ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia


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Funding Institution: Comunidad <strong>de</strong> Madrid.Main Researcher: Enrique Lomba (Main researcher IEM: Tiberio A. Ezquerra Sanz).Duration: 2009-<strong>2011</strong>.Objectives:Visualización y simu<strong>la</strong>ción <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> influencia <strong>de</strong>l plegado macromolecu<strong>la</strong>r en <strong>la</strong> formación <strong>de</strong> cristalespoliméricos y en <strong>la</strong> funcionalidad <strong>de</strong> proteínas.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: MAT2009-12364.Funding Institution: Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Ciencia e Innovación.Main Researcher: Javier Martínez <strong>de</strong> Sa<strong>la</strong>zar Bascuñana.Duration: January 2010-December 2012.Objectives: This project is focussed on the <strong>de</strong>termination of the role of the macromolecu<strong>la</strong>r folding in the formationof polymer single crystals and co-crystallisation of linear and branched macromolecules, and also on theconformational changes in proteins as a consequence of the interaction with ligands.Fundamentos <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> nanoestructuración volúmica y superficial <strong>de</strong> copolímeros en bloque.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: MAT2008-03232/NAM.Funding Institution: Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Ciencia e Innovación.Main Researcher: Aurora Nogales.Duration: January 2009-December <strong>2011</strong>.Objetives: Study of of the fundaments that <strong>de</strong>termine volume and surface nanostructuration in block copolymers.Propieda<strong>de</strong>s viscoelásticas <strong>de</strong> sistemas poliméricos nanoestructurados mediante nanoin<strong>de</strong>ntaciónCo<strong>de</strong> or Reference: FIS2010-18069.Funding Institution: Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Ciencia e Innovación.Main Researcher: Fernando Ania García.Duration: 1 st January <strong>2011</strong>- 31 st December 2013.Objectives: The study of finite size effects on the physical properties of nanostructural polymer systems such as: thinfilms, polymer composites and copolymers. The micromechanical properties <strong>de</strong>rived from nanoin<strong>de</strong>ntation will becompared to the values associated to the bulk.Estudio <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> microestructura <strong>de</strong> nanocomposites basados en materiales poliméricos modificados medianteextrusión reactiva.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: A/027399/09.Funding Inatitution: AECID-PCI (MAEC).Modalidad Mediterráneo.Main researcher: María Esperanza Cagiao Escohotado.Duration: January 2010-January <strong>2011</strong>.Objectives: Study of thermop<strong>la</strong>stics polymers reversibly crosslinked by reactive extrusion in the molten state.Entrecruzamiento reversible <strong>de</strong> polímeros termoplásticos aplicado a <strong>la</strong> obtención <strong>de</strong> sus nanocompuestos conarcil<strong>la</strong>. Utilidad <strong>de</strong> este método para <strong>la</strong> preparación <strong>de</strong> mezc<strong>la</strong>s <strong>de</strong> polímeros incompatibles.Co<strong>de</strong> or reference: C/032183/10.Funding Institution: AECID-PCI (MAEC).Modalidad Mediterráneo.Main researcher: María Esperanza Cagiao Escohotado.Duration: January <strong>2011</strong>-January 2012.Objectives: Preparation of nanocomposites of c<strong>la</strong>y with thermop<strong>la</strong>stics polymers reversibly crosslinked by reactiveextrusion in one step. Application of this method to the preparation of blends of incompatible polymers.Nanocompuestos basados en polímeros termoplásticos reversiblemente entrecruzados. Propieda<strong>de</strong>sdieléctricas.Co<strong>de</strong> or referente: I-COOP0123.Funding Institution: Programa “CSIC para el <strong>de</strong>sarrollo”, CSIC.Main researcher: María Esperanza Cagiao Escohotado.Duration: 1 st July <strong>2011</strong>-30 th June 2013.Objectives: Study of the dielectric properties of nanocomposites based on reversibly crosslinked thermop<strong>la</strong>sticpolymers (PET, PEN, PMMA and PVDF) with different additives: c<strong>la</strong>y, graphite, etc.Nanostructuring polymers in one and two dimensions.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: II-20100103 EC.Funding Institution: Hamburger Synchrotronstrahlungs<strong>la</strong>bor, DESY HASYLAB, Hamburg (Germany).Main Researcher: Mari Cruz García Gutiérrez.Duration: June 2010-June 2012.86

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