Stocco Katalog Serie Vela, Arco, Ares - Duschking

Stocco Katalog Serie Vela, Arco, Ares - Duschking

Stocco Katalog Serie Vela, Arco, Ares - Duschking


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STOCCO collections: all rights reserved. Registered Community Design.Graphic design studio@arduiniveroni.itPhoto Studio RocciConcept & Copywriter VitaminaC.netStylist Katia Basso - Bruna BortolinPrinting Tipolitografica CSThank you:AccaKappaDornbracht ItaliaDukaFantiniLa Fabbrica del LinoOfficina delle Ideewww.accakappa.comwww.dornbracht.comwww.duka.itwww.fantini.itwww.lafabbricadellino.comwww.irsap.itJuly 2012 - Printed in ItalyModello Comunitario DepositatoRegistered Community Design<strong>Vela</strong>1 st Release September 20022 nd Release March 20053 rd Release September 20064 th Release February 20085 th Release May 20106 th Release July 2012<strong>Arco</strong>1 st Release September 20062 nd Release September 20073 rd Release February 20094 th Release May 20105 th Release July 2012<strong>Ares</strong>1 st Release September 20032 nd Release February 20083 rd Release May 20104 th Release July 2012STOCCO ha la facoltà di apportare ai prodotti tutte le modifiche, migliorie tecniche ed annullamentidi articoli fine serie che siano ritenuti opportuni, in qualsiasi momento, senza alcun preavviso.STOCCO se réserve le droit de réaliser des changements, améliorations techniques et annulationsde fin de série qui sont jugés nécessaire en chaque instant et sans aucune information préalable.STOCCO tiene la facultad de incorporar modificaciones, mejoras técnicas y anulación de losartículos que considere oportuno, en cualquier momento y sin previo aviso.STOCCO reserves the right to make modifications and technical improvements to its products,and to cancel end-of-line items at its discretion at any time and without notice.STOCCO behält sich das Recht vor, die Produkte in jeglicher Hinsicht zu verändern, technischeVerbesserungen einzuführen und Auslaufartikel abzuschaffen, dies zu jedem Zeitpunkt undohne vorherige Ankündigung.F.lli <strong>Stocco</strong> s.r.l. è una azienda certificataper il sistema qualità ISO 9001-2008F.lli <strong>Stocco</strong> srl est une entreprise certifiéepour le système qualité ISO 9001-2008.F.lli. <strong>Stocco</strong> srl es una empresa certificadasegún el sistema de calidad ISO 9001-2008.F.lli <strong>Stocco</strong> srl is ISO 900-2008 certified for itsquality system.F.lli <strong>Stocco</strong> srl ist ein Zertifiziertes Unternehmenfür das ISO-Qualitätssystem 9001-2008.96.

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