2nd Intelligent Transport Systems European Congress @Bilbao 2001

2nd Intelligent Transport Systems European Congress @Bilbao 2001

2nd Intelligent Transport Systems European Congress @Bilbao 2001


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horario9 10 11 12 1315 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 45 15 30 4514Registration/Inscripción - Exhibition/ExposiciónWednesday/miércoles20 June/junioEU-Spirit SymposiumCrash Courses/Cursos Acelerados- Communications Technology Basics for ITS/Lo esencial de la Tecnología de la Comunicación para los SIT- Fixed and Mobile Internet/Internet fijo y móvilB1B3Crash Courses/Cursos Acelerados- Digital Maps, Navigation, GIS and ADAS/Mapas Digitales, Navegacion, GIS y ADAS- ITS Architecture for City Deployment/Arquitectura SIT para implantación en ciudadesB1B3Registration/Inscripción - Exhibition/ExposiciónThursday/jueves21 June/junioFriday/viernes22 June/junio1.01 -ITS Deployment2.01 -ITS Toolsfor NetworkManagementA1A3Registration/Inscripción - Exhibition/Exposición3.01 -MobileCommunicationsand Services4.01 -ReinventingMobility -Simple butEffectiveA1A31.02 - Delivering what usersreally want1.04 - Making Cities WorkThrough ITS1.05 - ITS in Cities: Startingfrom Scratch1.18 - On-board vs. Off-board Telematics2.02 - Traffic Enforcement2.03 - Incident Detection& Management3.02 - Mobile Internet3.03 - The TPEG Protocoland Applications3.04 - In-Car Telematics4.02 - Traffic Information (1)4.03 - New Payment Methods (1)4.04 - Traveller Information4.11 - Priority for BusesA3B3B1BTA4A2A2B3A1A4A3BTB1Coffee Break Pausa para café1.06 - Institutional Issuesfor ITS Deployment1.07 - Police Department vs RoadsDepartment: On the SameTrack ?1.09 - Case Study onBilbao ITS Deployment2.05 - Pedestrian Traffic Management2.06 - ITS for Special Events Mngt2.07 - Microscopic Modelling2.14 - City Case Studies: Logistics3.06 - Location-Based Services3.08 - Mobile CommunicationTechnologies3.10 - The Market for ITS Services4.06 - Traveller Informationfor Public <strong>Transport</strong>4.07 - Parking Information4.15 - New Payment Methods (2)4.17 - Fleet Management (1)A1A3B1A2A4BTB3B1A1B3A3BTA4A2Exhibition Open House/Apertura de la Exposición al público en generalSaturday/sábado23 June/junioProgramme subject to change - El programa puede ser objeto de cambios2

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