y Pope, by Juan de Dios Toralbo, and the commemorations of several centenaries: of thebirth of Nicanor Para, of the death of José Revueltas and Teresa de Jesús and of the publishing of Platero yyo, by Antonio Machado. Likewise, we present other homages, to Jack Kerouac or Wiliam Shakespeare.We would like to expres our depest gratitude to al of those who have contributed to thispublication, mostly to those who accepted being referes, for their time, generosity and for the care they putinto reading each of the works we were entrusted with. We thank most especialy our invited coordinator,José Rienda Polo, and al of you, our readers, for without you Imposibilia would not be a meaningfulproject.Editorial. Imposibilia Nº813

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