Nº 23, Enero 2008 - Centro de Estudios Garrigues

Nº 23, Enero 2008 - Centro de Estudios Garrigues

Nº 23, Enero 2008 - Centro de Estudios Garrigues


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ENTREVISTAENTREVISTADavid KennedyProfessor of Law. Harvard UniversityEspero que sigamos teniendo un sistemainternacional en el que España tenga supropio modo <strong>de</strong> hacer negociosVanessa Izquierdo GonzálezDavid ¿cuáles son las principales activida<strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong>l European Law ResearchCentre <strong>de</strong> Harvard?El European Law Research Centre <strong>de</strong>Harvard fue creado en 1991. Recibimosla visita <strong>de</strong> becarios e investigadores <strong>de</strong>todo el mundo, interesados en cuestiones<strong>de</strong> Derecho europeo, Derecho comparadoy Derecho Internacional. Hasta lafecha, hemos tenido entre nosotros amás <strong>de</strong> 100 jóvenes investigadoresespañoles que <strong>de</strong> vuelta a España se hanincorporado a faculta<strong>de</strong>s en las queimparten clases sobre práctica legal yestadouni<strong>de</strong>nse. En segundo lugar, promovemosactivida<strong>de</strong>s dirigidas a estudiantesy profesores <strong>de</strong> Harvard que<strong>de</strong>sean ampliar sus conocimientos sobreEuropa, las tradiciones <strong>de</strong>l Derecho europeoy su <strong>de</strong>recho comparado. Hemosorganizado asimismo algunas activida<strong>de</strong>sen Europa <strong>de</strong>l Este y <strong>Centro</strong>europa,habida cuenta <strong>de</strong> los cambios que seestaban produciendo en aquella zona.En resumen, nuestras activida<strong>de</strong>s son lasque cualquier centro <strong>de</strong> investigación <strong>de</strong>una universidad puntera ofrecería a laspersonas <strong>de</strong> Estados Unidos que <strong>de</strong>seenfamiliarizarse con la tradición europea.¿Cuál es la principal aportación <strong>de</strong> laHarvard Law School al Curso <strong>de</strong> <strong>Garrigues</strong>?En mi opinión, la experiencia <strong>de</strong> <strong>Garrigues</strong>en este curso impartido en colaboraciónes muy interesante por dos motivos.En primer lugar, brinda a los estudiantesque participan en el curso la oportunidad<strong>de</strong> tomar contacto con el mundoDavid, what are the main activities ofthe European Law Research Centre atHarvard?The European Law Research Centre atHarvard was foun<strong>de</strong>d in 1991. We hostvisiting scholars and researchers fromaround the world who are interested inquestions of European law, comparativelaw and also international law. We havenow hosted more than 100 young Spanishresearchers, who have come back tobe on faculties in Spain, so they can learnabout American and legal practice.Secondly, we sponsor activities for stu<strong>de</strong>ntsand aca<strong>de</strong>mics at Harvard to learnmore about Europe, the traditions ofEuropean law and comparative law here.We have also done a number of things inEastern Europe and Central Europe, aschanges were happening there. So, wehave the kind of activities that any researchcenter at an advanced universitywould have to familiarize those in the UnitedStates with European tradition.What is the Harvard Law School's maincontribution to the <strong>Garrigues</strong> Course?Well, I think the <strong>Garrigues</strong> experiment inthis course of collaboration is a very excitingone for two reasons. First, because itgives the stu<strong>de</strong>nts participating in thecourse the opportunity to have contactwith some faculty in a variety of fields fromHarvard, studying private law, public lawand mo<strong>de</strong>s of thinking about Americanlaw. And secondly, because it gives us awindow into the life of a very vibrant anddynamic firm here in Spain and gives thefaculty the opportunity to interact withyoung lawyers in a setting that is otherwisenot available to us. So, I think it is a veryinteresting experiment.11

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