ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia

ANNUAL REPORT 2011 - Instituto de Estructura de la Materia


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Main Researcher: (IEM-CSIC) Salvador Montero Martín.Coordinator: José Cernicharo Quintanil<strong>la</strong>.Duration: January 2010-December 2014.Objectives: Several key topics in the areas of molecu<strong>la</strong>r complexity in space and in the chemistry of regions of starand p<strong>la</strong>net formation: water in the universe, carbon chemistry, <strong>de</strong>uterium, chemical complexity, ionization andphotodissociation, oxygen and nitrogen chemistry, molecu<strong>la</strong>r tracers of shocks, interstel<strong>la</strong>r dust grain chemistry.Espectroscopía Láser <strong>de</strong> Gases <strong>de</strong> Interés en <strong>la</strong> Atmósfera o en Procesos <strong>de</strong> Combustión.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: FIS2009-08069.Funding Institution:DGI (MICINN).Main Researcher:José Luis Doménech Martínez.Duration: January 2009-December 2012.Objectives: To apply the <strong>la</strong>ser spectroscopy techniques implemented in our Laboratory to the study ofgas-phasemolecu<strong>la</strong>r systems of relevance in atmospheric or in combustion processes. The goal of thestudies is to obatainspectroscopic parameters of use in the interpretation of field measurements, and toverify formalisms and potentialenergy surfaces to advance in the knowledge of the physics ofmolecu<strong>la</strong>r collisions.Estudio teórico-experimental <strong>de</strong> colisiones molecu<strong>la</strong>res y con<strong>de</strong>nsación: <strong>de</strong> <strong>la</strong> fase gas a microchorros <strong>de</strong>hidrógeno líquido.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: FIS2010-22064-C02.Funding Institution: MICINN.Main Researcher: José Mª Fernán<strong>de</strong>z Sánchez.Duration:January <strong>2011</strong>-December 2013.Objectives:State-to-state rate coefficients for ine<strong>la</strong>stic collisions of CO and O2at low temperature, homogeneousclustering of O2, and search for supefluidity in highly un<strong>de</strong>rcooled liquid microjets of para-H2.Investigation of superfluidity in highly supercooled para-hydrogen by means of ine<strong>la</strong>stic light scattering.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: HD2008-0068.Funding Institution: MICINN.Main Researcher: José Mª Fernán<strong>de</strong>z Sánchez.Duration: January 2009-March <strong>2011</strong>.Objectives: Prospective experiments to search for the predicted superfluidity in liquid para-hydrogen.Coherent control of molecu<strong>la</strong>r states with ultrafast <strong>la</strong>ser pulses.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: DE2009-0088.Funding Institution: MICINN.Main Researcher: Mirta Rodríguez Pinil<strong>la</strong>.Duration: January 2010-December <strong>2011</strong>.Objectives: Mo<strong>de</strong>lling and analysis of photon-induced charge-transfer in molecules including control by externalfields and re<strong>la</strong>xation processes.Fenómenos Coherentes En Gases De Molécu<strong>la</strong>s Dipo<strong>la</strong>res Ultrafrías.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: FIS2010-18799.Funding Institution: MICINN.Main Researcher: Mirta Rodríguez Pinil<strong>la</strong> (Jan.-Oct.), Julio Santos Gómez (from Nov.)Duration: January <strong>2011</strong>-December 2013.Objectives: Theoretical study of the simultaneous control of rotational and trans<strong>la</strong>tional <strong>de</strong>grees of freedom ofultracold dipo<strong>la</strong>r molecules, using static and time-<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt electromagnetic fields.3.4 DPTO. DE FÍSICA MACROMOLECULAR / MACROMOLECULAR PHYSICS<strong>Estructura</strong>, dinámica y sus interre<strong>la</strong>ciones en materiales poliméricos nanoestructurados en una, dos y tresdimensiones.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference: MAT2009-07789.Funding Institution: Ministerio <strong>de</strong> Ciencia e Innovación.Main Researcher: Tiberio A. Ezquerra Sanz.Duration: January 2010-December 2012.Objectives: To advance in the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the un<strong>de</strong>rlying physics soft matter nanostructuring.Mo<strong>de</strong>lización y simu<strong>la</strong>ción <strong>de</strong> sistemas complejos.Co<strong>de</strong> or Reference:MODÉLICO-CM(P2009ESP-1691).85

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