Nº 23, Enero 2008 - Centro de Estudios Garrigues

Nº 23, Enero 2008 - Centro de Estudios Garrigues

Nº 23, Enero 2008 - Centro de Estudios Garrigues


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ENTREVISTAteniendo un sistema internacional en elque España tenga su propio modo <strong>de</strong>hacer negocios, extensible igualmente aotros mercados.Para terminar, una pregunta <strong>de</strong> otraíndole: ¿qué reacciones se produjeroncuando publicó The libertine and thespectacle sobre el caso Clinton-Lewinsky?Normalmente, en el mundo académico<strong>de</strong>l Derecho uno tiene que escribir sobretemas serios, Derecho comparado ofinanzas internacionales. Uno <strong>de</strong> los placeres<strong>de</strong> ser profesor <strong>de</strong> Derecho es queen algunas ocasiones pue<strong>de</strong>s escribirsobre cuestiones que simplemente soninteresantes, pero presentan un componentejurídico. Durante el mandato <strong>de</strong>Clinton, el escándalo <strong>de</strong> MonicaLewinsky nos dio la oportunidad <strong>de</strong> escribirsobre cuestiones que no solo eran jurídicas,sino interesantes <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> el punto<strong>de</strong> vista público. Por eso, aunque no<strong>de</strong>searía que le sucediese algo así a ningúnpresi<strong>de</strong>nte ni a ninguna sociedad, sinduda alguna hizo que las cosas fueranmás interesantes.¿Le gustaría añadir algo más?Gracias. Realmente la colaboración con<strong>Garrigues</strong> ha sido muy interesante yespero que sea el inicio <strong>de</strong> una largaamistad y relación. Hemos podido conocera muchas personas interesantes y séque mis colegas <strong>de</strong> la facultad, los profesoresJanet Halley y David Barron, quehan estado no solo en Madrid, sino tambiénen Barcelona y Sevilla, han tenidomuy buenas experiencias con los estudiantesen las oficinas <strong>de</strong> <strong>Garrigues</strong> endichas ciuda<strong>de</strong>s. Esperamos volver elaño que viene.te change issues at the state level, in waysthat work around or supplement the fe<strong>de</strong>ralregulatory structure. Other states arecopying what has been tried in the way inwhich energy is regulated and priced, etc.You find a number of interesting innovationsat the state level. It would be terribleif all those things were harmonized. Withthat experience and background, I hopethat we will continue to have an internationalsystem where Spain has its own peculiarways of doing business and so doother markets.To end, this is different kind of question:what were the reactions after yourpublication of “The Libertine and theSpectacle”about Clinton and MonicaLewinsky sacandal?Normally, as a legal aca<strong>de</strong>mic you haveto write about serious subjects, aboutcomparative law or international finance.One of the pleasures of being a law professoris that sometimes you get to writeabout things that are just interesting, buthave a legal angle. During the ClintonAdministration, the Monica Lewinskyscandal gave all of us the opportunity towrite about something that was not onlylegal, but also interesting from a publicpoint of view. So, although I wouldn'twish such an event on any presi<strong>de</strong>nt oron any society, it certainly ma<strong>de</strong> thingsinteresting.Would you like to add anything?Thanks. It has been a really interestingcollaboration with <strong>Garrigues</strong> and I hopethat it is the beginning of a long friendshipand relationship. We have gotten to knowa lot of very interesting people and I knowmy faculty colleagues, Professor JanetHalley and Professor David Barron, whohave been here, not just in Madrid butalso in Barcelona and Seville, have hadvery good experiences with the stu<strong>de</strong>ntsin those <strong>Garrigues</strong> offices. And we lookforward to coming back again next year.14

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